Andrea Mariana Dominguez Noriega

Andrea Dominguez is from Lima, PerĂº. She is an Environmental Lawyer and teaches at the University of Peru the Environmental Legal Clinic course. She is part of a network of Environmental Legal Clinic in Latin America. She completed a Postgraduate specialization in Environmental Law and Natural Resources in 2013. She also completed an LLM in Law & Economics and Public Policy in 2014 in Salamanca- Spain. She has ten years of experience in environmental and intercultural regulations and has worked with the Government, United Nations, International Cooperation, Non - government Organizations, and the private sector.

All of 2022, she lives in New York City with her family. She took English courses at Columbia University and a workshop on Climate Risk and the Law at the Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School. Also, in 2022 I am participating as part of the external commitment of the EPIC Model for university-community partnership in Latin America.
