Impacts of Solar, Wind, and EVs
Achieving lower carbon emissions in the United States will require rapidly developing a large number of renewable energy facilities, while simultaneously transitioning from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles. Unfortunately, misinformation about the impacts and viability of these technologies is widespread. The Sabin Center created this resource bank so that members of the public can reach informed opinions about renewable energy and electric vehicles. This resource bank contains peer-reviewed articles, government publications, and other science-based reports about the impacts and viability of these technologies.
For additional resources on countering misinformation, see also the Sabin Center's report on Rebutting 33 False Claims About Solar, Wind, and Electric Vehicles, as well as Clearing the Air: An Examination of Common Concerns about Offshore Wind Energy, a one-pager created in partnership with the Urban Ocean Lab.
Please contact Matthew Eisenson at [email protected] with questions or suggestions. The Sabin Center is grateful to Naomi Zimmermann, Radhika Goyal, and Zoe Tseng for their work on the resource bank.
Resource Bank
Solar Facilities
- Corn Ethanol vs. Solar Land Use Comparison, Clean Wisconsin, 2023
- The potential for agrivoltaics to enhance solar farm cooling, Applied Energy, 2023
- Agrivoltaic Systems Enhance Farmers’ Profits through Broccoli Visual Quality and Electricity Production without Dramatic Changes in Yield, Antioxidant Capacity, and Glucosinolates, Agronomy, 2022
- Factcheck: Is solar power a ‘threat’ to UK farmland?, CarbonBrief, 2022
- Combining food and energy production: Design of an agrivoltaic system applied in arable and vegetable farming in Germany, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021
- Producing Solar Energy While Protecting Farmland, Agrivoltaics, 2021
- Evolution of agrivoltaic farms in Japan, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021
- Integrating solar energy with agriculture: Industry perspectives on the market, community, and socio-political dimensions of agrivoltaics, Energy Research & Social Science, 2021
- Modeling the ecosystem services of native vegetation management practices at solar energy facilities in the Midwestern United States, Ecosystem Services, 2021
- Partial shading by solar panels delays bloom, increases floral abundance during the late-season for pollinators in a dryland, agrivoltaic ecosystem, Scientific Reports, 2021
- Agrivoltaics provide mutual benefits across the food–energy–water nexus in drylands, Nature Sustainability, 2019
- Agrivoltaics provide mutual benefits across the food-energy-water nexus in the drylands, Nature Sustainability, 2019
- Solar PV power potential is greatest over croplands, Scientific Reports, 2019
- Solar Sharing for Both Food and Clean Energy Production: Performance of Agrivoltaic Systems for Corn, A Typical Shade-Intolerant Crop, Environments, 2019
- Compatibility between Crops and Solar Panels: An Overview from Shading Systems, Sustainability, 2018
- Dual use of agricultural land: Introducing ‘agrivoltaics’ in Phoenix Metropolitan Statistical Area, USA, Landscape and Urban Planning, 2018
- Examining the Potential for Agricultural Benefits from Pollinator Habitat at Solar Facilities in the United States, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018
- Remarkable agrivoltaic influence on soil moisture, micrometeorology and water-use efficiency, PlosOne, 2018
- Increasing the total productivity of a land by combining mobile photovoltaic panels and food crops, Applied Energy, 2017
- Colocation opportunities for large solar infrastructures and agriculture in drylands, Applied Energy, 2016
- The potential of agrivoltaic systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016
- Solar Energy Generation Using Agriculture Cultivated Lands, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 2014
- How does a shelter of solar panels influence water flows in a soil–crop system?, European Journal of Agronomy, 2013
- Microclimate under agrivoltaic systems: Is crop growth rate affected in the partial shade of solar panels?, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013
- Overview of Opportunities for Co-Location of Solar Energy Technologies and Vegetation, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2013
- Productivity and radiation use efficiency of lettuces grown in the partial shade of photovoltaic panels, European Journal of Agronomy, 2013
- Effects of greenhouse photovoltaic array shading on Welsh onion growth, Biosystems Engineering, 2012
- Combining solar photovoltaic panels and food crops for optimising land use: Towards new agrivoltaic schemes, Renewable Energy, 2011
- To mix or not to mix : evidences for the unexpected high productivity of new complex agrivoltaic and agroforestry systems, Conference: Resilient Food Systems for a changing world: 5th World Congress of Conservation Agriculture, 2011
- On the Coexistence of Solar-Energy Conversion and Plant Cultivation, International Journal of Solar Energy, 1982
- Unfounded concerns about photovoltaic module toxicity and waste are slowing decarbonization, Nature Physics, 2023
- Fully solar powered Doncaster Sheffield Airport: Energy evaluation, glare analysis and CO2 mitigation, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2021
