Global Network of Peer Reviewers on Climate Litigation

The Sabin Center's Peer Review Network of Climate Litigation, includes practitioners and scholars from around the world who can review the Sabin Center’s Global Climate Litigation database and ensure that it is comprehensive and up to date. This network will also connect like-minded scholars and engage in conversations on legal arguments adopted in climate litigation. Below are our current contributors to the Global Climate Litigation database

If you would like to join the network and represent one of the jurisdictions not yet covered by the rapporteurs, please fill out this form. For a list of the countries not yet covered by rapporteurs, please visit this page

Check out upcoming events as part of the Network's monthly webinar series here

We also publish monthly updates that highlight changes in our database. They are available here

National Rapporteurs on Global Climate Litigation 

Annelies Maes

Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee

Doctoral researcher environmental law at UHasselt

Chhaya Bhardwaj

Afghanistan and the Maldives

Associate Professor, O P Jindal Global University 

Romina Damini


Researcher and Law Consultant at the IOM and recent graduate from Duke University

Juliana Cici


PhD Candidate/ international consultant

Antonietta Elia

Angola, Cabo, Morocco, Mozambique, Portugal, Timor Leste

Associate Professor of Law, University of Santiago de Compostela; Senior Legal Consultant, Council of Europe

María Valeria Berros


Position: Professor at Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Adjoint Researcher at CONICET

Gastón Medici-Colombo


Associate Researcher at CEDAT Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Clare Schuster


Position: Law Graduate at Equity Generation Lawyers

Jemima Roe


Consultant, A&O Shearman

Alison Rose


Senior Solicitor (Human Rights and Coal), Environmental Defenders Office Ltd.

Julia Wallner


Research and Teaching Assistant (Pre-Doc) at University of Graz (Austria)

Sadiga Mehdiyeva


ADA University, Law School, Adjunct Lecturer - Environmental law


Sabah Ahmed


LLB Student at University College London

Moumita Das Gupta


Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh and Research Fellow, Center for Climate Justice - Bangladesh (CCJ-B)

Cristian Heredia Ligorria

Barbados, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

PhD student at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK

Antoine De Spiegeleir


Position: PhD Researcher, European University Institute, Florence, Italy

Belen Olmos Giupponi


Position: Professor of Law - University of Portsmouth

Alice Briegleb


PhD Researcher at the Perelman Centre for legal philosophy at the Faculty of Law of the Université libre de Bruxelles

Harun Išerić

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Senior Teaching and Research Assistant at the University of Sarajevo

"Redzib Skomorac"
Redzib Skomorac

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Senior Legal Advisor at Center for Environment (FoE BaH)

Bosa Sebele


Lawyer and Africa Focal Point of Migration at the Major Group on Children and Youth

Luciana Tse Chaves Garcia Rego


Researcher at JUMA/NIMA/PUC-Rio

"Ana Paula"
Ana Paula Ricci


Undergratuate Law Student and Researcher at JUMA

Carolina de Figueiredo Garrido


Researcher at the Group Law, Environment & Justice in the Anthropocene 

Mohammad Golam Sarwa

Brunei and Laos

Doctoral Researcher at SOAS University of London

Yana Obreshkova


Student at Sofia University

Fernand Mballa


Doctoral candidate in International Law

"King Men"
Teoh King Men

Cambodia, Vietnam, and Finland

LLM in International Law at University of Oslo

Ankita Gupta


LL.M. Candidate at Harvard Law School

Tyson Dyck


Partner, Torys LLP

Cara Schulte

Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)

Doctoral Candidate, UC Berkeley School of Public Health; Research Fellow, UC Berkeley School of Law Human Rights Center; Researcher, Climate Rights International

Maria Jose Alarcon

Central American Court of Justice, Andean Court of Justice

Associate Professor for International Environmental law at Universidad de los Hemisferios at Quito-Ecuador

Lorena Villa


PhD Student University of Edinburgh/ Member of the Chilean Judiciary

Sol Meckievi


Phd Candidate - University of Cambridge

Mingzhe Zhu


Senior Postdoc Researcher, Law Faculty, University of Antwerp

Natalia Urzola


Position: Membership coordinator at GNHRE

Paula Páez

Costa Rica and Panama 

Climate Justice and Human Rights researcher at UniAndes


Adriana Lorena Abril Ortiz

Cuba and Honduras

Student at the MSc in Sustainable Development at the KU Leuven and intern at Landesa on corporate engagement

Irene Antonopoulos


Lecturer in Law, Royal Holloway, University of London

Eva Balounová

Czech Republic 

Post-doc at the Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences

Desiré Aba-Mwishogwa Chibikwa

Democratic Republic of Congo

Cameroun , PhD candidate Dschang University, Lawyer , member of Centre du Droit International et Communautaire

Pernille Poulsen


PhD fellow at University of Copenhagen

Paula Andrea Nieto Hernandez

Dominican Republic

PhD Candidate in Climate Justice Before Courts

Dina Lupin

East African Court of Justice

Lecturer, University of Southampton Law School, Director, Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment

Juan Auz


Position: Researcher at the Hertie School

Pablo Akele

Equatorial Guinea

Senior Attorney and Legal Writer

‪Ahmed Abdelsalam


Lawyer, Arbitrator, Legal Affairs

Omnia Gadalla


Lecturer at Al-Azhar University, Business and energy laws

Vivian Aiyedogbon

United Kingdom

Phil Michaels Legal Scholar, Friends of the Earth

Juan Sebastián Castellanos

Escazú Committee & Paris Agreement Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance

International Legal Advisor ALLCOT

Triin Jäädmaa


Legal expert at the Estonian Environmental Law Center

Melandri Steenkamp

Ethiopia, Lesotho, Swaziland

Grant Officer, Sustainable Energy Africa

Carolina Piovano

European Court of Human Rights

Senior Associate at Clifford Chance LLP

Natalia Kobylarz

European Court of Human Rights

Senior lawyer, Registry of the European Court of Human Rights

Jan-Baptist Lemaire

European Union 

LL.M. Candidate Yale Law School; Ph.D. Candidate KU Leuven

Jakob Kesteloot

European Union

PhD Researcher and Teaching Assistant at the Centre for Methodology of Law (KU Leuven)

Victoria Lichet


Position: In House Counsel + US coordinator for the Global Pact Coalition 

Marta Torre-Schaub


Senior Professor Researcher at Université Paris1. Director of ClimaLex

Riccardo Fornasari


ATER, University of Paris Nanterre



Legal expert - Phd candidate in African environmental law at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Member of GDR 2032 ClimaLex

Anna Arganashvili


Human rights lawyer 

Hermann Ott


Position: Head, Germany Office of ClientEarth

Maxim Bönnemann


Researcher at the University of Michigan Law School

Lea Main-Klingst


Position: ClientEarth

Taofeeq Alatise


Legal Practitioner, Lecturing at Crescent University, Nigeria


Asteropi Iliopoulos


Ph.D. Candidate at the Cardiff School of Law and Politics

Alexandra Goodman


Senior Law Fellow at International Council of Environmental Law 


Csaba Kiss

Director, EMLA Association


Ingi Poulsen


Attorney at Law and Doctoral Researcher

Saumya Kumar


Assistant Professor, Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies, TISS, Mumbai

Dr. Madhuri Parikh


Professor, Director and Dean, Institute of Law, Nirma University

Zefanya Sembiring


Position: Research Assistant at Universitas Indonesia



Position: Researcher in Environmental Governance and Climate Justice at Indonesian Center for Environmental Law

Conrado Cornelius


Position: Researcher at Djokosoetono Research Center - Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia

Pedro Gaete

Inter-American System of Human Rights

PhD in Law Student at the University of Edinburgh

Ayana Dootalieva

International Criminal Court

Junior Associate Public and Environmental Law at Allen & Overy (Belgium)


Taraneh Kelishadi


Incoming law student

Eoin Jackson


Legal Fellow at the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development


"Maria n."
Maria Nestor


Research Associate in Law, Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge

Riccardo Luporini


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Law, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa

Alice Astore

International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes

Associate at Legance-Avvocati Associati

Matteo Fermeglia


Trade and Investment

Assistant Professor of International and European Environmental Law


Yumeno Nishikawa


LL.M Public International Law, University of Groningen

Masako Ichihara


JSPS Research fellow / Visiting Researcher at: linkedin Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

Omondi Owino


Position: Partner Acorn Law Advocates-LLP and Senior Law Lecturer JKUAT

Susan Ann Samuel

Kuwait and UAE

PhD Researcher, University of Leeds - School of Politics and International Studies 

Madara Melnika


Legal Clerk at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia; Rapporteur of

Bashman Adesina Mohammed


Senior Program Officer Solidarity Center

Dan Ziebarth


PhD Candidate at George Washington University and incoming PhD Candidate at Wageningen University


Akvile Gropper


Consultant at the World Bank Group

"Amy Rose"
Amy Rose


Position: ClientEarth, Director of Litigation, Compliance & MEL

Angela van der Berg


Director: Global Environmental Law Centre; Associate Professor University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Law

Elisa Rossi

Malta and San Marino

Civil servant at the ENS Paris-Saclay (France)

Marie-Louise Holle

Madagascar, Seychelles, Namibia, Monaco

Associate Professor, CBS LAW MPP, Copenhagen Business School 

Kwong Chiew Ee


Partner, Rahmat Lim & Partners; Adjunct Lecturer, Taylor's University, Kuala Lumpur

Soumitra Subinaya


Lawyer Bhubaneswar Bar Association

María Maldonado


Lawyer at Magaloni Abogadas, S.C.

Ricardo Latapie


Graduate Student at Columbia Law School (LL.M.)

