Professor Michael Gerrard’s Publications


Since 1989, Michael Gerrard has edited a newsletter, Environmental Law in New York, which covers environmental decisions in federal and state courts in New York and other legal and regulatory developments. It is now a monthly newsletter of LexisNexis. Each issue consists of a lead article and then summaries of the new cases and other developments. Below is a listing of all the lead articles. Links to articles published after 2000 are to the versions of the articles in the LexisNexis database, and access requires a Lexis account; Lexis has given us permission to post PDFs of earlier articles. Subscriptions to the newsletter may be ordered from LexisNexis here. Persons interested in writing a lead article for the newsletter should contact its Managing Editor, L. Margaret Barry, at [email protected].


February 2025       Ahlia Bethea and Elizabeth Knauer, The Continuing Evolution of PFAS Regulation

January 2025   William F. McLaughlin and Daniel A. Spitzer, Freeing Prometheus: New York’s Journey to the Grid of the Future


December 2024           Liz Turner and Jess Phelps, Zoning for Urban Agriculture in New York

November 2024    Drs. Chris Lim, Carlos Restrepo, and Peter Marcotullio, Victoria Sanders, and New York City Environmental Justice Alliance, Community Heat and Air Mapping Project for Environmental Justice: Heat-Related Risks, Air Pollution, and Social Vulnerability in New York City

October 2024        Wei Guo, Yanjun (Penny) Liao, and Qing Miao, Local Economic Impacts of the NY Rising Buyout and Acquisition Program

September 2024          Pamela Root, Confronting the Preemption Impact of the Ninth Circuit’s California Restaurant Association v. City of Berkeley: A Roadmap to Defending New York City’s and New York State’s Laws to Electrify Buildings

August 2024         Peter Bauer and Claudia Braymer, Will the State of New York Achieve Its Goal of Protecting 30% of the State’s Land and Inland Waters by 2030? (Viewpoint)

July 2024              Douglas Davis and Jeremy Birnstingl, Ph.D., Meeting “Forever Chemical” Cleanup Challenges in Groundwater: In Situ Remediation of PFAS in New York State

June 2024              Jordan Paige and Brian Cain, New York City Independent Budget Office, Potential Financial Implications of a Stormwater Fee in New York City

May 2024              Daniel J. Metzger, Decision on International Energy Conservation Code Appeals Could Undermine Electrification Requirements in New Construction

April 2024       Andrew J. Perel, Susan Charles, and Buck Dixon, New York’s New Spill Reporting Requirements and Potential Ramifications for Environmental Due Diligence

March 2024           Jack Nelson and Michael S. Bogin, Rooftop Solar Systems Required by NYC Local Laws May Qualify for IRA’s Renewable Energy Tax Credits

February 2024       Ellen Kaye Fleishhacker et al., ESG, Whistleblowing, and Compliance Programs: Key Takeaways from a Recent ESG Misstatement Case

January 2024   Matthew J. Sinkman, Making Sense of Efforts to Regulate PFAS


December 2023         Matthew Eisenson and Romany M. Webb, Expert Insights on Best Practices for Community Benefits Agreements

November 2023        Sylvia Morse, CLTs Gaining Ground in NYC: Policies to Sustain and Scale the Growth of Community Land Trusts

October 2023             Helen M. Forgione, Sarah Charlop-Powers, and Clara C. Pregitzer, Funding Forested Natural Areas: Recent Trends in New York City

September 2023       Sam M. Laniado and Michelle C. Zaludek, An Update on Transmission Siting for Offshore Wind Projects in New York State

August 2023                NYC and NJ Urban Tributaries Working Group, Concerns and Recommendations Regarding the New York/New Jersey Harbor and Tributaries Study (Viewpoint)

July 2023                    The Municipal Art Society of New York, SITE x SITE:  Refining Soft Site Development Projections Under CEQR (Viewpoint)