- Analysis of solar PV glare in airport environment: Potential solutions, Results in Engineering, 2020
- Climate, air quality and human health benefits of various solar photovoltaic deployment scenarios in China in 2030, Environmental Research Letters, 2018
- Health and Safety Impacts of Solar Photovoltaics, NC State University, 2017
- Health and Safety Impacts of Solar Photovoltaics, NC Clean Energy Technology Center, 2017
- Visibility and Visual Characteristics of the Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Power Tower Facility, Argonne National Laboratory, 2017
- A comparative human health, ecotoxicity, and product environmental assessment on the production of organic and silicon solar cells, Progress in Photovoltaics, 2016
- Estimating direct human health impacts of end-of-life solar recovery, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016
- On the Path to SunShot: The Environmental and Public Health Benefits of Achieving High Penetrations of Solar Energy in the Unite, NREL, 2016
- A review of Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) issues of solar energy system, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015
- Evaluation of Glare as a Hazard for General Aviation Pilots on Final Approach, Federal Aviation Administration, 2015
- Evaluation of Glare at the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, Energy Procedia, 2015
- Solar reflected glare affecting visual performance, Windsor Conference 2014: Counting the Cost of Comfort in a Changing World, Windsor Park, United Kingdom, 2014
- Evaluating Potential Human Health Risks Associated with the Development of Utility-Scale Solar Energy Facilities on Contaminated, Argonne National Laboratory, 2013
- Relieving a Glaring Problem, Solar Today, 2013
- Study of Acoustic and EMF Levels from Solar Photovoltaic Projects, Tech Environmental, Inc. 2012
- A Study of the Hazardous Glare Potential to Aviators from Utility-Scale Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Systems, ISRN Renewable Energy, 2011
- Methodology to Assess Potential Glint and Glare Hazards From Concentrating Solar Power Plants: Analytical Models and Experimental Validation, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2011
- Hazard Analyses of Glint and Glare from Concentrating Solar Power Plants, U.S. DOE, 2009
- The environmental, health, and safety implications of solar energy in central station power production, Energy, 1993
- Solar Panel Heat Emission and Its Environmental Impact, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, 2022
- The impact of photovoltaic (PV) installations on downwind particulate matter concentrations: Results from field observations at a 550-MWAC utility-scale PV plant, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2017
- Impact of solar panels on global climate, Nature Climate Change, 2016
- The Photovoltaic Heat Island Effect: Larger solar power plants increase local temperatures, Scientific Reports, 2016
- The potential for air-temperature impact from large-scale deployment of solar photovoltaic arrays in urban areas, Solar Energy, 2013
- Modeling impacts of roof reflectivity, integrated photovoltaic panels and green roof systems on sensible heat flux into the urban environment, Building and Environment, 2011
- Renewable Energy’s Intermittency is Not a Showstopper, American Physical Society, 2022
- Life Expectancy of PV Inverters and Optimizers in Residential PV Systems, Bern University of Applied Sciences, 2022
- PV field reliability status—Analysis of 100 000 solar systems, Progress in Photovoltaics, 2020
- Complementary relationship between small-hydropower and increasing penetration of solar photovoltaics: Evidence from CAISO, Renewable Energy, 2020
- Reliably integrating variable renewables: Moving grid flexibility resources from models to results, The Electricity Journal, 2017
- Photovoltaic failure and degradation modes, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 2017
- Renewable Energy Intermittency Explained: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities, Scientific America, 2015
- Corn Ethanol vs. Solar Land Use Comparison, Clean Wisconsin, 2023
- Land Requirements for Utility-Scale PV: An Empirical Update on Power and Energy Density, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2022
- Land-use intensity of electricity production and tomorrow’s energy landscape, PLOS One, 2022
- A Global Inventory of Photovoltaic Solar Energy Generating Units, Nature, 2021
- Interactions of wind energy project siting, wind resource potential, and the evolution of the U.S. power system, Energy, 2021
- Land use for United States power generation: A critical review of existing metrics with suggestions for going forward, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021
- Strategic land use analysis for solar energy development in New York State, Renewable Energy, 2021
- The potential land requirements and related land use change emissions of solar energy, Scientific Reports, 2021
- Unveiling land footprint of solar power: A pilot solar tower project in China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2021
- Solar Futures Study, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Department of Energy, 2021
- Low-impact land use pathways to deep decarbonization of electricity, Environmental Research Letters, 2020
