Andrea Dominguez is from Lima, PerĂº. She is an Environmental Lawyer and teaches at the University of Peru the Environmental Legal Clinic course. She is part of a network of Environmental Legal Clinic in Latin America. She completed a Postgraduate specialization in Environmental Law and Natural Resources in 2013. She also completed an LLM in Law & Economics and Public Policy in 2014 in Salamanca- Spain. She has ten years of experience in environmental and intercultural regulations and has worked with the Government, United Nations, International Cooperation, Non - government Organizations, and the private sector.
All of 2022, she lives in New York City with her family. She took English courses at Columbia University and a workshop on Climate Risk and the Law at the Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School. Also, in 2022 I am participating as part of the external commitment of the EPIC Model for university-community partnership in Latin America.