June 2023                    New York City Building and Land Use Approval Streamlining Taskforce (BLAST), Get Stuff Built: CEQR Recommendations from New York City’s Building and Land Use Approval Streamlining Taskforce

May 2023                     Molly Barth, Amy Chester, and Johanna Lawton, Climate Displacement in New York City: Making Space for Our Neighbors

April 2023            Kathy Moser, Abby Chan, and Michaela Roberts, Open Spaces for All: An Overview

March 2023                 New York State Bar Association Environmental & Energy Law Section, Comments on the Draft Scoping Plan for the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, Part 2 of 2

February 2023            New York State Bar Association Environmental & Energy Law Section, Comments on the Draft Scoping Plan for the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, Part 1 of 2

January 2023              Monica Miller, Happy’s Day in Court: Seeking the Right to Liberty for an Elephant in New York’s Highest Court, Part 2 of 2 (Viewpoint)


December 2022         Monica Miller, Happy’s Day in Court: Seeking the Right to Liberty for an Elephant in New York’s Highest Court, Part 1 of 2 (Viewpoint)

November 2022        Michelle Meyer and Tim Dallmann, Real-World Diesel Truck Emissions and Related Health Impacts in New York City

October 2022         Adam Stolorow and Evan PremingerLocal Law 154 Pulls the Plug on Fossil Fuels in New Buildings: Is New York City Ready for Its All-Electric Future?

September 2022       Jacob Elkin, Opposition to Renewable Energy Facilities in New York

August 2022                Jennifer Danis and Zoe Makoul, Helping New Jersey State Agencies and Departments Align Their Actions with GHG Reduction Mandates and Environmental Justice Principles (Viewpoint)

July 2022                      Amy E. Turner, Cooperative Federalism, As Applied: Building Electrification

June 2022                    Rebecca Bratspies, This Changes Everything: New York’s Environmental Amendment (Viewpoint)

May 2022                     Peter Lehner and Nathan Rosenberg, Advancing Climate-Neutral Agriculture in New York (Viewpoint)

April 2022                    Sonal Jessel and Bobbi Wilding, Environmental Justice, Health, and Carceral Facilities: A Report on Policy Action to Address Environmental Justice and Health Issues in Carceral Facilities for New York State (Viewpoint)

March 2022                 Allison B. Rumsey, Brian Israel, Sandra E. Rizzo, Ethan G. Shenkman, Sarah Grey, Erin Grubbs, Elise Henry, and Emily Orler, How the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Lays the Groundwork for an Energy Transition

February 2022            Chris Whitehead, Minimizing and Mitigating Potential Environmental Justice Impacts from Offshore Wind Port Facilities through Adaptive Public Engagement: Sharing Best Practices

January 2022              Mark Lowery & Jonathan A. Binder, Community Risk and Resiliency Act Implementation


December 2021         Hillary Aidun, Ama Francis, and Michael Gerrard, Using New York Law to Advance Equity in the Transportation & Climate Initiative Program

November 2021        Telisport W. Putsavage, New York Legalization of Adult-Use Cannabis Presents Environmental Challenges and Opportunities

October 2021            Lynda Nguyen, How New York City Can Tackle Climate Change and Enhance Workforce Development with Green, Healthy Schools (Viewpoint)

September 2021       Sarah Main, New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting Sets Precedent in Section 94-c Permit Proceedings: When Major Renewable Energy Projects Need Not Comply with Local Laws

August 2021              Surbhi Sarang, Protecting New York City Community Gardens to Build Urban Resilience

July 2021                    Hillary Aidun, Julia Li, and Antonia Pereira, The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act’s Environmental Justice Promise

June 2021                  Audi Banny, Jeff Gracer, Margaret Holden, Stuart Kaplan, and Stephanie Margolis, High-Performance Leases: A Solution for Reducing Carbon Emissions in Commercial Buildings