- Perspectives on environmental impacts and a land reclamation strategy for solar and wind energy systems, Science of the Total Environment, 2020
- The Land Sparing, Water Surface Use Efficiency, and Water Surface Transformation of Floating Photovoltaic Solar Energy Installations, Sustainability, 2020
- Solar PV Power Potential is Greatest Over Croplands, Scientific Reports, 2019
- Measuring and modelling the land‐use intensity and land requirements of utility‐scale photovoltaic systems in the Canadian province of Ontario, The Canadian Geographer, 2018
- A comparison of land-use requirements in solar-based decarbonization scenarios, Energy Policy, 2017
- Assessing vulnerabilities and limits in the transition to renewable energies: Land requirements under 100% solar energy scenarios, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017
- Exploring the decision-space for renewable energy generation to enhance spatial efficiency, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2015
- Incorporating Land-Use Requirements and Environmental Constraints in Low-Carbon Electricity Planning for California, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015
- More solar farms or more bioenergy crops? Mapping and assessing potential land-use conflicts among renewable energy technologies in eastern Ontario, Canada, Applied Geography, 2015
- The impact of off-site land use energy intensity on the overall life cycle land use energy intensity for utility-scale solar electricity generation technologies, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2015
- Land-Use Efficiency of Big Solar, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013
- Land-Use Requirements for Solar Power Plants in the United States, National Renewable Energy Lab, 2013
- Solar Development on Contaminated and Disturbed Lands, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2013
- Feasibility Study of Solar Photovoltaics on Landfills in Puerto Rico, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2011
- Siting Renewable Energy: Land Use and Regulatory Context, Ecology Law Quarterly, 2010
- Energy Sprawl or Energy Efficiency: Climate Policy Impacts on Natural Habitat for the United States of America, PLOS One, 2009
- Land use and electricity generation: A life-cycle analysis, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2009
- Land-use requirements and the per-capita solar footprint for photovoltaic generation in the United States, Energy Policy, 2008
- Renewable energy and food supply: will there be enough land?, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2005
- Third generation of photovoltaic panels: A life cycle assessment, Renewable Energy, 2021
- Eco-Energetical Life Cycle Assessment of Materials and Components of Photovoltaic Power Plant, Energies, 2020
- Environmental impacts of III–V/silicon photovoltaics: life cycle assessment and guidance for sustainable manufacturing, Energy & Environmental Science, 2020
- Life Cycle Inventories and Life Cycle Assessments of Photovoltaic Systems, International Energy Association Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, 2020
- Review on Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Photovoltaic Panels, Energies, 2020
- Environmental Impacts of Solar-Photovoltaic and Solar-Thermal Systems with Life-Cycle Assessment, Energies 2018
- Life cycle analysis of metals in emerging photovoltaic (PV) technologies: A modeling approach to estimate use phase leaching, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
- Life cycle assessment on PERC solar modules, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018
- Understanding future emissions from low-carbon power systems by integration of life-cycle assessment and integrated energy modelling, Nature Energy, 2017
- Environmental impact assessment of monocrystalline silicon solar photovoltaic cell production: a case study in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016
- Full environmental life cycle cost analysis of concentrating solar power technology: Contribution of externalities to overall energy costs, Solar Energy, 2016
- Life-cycle assessment of cradle-to-grave opportunities and environmental impacts of organic photovoltaic solar panels compared to conventional technologies, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016
- Life Cycle Assessment of Power Generation from Solar Energy in Thailand, Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, 2016
- Lifecycle climate impacts and economic performance of commercial-scale solar PV systems: A study of PV systems at Nevada’s Desert Research Institute (DRI), Solar Energy, 2015
- Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of photovoltaic panels: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014
- Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions, water, and land use for concentrated solar power plants with different energy backup systems, Energy Policy, 2013
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Electricity Generation, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2012
- The energy return on energy investment (EROI) of photovoltaics: Methodology and comparisons with fossil fuel life cycles, Energy Policy, 2012
- Environmental impacts from the installation and operation of large-scale solar power plants Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011