Gustavo Salamanca


WWF Myanmar, Economic Advisor

Rubina Adhikari


Project Coordinator - Gross International Nature

Richa Shrestha

Nepal, Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia

Coordinator, World's Youth for Climate Justice; Member of the UN Youth Advisory Group on Environmental & Climate Justice for the Asia Pacific 

Marlies Hesselman


UN Special Procedures

Lecturer Public International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen

Sam Bookman

New Zealand

SJD Candidate, Harvard Law School; Staff Attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice

Esmeralda Colombo


Fulbright-Schuman Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Scholar UC Berkeley

Muhammed Ladan


Professor of law and Director General/ CEO Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal studies ABUJA, Nigeria

Aylin Yildiz Noorda


Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Lisbon, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation


Pakistan; Bhutan

Law student at University of York, UK

Sathiabama. S

Palau and Thailand

Legal Expert, National Investigation Agency, India

Lisbeth Lopez


Member of the Environmental Law Workshop of the Law School of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Andrea Noriega


Environmental Law and Intercultural Policies Specialist 

Milagros Ramsay


LL.M Candidate at Yale University


Hasminah Paudac-Tawano


Position: Legal Advisor, Climate Justice and Liability Campaign (Greenpeace Philippines)

Paolo Tamase


Senior Lecturer, University of the Philippines College of Law


Marcin Stoczkiewicz


Position: ClientEarth, Head of Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Programme

Armando Rocha


Assistant Professor at Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Heloísa Oliveia

Portugal, EU, ECHR

Research Fellow at Lisbon Public Law Research Centre; Guest Assistant Professor at the University of Lisbon School of Law

Roxana Cristina Mandrutiu


Senior Associate at Revnic Cristian si Asociatii

Shambhavi Thakur


Assistant Professor, Vinayaka Mission’s Law School, Chennai, India

Zunaida Wadiwala

Saudi Arabia

LLM Degree candidate at the University of the Witwatersrand 


Abdoulaye Diallo

Senegal and The Gambia

Deputy Global project Lead Greenpeace Africa

Djordje Bjelica

Serbia; Montenegro

Student at LLM Faculty of Law University of Belgrade Master in European Integration;  Attorney at Law at Bjelica Law office

Jamil Sahid Fofanah

Sierra Leone

SJD Candidate and Research Assistant at Elisabeth Haud School of Law at Pace University

Romina Rodela


Sodertorn University 


Ademola Jegede

South Africa

Position: Professor of Law, University of Venda

Sejong Youn

South Korea

Position: Director, Solutions for Our Climate

Sara Gonzalez Merinero


Position: Lawyer at Hogan Lovells

Elia Cerrato


PhD candidate-University of Bologna & Carlos III University of Madrid


Vedavalli. S

Sri Lanka; Singapore

Assistant Professor of Law at the Tamil Nadu National Law University, India

Nimshi Hirimbura

Sri Lanka

Head of Legal- Environmental Foundation (Gurantee) Ltd


Linnéa Nordlander


Postdoc, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

Andreas Hösli

Switzerland, OECD 

PhD Candidate at University of Zurich

Anton Ming-Zhi Gao


Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 

Anna Yi-Ching Li


Research Assistant, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, Taiwan & Reporter, Oxford Reports on International Law, Oxford University Press


Kolawole Abiri


PhD Candidate, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, Canada

Kuberan Hansrajh Kumaresan

Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea

Research Consultant at the Climate Litigation Lab as part of the Oxford Sustainable Law Programme

Ece Uyanık


Research Assistant at Kadir Has University, Faculty of Law & Vice Coordinator of KHAS Climate Change and Law Laboratory (CCLLAB)

Murat Artuç


Res. Asst. (PhD), Aydin Adnan Menderes University

Susan Samuel

UAE and Kuwait

PhD Candidate, University of Leeds, School of Politics and International Studies

Bernard Namanya


Position: Partner, BNB ADVOCATES

Rinata Kazak


Lecturer, Linköping University; Assistant Professor of Legal History, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Ann Skelton

UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and UN Human Rights Committee

Professor of Law, University of Pretora & University of Leiden (Chair: Children's Rights in the Developing World); member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

Millie John-Pierre

United Kingdom

Legal Intern with Friends of the Earth 

Flora Hausammann

UN Committee on Racial Discrimination and CEDAW

Legal Intern at Friends of the Earth

Francisca Silva

Uruguay and Paraguay

Law Student

Khusniddin Abdufattokhov

Uzbekistan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan


Katherine Quinn

Vanuatu; Kiribati; Fiji

Graduate of University of Oslo, Masters of International Environment and Energy Law

Iraida Angelina Giménez


International Law Professor at CEI International Affairs Universitat de Barcelona

Elif Sena Yaman

World Trade Organization

Graduate Research Assistant at George Washington University Law School

Yernar Sailybayev


Researcher, research coordinator. Consortium manager Caspian Environmental Consortium

Morgan Katati


Climate lawyer, Zambia Institute of Environmental management

Innocent Rupapa


CEO and Legal Officer for Community Conservation and Climate Frontiers 

Webinar Series

The Peer Review Network receives in-kind support from the United Nations Environment Programme.