May 2021                    Richard Kauffman and David Sandalow, Leveraging State Funds for Clean Energy: Lessons from New York State

April 2021                   Sally Rowland, Ph.D., P.E., Ripe for Change—New York State Moves to Reduce Food Waste

March 2021                 Noah Kaufman and Yu Ann Tan, New York City’s Building Emissions Law Shows the Importance of Economy-Wide Climate Policy

February 2021            Alexis Saba and Adam Stolorow, Affordable Housing and Climate Mitigation in New York City: Compliance and Financing Options for Building Owners Under Local Laws 97 and 116

January 2021             Danielle Manley, Christopher Halfnight, and John Mandyck, Trading: A New Climate Solution for New York City’s Buildings


December 2020         Environmental Law Committee and International Environmental Law Committee, New York City Bar Association, The Global Problem of Plastic Pollution: What Can New York Do?

November 2020        Robert Freudenberg, The Five Borough Bikeway: An Evolution in New York City’s Bike Infrastructure (Viewpoint)

October 2020             Justin Gundlach and Elizabeth B. Stein, New York Urgently Needs to Harmonize Its Energy Utility Regulation Framework with Its New Climate Law

September 2020        Jen Becker, Elena Conte, and Renae Widdison, Flawed Findings: How NYC Dismisses Residential Displacement and Its Impact on Communities (Viewpoint)

August 2020        Jen Becker and Elena Conte, Flawed Findings: How NYC Dismisses Business Displacement and Its Impact on Communities (Viewpoint)

July 2020     Jim Muscato and Jessica Ansert Klami, New York May Finally Have a Renewable Energy Siting Process to Achieve Its Aggressive Climate Action Goals

June 2020    Michael B. Gerrard and Brian D. Israel, Emergency Relief from Federal and New York Environmental Laws During the Coronavirus Crisis

May 2020     Michael Bogin and Katherine Ghilain, What Your Phase I Won’t Tell You About Developing a Waterfront Site in New York City

April 2020     Luke Jefts, PCBs in Building Materials: Widespread Use from 1950s Through 1970s Presents Serious Implications for Demolition, Renovation, and Repurposing Projects

March 2020   The Municipal Art Society of New York and New Yorkers for Parks, Bright Ideas: New York City’s Fight for Light(Viewpoint)

February 2020   Mimi S. Raygorodetsky, The Perils and Pleasures of Urban Waterfront Development(Viewpoint)

January 2020   Amy L. Edwards and Meaghan A. Colligan, EPA’s Updated CERCLA “Common Elements” Guide: Enforcement Discretion Guidance Provides Important Direction on Landowner Liability


December 2019     Robert O. Gurman, in consultation with NY Green Bank and NYSERDA, NY Green Bank Capital to Support New York State Vehicle Electrification(Viewpoint)

November 2019    Erin M. Tobin, Historic Tax Credits as a Tool for Economic Development and Community Revitalization(Viewpoint)

October 2019        Benjamin Miller, Redesigning Commercial Waste Management in New York: Maximizing the Benefits of Franchise Zones(Viewpoint)

September 2019    Gene Kelly and Michelle Piasecki, The Impossible Search for Perfect Land: Siting Renewable Generation Projects in New York State

August 2019         Paul Gallay, Esq., The Right to Know and the Responsibility to Act: Ensuring Environmental Compliance Through Inspection, Enforcement, and Citizen Science(Viewpoint)

July 2019              Noah Garcia, Transportation Electrification in New York: Regulatory Opportunities and Challenges

June 2019              Sara E. Imperiale and Erin M. Meyer, Enforcing the Right to Breathe: Continuing the Fight for Environmental Justice in Public Housing

May 2019             Jose Almanzar,If You BUILD It, Will They Come? A Look at the 2018 Congressional Reauthorization of the Federal Brownfields Program and Other Amendments to CERCLA

April 2019            Donald Chahbazpour, Renewable Natural Gas, an Overlooked Option to Decarbonize Heat and Transportation(Viewpoint)