- Photovoltaics: Life-cycle analyses, Solar Energy, 2011
- Life-cycle uses of water in U.S. electricity generation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2010
- Sustainability of photovoltaics: The case for thin-film solar cells, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2009
- Emissions from Photovoltaic Life Cycles, Environmental Science & Technology, 2008
- Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic electricity generation, Energy, 2008
- Dynamic life cycle assessment (LCA) of renewable energy technologies, Renewable Energy, 2006
- Life Cycle Assessment for Emerging Technologies: Case Studies for Photovoltaic and Wind Power, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2005
- Life‐cycle assessment of photovoltaic modules: Comparison of mc‐Si, InGaP and InGaP/mc‐Si solar modules, Progress in Photovoltaics, 2003
- Future demand for electricity generation materials under different climate mitigation scenarios, Joule, 2023
- Material and Resource Requirements for the Energy Transition, Energy Transitions Commission, 2023
- Recommendations to Improve Mining on Public Lands, U.S. Department of the Interior, 2023
- Strategic mineral resources: Availability and future estimations for the renewable energy sector, Environmental Development, 2021
- Requirements for Minerals and Metals for 100% Renewable Scenarios, Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals, 2019
- Material bottlenecks in the future development of green technologies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018
- Critical Minerals and Energy–Impacts and Limitations of Moving to Unconventional Resources, Resources, 2016
- Assessing the need for critical mineral to shift the German energy system towards a high proportion of renewables, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015
- Metal production requirements for rapid photovoltaics deployment - Energy & Environmental Science (RSC Publishing), Energy & Environmental Science, 2015
- Challenges in assessment of clean energy supply-chains based on byproduct minerals: A case study of tellurium use in thin film photovoltaics, Applied Energy, 2014
- Thin-film photovoltaic power generation offers decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing environmental co-benefits in the long term, Environmental Science and Technology, 2014
- Evaluating Rare Earth Element Availability: A Case with Revolutionary Demand from Clean Technologies, Environmental Science and Technology, 2012
- Minerals go critical, Nature Chemistry, 2011
- Providing all global energy with wind, water, and solar power, Part I: Technologies, energy resources, quantities and areas of infrastructure, and materials, Energy Policy, 2011
- Life cycle assessment of advanced technologies for photovoltaic panel production, International Journal of Heat and Technology, 2010
- Resource constraints in a hydrogen economy based on renewable energy sources: An exploration, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2010
- Material constraints for thin-film solar cells, Energy, 1998
- Shedding Light on Large-Scale Solar Impacts: An Analysis of Property Values and Proximity to Photovoltaics Across Six U.S. States, Energy Policy, 2023
- Property Value Impacts of Commercial-Scale Solar Energy In Massachusetts And Rhode Island, Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics University of Rhode Island, 2020
- An Exploration of Property-Value Impacts Near Utility-Scale Solar Installations, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2018
- Designing and assessing solar energy neighborhoods from visual impact, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021
- Aesthetic impact of solar energy systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018
- Assessing visibility in multi-scale urban planning: A contribution to a method enhancing social acceptability of solar energy in cities, Solar Energy, 2018
- Utility-scale solar and public attitudes toward siting: A critical examination of proximity, Land Use Policy, 2016
- Potential Visual Impacts of Utility-Scale Solar Energy Development within Solar Energy Zones on Selected Viewpoints in Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks, and El Camino Real De Tierra Adentro National Historic Trail, Argonne National Laboratory, 2013
- Utility‐Scale Solar Energy Facility Visual Impact Characterization and Mitigation, Argonne National Laboratory, 2013
- Visual Impacts of Utility-scale Solar Energy Facilities on Southwestern Desert Landscapes, Proceedings, National Association of Environmental Professionals 37th Annual Conference, 2012
- A method for the assessment of the visual impact caused by the large-scale deployment of renewable-energy facilities, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2010
- The territorial and landscape impacts of photovoltaic systems: Definitions of impacts and assessment of the glare risk, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2009
- Solar photovoltaic recycling strategies, Solar Energy, 2024
- Unfounded concerns about photovoltaic module toxicity and waste are slowing decarbonization, Nature Physics, 2023
- Recent progress in silicon photovoltaic module recycling processes, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2022
- Solar Energy Technologies Office Photovoltaics End-of-Life Action Plan, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Department of Energy, 2022
- Strategic overview of management of future solar photovoltaic panel waste generation in the Indian context, Waste Management and Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, 2021
- A novel and efficient method for resources recycling in waste photovoltaic panels: High voltage pulse crushing, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020
- Research and Development Priorities for Silicon Photovoltaic Module Recycling to Support a Circular Economy, Nature Energy, 2020
- An overview of solar photovoltaic panels’ end-of-life material recycling, Energy Strategy Reviews, 2020
- Environmental impacts and economic feasibility of end of life photovoltaic panels in Australia: A comprehensive assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020
- Photovoltaic waste assessment: Forecasting and screening of emerging waste in Australia, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2019
- Photovoltaic waste assessment of major photovoltaic installations in the United States of America, Renewable Energy, 2019
- The environmental and economic impacts of photovoltaic waste management in Thailand, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2019
- End of Life Management of Photovoltaic Panels: Trends in PV Module Recycling Technologies, International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, 2018
- Life Cycle Assessment of Current Photovoltaic Module Recycling, International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, 2018
- Projection of photovoltaic waste in Spain until 2050, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
- Sustainable urban electricity supply chain -- Indicators of material recovery and energy savings from crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels end-of-life, Ecological Indicators, 2018
- End of Life Management: Solar Photovoltaic Panels (Technical Report), National Renewable Energy Lab, 2017
- Photovoltaic waste assessment in Mexico, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017
- End-of-Life Solar PV Panels, International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, International Renewable Energy Agency, 2016
- Life Cycle Assessment of an innovative recycling process for crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016
- Photovoltaic panel recycling: from type-selective processes to flexible apparatus for simultaneous treatment of different types, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 2015
- Photovoltaic waste assessment in Italy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015
- Recovery of valuable materials from end-of-life thin-film photovoltaic panels: environmental impact assessment of different management options, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015
- Byproduct Mineral Commodities Used for the Production of Photovoltaic Cells, US Geologic Survey, 2010
- If you build it, will they come? Insect community responses to habitat establishment at solar energy facilities in Minnesota, USA, Environmental Research Letters, 2024
- Georgia Low-Impact Siting Tool, The Nature Conservancy, 2022
- Site Renewables Right: Accelerating a Clean and Green Energy Future, Nature Conservancy, 2022
- Trade-offs between utility-scale solar development and ungulates on western rangelands, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2022
- Mitigating biodiversity impacts associated with solar and wind energy development, International Union for Conservation of Nature, 2021
- Partial shading by solar panels delays bloom, increases floral abundance during the late‐season for pollinators in a dryland, agrivoltaic ecosystem, Scientific Reports, 2021
- Mitigating biodiversity impacts associated with solar and wind energy development, International Union for Conservation of Nature, 2021
- Reduced ecosystem services of desert plants from ground-mounted solar energy development, Nature Sustainability, 2020
- Wind, sun, and wildlife: do wind and solar energy development “short-circuit” conservation in the western United States?, Environmental Research Letters, 2020
- Assessing the impacts of a utility-scale photovoltaic solar energy facility on birds in the Northern Cape, South Africa, Renewable Energy, 2019
- Best Practices in Responsible Land Use for Improving Biodiversity at a Utility-Scale Solar Facility, Case Studies in the Environment, 2018
- Impacts of solar energy on butterfly communities in mediterranean agro-ecosystems, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2017
- Influence of Solar Power Plants on Microclimatic Conditions and the Biotic Community in Chilean Desert Environments, Environmental Management, 2017
- A preliminary assessment of avian mortality at utility-scale solar energy facilities in the United States, Renewable Energy, 2016
- Avian interactions with energy infrastructure in the context of other anthropogenic threats, The Condor, 2016
- Review of avian mortality studies at concentrating solar power plants, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016
- The Effects of Solar Farms on Local Biodiversity, Clarkson and Woods and Wychwood Biodiversity, 2016
- A Review of Avian Monitoring and Mitigation Information at Existing Utility-Scale Solar Facilities, Argonne National Laboratory, NREL, 2015