March 2019          Thomas Devaney,CEQR and the Miscalculation of Development Under the Long Island City and Downtown Brooklyn Rezonings(Viewpoint)

February 2019      Melissa Iachan,Out with the Trash, In with the New: Challenges and Solutions in New York City’s Solid Waste Management System(Viewpoint)

January 2019        Eddie Bautista, Annel Hernandez, Priya Mulgaonkar, and Kartik Amarnath, A Just Transition for New York: Achieving Clean and Renewable Energy Equity for Environmental Justice Communities


December 2018     Cullen Howe, Assessing New York’s Proposed “New Efficiency: New York” Initiative: Recommendations for Maximizing and Accelerating Energy Efficiency Procurement in New York

November 2018    Dwight E. Kanyuck,An Introduction to New York’s Energy Storage Roadmap: The Impact, Benefits, and Challenges of Deploying Energy Storage on New York’s Electric Grid

October 2018        Shiva Prakash,Realizing a Vision for Environmental and Economic Justice Through Community Solar Development in New York

September 2018    Jeffrey A. Kroessler, Losing Its Way: The Landmarks Preservation Commission in Eclipse (Part 2)(Viewpoint)

August 2018         Jeffrey A. Kroessler, Losing Its Way:  The Landmarks Preservation Commission in Eclipse (Part 1)(Viewpoint)

July 2018              Maggie Macdonald, Managing Electronic Equipment in New York State: An Overview of the Electronic Equipment Recycling and Reuse Act

June 2018              Byron Stigge and Adam Hinge, Reducing New York City’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Buildings Sector: Challenges on the Road to 80 x 50

May 2018             Stephen Miller, Envisioning a Connected System: How Can We Ensure Sustainable Mobility for All New Yorkers?

April 2018            Malcolm J. Bowman, William B. Golden, Catherine McVay Hughes, Christopher Sellers, and Robert D. Yaro, The Social Justice Case for a Metropolitan New York-New Jersey Regional Storm Surge Barrier System

March 2018          Lloyd Kass, Cleaning New York City’s Grid: Reimaging the City’s Power Sector to Reach 80% in Carbon Emissions Reduction by 2050

February 2018      Benjamin Miller,Managing New York’s Municipal Solid Waste to Support the City’s Goal of Reducing Greenhouse Gases by 80% by 2050

January 2018        Edward McTiernan, Ethan G. Shenkman, and Michael B. Gerrard, Environmental Reviews for Infrastructure Projects in the Trump Era

January 2018        Nelson D. Johnson, Edward McTiernan, and Eric A. Rey, RevisitingRCRA Endangerment Claims: A New Way to Regulate Point Source Discharges


December 2017     Andrew Ratzkin, A Case for a New York Carbon Tax

November 2017    Seth D. Friedland and Reesa D. Hedrick, Development and Redevelopment of Gas Station Properties

October 2017        Robert Freudenberg, The New York Metropolitan Area Under Water

September 2017    Justin Gundlach,Putting Green Infrastructure on Private Property in New York City

August 2017         Sam M. Laniado & Tyler W. Wolcott, Siting Transmission Lines for New York Offshore Wind Projects

July 2017              Lauren Baron, The Unsettled World of Wetlands Regulation: Wetlands Case Law Update for 2016 into 2017

June 2017              Jonathon B. Tingley, The EIS: A Tool to Facilitate Project Approval

May 2017             Nelson D. Johnson, Edward F. McTiernan, and Eric A. Rey, RCRA Endangerment Claims: A New Way to Regulate Point Source Discharges?