- Solar energy development impacts on land cover change and protected areas, PNAS, 2015
- Avian Mortality at Solar Energy Facilities in Southern California: A Preliminary Analysis, National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory, 2014
- Large photovoltaic power plants: Wildlife impacts and benefits, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2011
- Wildlife Conservation and Solar Energy Development in the Desert Southwest, United States, Bioscience, 2011
- Reducing the Maladaptive Attractiveness of Solar Panels to Polarotactic Insects, Conservation Biology, 2010
- Avian Mortality at a Solar Energy Power Plant, Journal of Field Ornithology, 1986
- Comprehensive Analysis of Solar Panel Performance and Correlations with Meteorological Parameters, ACS Omega, 2023
- Reality Check: The IEA Busts 10 Myths about the Energy Transition, The Rocky Mountain Institute, 2023
- Environmental impacts of of solar energy systems: A review, Science of The Total Environment, 2021
- Michigan Community Solar: An Economic Assessment, Michigan State University, 2021
- Role of solar energy in reducing ecological footprints: An empirical analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021
- Potential environmental risk of solar cells: Current knowledge and future challenges, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020
- The 2035 Report: Plummeting Solar, Wind, and Battery Costs Can Accelerate our Clean Electricity Future, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley, 2020
- Potential for leaching of heavy metals and metalloids from crystalline silicon photovoltaic systems, Journal of Natural Resources and Development, 2019
- The underestimated potential of solar energy to mitigate climate change, Nature Energy, 2017
- Understanding Emerging Impacts and Requirements Related to Utility-Scale Solar Development, Argonne National Laboratory, 2016
- On the investigation of photovoltaic output power reduction due to dust accumulation and weather conditions, Renewable Energy, 2016
- Global prospects, progress, policies, and environmental impact of solar photovoltaic power generation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015
- The great solar boom: a global perspective into the far reaching impact of an unexpected energy revolution, Energy Science & Engineering, 2015
- Environmental impacts of utility-scale solar energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014
- The contribution of Utility-Scale Solar Energy to the global climate regulation and its effects on local ecosystem services, Global Energy and Conservation, 2014
- Regional variations in the health, environmental, and climate benefits of wind and solar generation, PNAS, 2013
- Environmental risk assessment of CdTe PV systems to be considered under catastrophic events in Japan, First Solar, 2013
- Temperature and thermal annealing effects on different photovoltaic technologies, Renewable Energy, 2012
- Impact of Solar Energy in Rural Development in India, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 2012
- Renewable energy and climate change, Significance, 2012
- Environmental impacts from the installation and operation of large-scale solar power plants, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011
- Solar Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment (book), 2010
- Environmental Impacts of the Solar Energy Systems: Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2009
- Environmental Impacts from the Solar Energy Systems Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2008
- Economical and environmental analysis of grid connected photovoltaic systems in Spain, Renewable Energy, 2006
- Environmental impacts from the solar energy technologies, Energy Policy, 2005
- Environmental benefits of domestic solar energy systems, Energy Conservation and Management, 2004
- Renewable energy and sustainable development: a crucial review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2000
- The likely adverse environmental impacts of renewable energy sources, Applied Energy, April 2000
- Solar electricity generation—A comparative view of technologies, costs and environmental impact, Solar Energy, 1997
Wind Facilities
- Commercial wind energy installations and local economic development: Evidence from U.S. counties, Energy Policy, 2022
- Wind Energy and Rural Community Sustainability, Handbook of Sustainability and Social Science Research, 2017
- Wind Energy's Economic Impacts to Communities, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Department of Energy
- Offshore Wind Market Report: 2023 Edition, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Department of Energy, 2023
- The Truth About Offshore Wind: Busting Oil Money Myths and Misinformation, Center for American Progress, 2023
- Offshore Wind Market Report: 2022 Edition, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Department of Energy, 2022
- New Tendencies in Wind Energy Operation and Maintenance, Applied Sciences, 2021
- Expert Elicitation Survey Predicts 37% to 49% Declines in Wind Energy Costs by 2050, Nature Energy, 2021
- Using green finance to counteract the adverse effects of COVID-19 pandemic on renewable energy investment-The case of offshore wind power in China, Energy Policy, 2021
- Estimating revenues from offshore wind-storage systems: The importance of advanced battery models, Applied Energy, 2020
- Levelised cost of energy, A challenge for offshore wind, Renewable Energy, 2020
- Nearshore and offshore wind development: Costs and competitive advantage exemplified by nearshore wind in Denmark, Energy for Sustainable Development, 2019
- Floating offshore wind - Economic and ecological challenges of a TLP solution, Renewable Energy, 2018
- Maintenance strategy selection for improving cost-effectiveness of offshore wind systems, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018
- Availability, operation and maintenance costs of offshore wind turbines with different drive train configurations, Wind Energy, 2017
- Minimizing transportation and installation costs for turbines in offshore wind farms, Renewable Energy, 2017
- Review of offshore wind farm cost components, Energy for Sustainable Development, 2017
- Guidelines for assessment of investment cost for offshore wind generation, Renewable Energy, 2011
- Fishing within offshore wind farms in the North Sea: Stakeholder perspectives for multi-use from Scotland and Germany, Journal of Environmental Management, 2021
- Overview of the effects of offshore wind farms on fisheries and aquaculture, Publications of the European Union, 2021
- Acoustic Impacts of Offshore Wind Energy on Fishery Resources: An Evolving Source and Varied Effects Across a Wind Farm’s Lifetime, Oceanography, 2020
- Considerations for Offshore Wind Energy Development Effects on Fish and Fisheries in the United States, Oceanography, 2020
- Integrating wind turbines and fish farms: an evaluation of potential risks to marine and coastal bird species, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2020
- Offshore renewable energy improves habitat, increases fish, Rhode Island Sea Grant, 2020
- Offshore Wind Farm Artificial Reefs Affect Ecosystem Structure and Functioning: A Synthesis, Oceanography, 2020
- Offshore Wind Projects and Fishers: Conflicts and Engagement in the United Kingdom and the United States, Oceanography, December 2020
- Offshore Wind Projects and Fisheries: Conflict and Engagement in the United Kingdom and the United States, Oceanography, 2020
- The Interaction Between Resource Species and Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Electricity Production by Offshore Wind Farms, Oceanography, 2020
- Assessment of the geographical potential for co-use of marine space, based on operational boundaries for Blue Growth sectors, Marine Policy, February 2019
- Evaluation of Potential EMF Effects on Fish Species of Commercial or Recreational Fishing Importance in Southern New England, US Department of the Interior, 2019
- Feasibility of investment in blue growth multiple-use of space and multi-use platform projects; results of a novel assessment approach and case studies, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019
- Marine spatial planning makes room for offshore aquaculture in crowded coastal waters, Nature communications, 2018
- Offshore wind farm in marine spatial planning and the stakeholders engagement: Opportunities and challenges for Taiwan, Ocean & coastal management, 2017
- Revisiting approaches to marine spatial planning: perspectives on and implications for the United States, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 2017
- A GIS modelling framework to evaluate marine spatial planning scenarios: Co-location of offshore wind farms and aquaculture in the German EEZ, Marine Policy, 2015
- Lessons from stakeholder dialogues on marine aquaculture in offshore wind farms: Perceived potentials, constraints and research gaps, Marine Policy, 2015
- Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Power Production in the North Sea, WWF- Norway, 2014
- Private incentives for the emergence of co-production of offshore wind energy and mussel aquaculture, Aquaculture, 2014
- Environmental Impact Assessment in the Approval of Offshore Wind Farms in the German Exclusive Economic Zone, Offshore Wind Energy, 2006
- Offshore Wind and Fisheries: The Science Behind Coexistence, American Clean Power
- The Health Effects of 72 Hours of Simulated Wind Turbine Infrasound: A Double-Blind Randomized Crossover Study in Noise-Sensitive, Healthy Adults, EHP Publishing, 2023
- Occupational health hazards and risks in the wind industry, Energy Reports, 2021
- Health Effects Related to Wind Turbine Sound: An Update, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
- Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Measurement in the Vicinity of Wind Turbines, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2020
- Infrasound Does Not Explain Symptoms Related to Wind Turbines, Prime Minister’s Office Finland, 2020
- Balancing safety with sustainability: assessing the risk of accidents for modern low-carbon energy systems, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016
- What is the Wind Turbine Noise and Health Study?, Government of Canada, 2014
- Wind Turbines and Human Health, Frontiers of Public Health, 2014
- The Link between Health Complaints and Wind Turbines: Support for the Nocebo Expectations Hypothesis, Frontiers in Public Health, 2014
- Quantifying the health and environmental benefits of wind power to natural gas, Energy Policy, 2013
- Systematic review of the human health effects of wind farms, National Health and Medical Research Council, 2013