April 2017            Edward F. McTiernan and Brian D. Israel, Emerging Developments Could Signal Renewed Emphasis On Natural Resource Damages in New York

March 2017          Veronica Reed,Attorney’s Role During and After the Execution of a Criminal Environmental Search Warrant: Avoiding Conflicts and Preserving Client Confidences

February 2017      Jeffrey R. Sotek, OSHA Adopts Crystalline Silica Regulation: Old Hazard, New Progress

January 2017        Asante Shipp Hilts, DrPH, MPH, Millicent Eidson, MA, DVM, DACVPM, and Wan-Hsiang Hsu, PhD, Climate and Health in New York State


December 2016     Anne Reynolds, New York’s New Clean Energy Standard: What It Means for Renewable Energy

November 2016    Peter D. Wolf, The New State Energy Code

October 2016        Phillip Ludvigsen, PhD, and Bernard T. Delaney, PhD, PE, BCEE, Green Bonds: De-Risking Deals to Maximize Returns

September 2016    Philip E. Karmel, J. Kevin Healy, and Charla Beth Mobley, The Proposed Wind Farm off the Shore of Long Island

August 2016         Kimberly R. Nason, Developing a Path for Community Solar in New York State

July 2016              Elizabeth Moran, New York’s Sewage Pollution Right To Know Law and the Case for Infrastructure Investment(Viewpoint)

June 2016              Edward McTiernan & Michael B. Gerrard, Expediting Environmental Review and Permitting of Infrastructure Projects: The 2015 Fast Act

May 2016             Kathy Robb, The 2015 “Waters of the United States” Rule under the Clean Water Act

April 2016            Michael S. Bogin, Jonathan Kalmuss-Katz, and Maggie Macdonald, Managing Stormwater From Construction Activities: A Guide to New York State’s Construction General Permit

March 2016          Nelson D. Johnson & Eric A. Rey, RCRA Citizen Suits and the Clean Water Act

February 2016      Joshua L. Sturtevant, Reforming the Energy Vision - Opportunities Exist, But Hurdles Remain

January 2016        Yvonne E. Hennessey, Opposition to Natural Gas Pipelines Following New York’s “Fracking” Ban(Viewpoint)


December 2015     Ria Rana, Crude Oil On the Hudson: Addressing The Risks of Barge Transport of Bakken Crude Oil(Viewpoint)

November 2015    David J. Freeman and Lawrence P. Schnapf, New York Amends Its Brownfield Cleanup Act

October 2015        Albert Huang and Sara Imperiale, The Right to Breathe: Environmental Justice in Public Housing (Viewpoint)

September 2015    Response by the NY Passive House Board of Directors to An Introduction to Passive House Principles and Policy (Counter Viewpoint)

August 2015         Dan Chorost and Priya Murthy, Demonstrating Divisibility at Sediment Megasites: Building a Case Against Joint and Several Liability in Superfund Waterways

July 2015              Randall C. Young, The No Contact Rule and Administrative Agencies

June 2015              Benjamin Miller and Juliette Spertus, Encouraging the Development of Processing Infrastructure for New York City’s Organics Waste Stream (Part 2 of 2)

May 2015             Benjamin Miller and Juliette Spertus, Encouraging the Development of Processing Infrastructure for New York City’s Organics Waste Stream (Part 1 of 2)

April 2015            Jessica Anne Wentz, Draft NEPA Guidance Requires Agencies to Consider Both GHG Emissions and the Impacts of Climate Change on Proposed Actions

March 2015          Katrin Klingenberg and Mike Knezovich, An Introduction to Passive House Principles and Policy(Viewpoint)

February 2015      Alan J. Knauf and Janice A. Dean, Too Early or Too Late? Statutes of Limitations in Hazardous Waste and Oil Spill Claims (Part 2 of 2)

January 2015        Alan J. Knauf and Janice A. Dean, Too Early or Too Late? Statutes of Limitations in Hazardous Waste and Oil Spill Claims (Part 1 of 2)


December 2014     Lawrence E. Culleen, Peggy Otum, and L. Margaret Barry, The Toxic Substances Control Act and Fracking: What Role Should EPA Play in Regulating Fracking Chemicals?