- Measuring Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Around Wind Turbines in Canada: Is there a Human Health Concern?, Environmental Health, 2013
- Wind Turbines and Health, National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health, 2013
- Wind Turbines: Is There a Human Health Risk?, Journal of Environmental Health, 2013
- Wind Turbine Health Impact Study: Report of Independent Expert Panel, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection,Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 2012
- Environmental Impacts of Wind-Energy Projects, National Research Council, 2007
- Wind Energy Projects and Safety, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Department of Energy
- Radar cross-section of a wind turbine: application to weather radars, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019
- AMT - Estimating reflectivity values from wind turbines for analyzing the potential impact on weather radar services, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2015
- Analysis of wind turbines radar cross section for analyzing the potential impact on weather radars, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015
- The effect of the scattering of digital television signals from wind turbines, International Telecommunication Union, 2015
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- A Spatial Hedonic Analysis of the Effects of Wind Energy Facilities on Surrounding Property Values in the United States, Berkeley National Laboratory, 2013
- Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy, Journal of Clean Technologies, 2013
- Quantifying the health and environmental benefits of wind power to natural gas, Energy Policy, 2013
- Regional variations in the health, environmental, and climate benefits of wind and solar generation, PNAS, 2013
- Wind energy and environmental assessments – A hard look at two forerunners' approaches: Germany and the United States, Renewable Energy, 2013
- Re-visiting the ‘social gap’: public opinion and relations of power in the local politics of wind energy, Environmental Politics, 2013
- The role of values in public beliefs and attitudes towards commercial wind energy, Energy Policy, 2013
- Public acceptance of offshore wind power: does perceived fairness of process matter?, Journal of environmental planning and management, 2012
- A review of the environmental and human impacts from wind parks. A case study for the Prefecture of Lasithi, Crete, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012
- Renewable energy and climate change, Significance, 2012
- Wind energy development and its environmental impact: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012
- Understanding public responses to offshore wind power, Energy Policy, 2011
- Why we still don’t understand the social aspects of wind power: A critique of key assumptions within the literature, Energy policy, 2010
- Environmental impact of wind energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011
- Environmental Impacts of Wind-Energy Projects, National Research Council, 2007
- Wind Energy Technology, Environmental Impacts of, Encyclopedia of Energy, 2004
- Environmental impacts of wind energy applications: "Myth or reality?", Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2003
- Renewable energy and sustainable development: a crucial review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2000
- The likely adverse environmental impacts of renewable energy sources, Applied Energy, 2000
- The Environmental Impact of Wind Energy Developments, The Town Planning Review, 1990
- The Environmental and Community Impacts of Wind Energy in the UK, Wind Engineering, 1990
Electric Vehicles
- The transition to electrified vehicles: Evaluating the labor demand of manufacturing conventional versus battery electric vehicle powertrains, Social Science Research Network, 2024
- The Stake for Workers in How Policymakers Manage the Coming Shift to All-Electric Vehicles, Economic Policy Institute, 2021
- Total CO2-Equivalent Life-Cycle Emissions from Commercially Available Passenger Cars, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022
- Electric vehicles fail at a lower rate than gas cars in extreme cold, Electrek, 2024
- Electric Vehicles Contribute Fewer Emissions than Gasoline-Powered Cars Over Their Lifetimes,, 2024
- Model Year 2021 All-Electric Vehicles Had a Median Driving Range about 60% That of Gasoline Powered Vehicles, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Department of Energy, 2022
- Evolution of average range of electric vehicles by powertrain, 2010-2021, International Energy Agency
- A guide to electric car misinformation (part 1), Heated, 2024
- Factcheck: 21 misleading myths about electric vehicles, CarbonBrief, 2023
- Trump’s Misleading Claims About Electric Vehicles and the Auto Industry,, 2023
- Does electric vehicle adoption (EVA) contribute to clean energy? Bibliometric insights and future research agency, Cleaner & Responsible Consumption, 2023
- The Role of Pickup Truck Electrification in the Decarbonization of Light-Duty Vehicles, IOPScience, 2022
- Potential for Widespread Electrification of Personal Vehicle Travel in the United States, Nature Energy, 2016
- AAA Electric Vehicle Range Testing, American Automobile Association, 2019
- Factcheck: How electric vehicles help to tackle climate change, CarbonBrief, 2019