November 2014    Eric A. Rey, Statute of Repose: Still a Viable Defense in Environmental Torts

October 2014        Ethan I. Strell, New York Environmental Impact Statements Beginning to Address Climate Resiliency

September 2014    Bret R. Salzer, New York Green Bank: Crown Jewel of the New York Energy Plan?

August 2014         James P. Rigano, Subsurface Contamination: Individual Liability and Reporting Obligations

July 2014              Adam Hinge & Michael Bobker, Building Energy Benchmarking & Disclosure: Market Reactions from Early Implementation of New York City’s Local Law 84 of 2009

June 2014              Cari Rincker, Overview of Legal Issues Affecting the Local Food Movement

May 2014             Sarah Adams-Schoen, On The Waterfront: New York city’s Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Challenge (Part 2 of 2)

April 2014            Sarah Adams-Schoen, On The Waterfront: New York city’s Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Challenge (Part 1 of 2)

March 2014          Jackson Morris, Andrea Cerbin, Jordan Stutt, and Adam Cohn, New York’s Renewable Portfolio Standard: Where to From Here?

February 2014      Lena Golze Desmond,Legal Support for the Environmental Grassroots: A Concept Paper(Viewpoint)

January 2014        Mandy DeRoche,A Stormwater Fee, with Strong and Equitable Credits for Green Infrastructure, Could Benefit New York City as a Whole and Environmental Justice Communities Such as the South Bronx(Viewpoint)


December 2013     Shelley Welton, Plugging the Leaks: Can RGGI Regulate Emissions from Imported Electricity? (Part 2 of 2)

November 2013    Shelley Welton, Plugging the Leaks: Can RGGI Regulate Emissions from Imported Electricity? (Part 1 of 2)

October 2013        Steven C. Russo and Adam B. Silverman, Environmental Audit—New York Looks to Expand the Scope of Its Policy While EPA Seeks to Target Applicability

September 2013    John Louis Parker, Extreme Weather and Its Consequences: Adaptation and Resilience Are Needed to Address a Changing World (Part 2 of 2)(Viewpoint)

August 2013         John Louis Parker, Extreme Weather and Its Consequences: Adaptation and Resilience Are Needed to Address a Changing World (Part 1 of 2)(Viewpoint)

July 2013              Jack A. Nasca and Lawrence H. Weintraub, DEC Proposes Changes to the SEQR Regulations

June 2013              Michael A. Cucchiara, Tax Increment Financing Programs for Brownfields Remediation and Redevelopment

May 2013             Michael D. Zarin and Brad K. Schwartz, Vested Rights:  A “Win-Win” for Municipalities and Redevelopers in Long-Term, Public-Private Redevelopment Projects

April 2013            Randall C. Young, Recent Environmental Enforcement Issues Concerning New York State Agencies (Part 2 of 2)(Viewpoint)

March 2013          Randall C. Young, Recent Environmental Enforcement Issues Concerning New York State Agencies (Part 1 of 2)(Viewpoint)

February 2013      David Sive, Nicholas A. Robinson, and Philip Weinberg, Is The Forest Preserve “Forever” Or “Wild”? (Part 2 of 2)(Viewpoint)

January 2013        David Sive, Nicholas A. Robinson, and Philip Weinberg, Is The Forest Preserve “Forever” Or “Wild”? (Part 1 of 2)(Viewpoint)


December 2012     Anne Marie Garti,The Illusion of the Blue Flame: Water Law and Unconventional Gas Drilling in New York State (Part 2 of 2)(Viewpoint)

November 2012    Anne Marie Garti,The Illusion of the Blue Flame: Water Law and Unconventional Gas Drilling in New York State (Part 1 of 2)(Viewpoint)

October 2012        Mark McIntyre, Alison McCabe, and Daniel Cole, The 2012 Reform of New York City’s E-Designation Program: Uniform Controls, Enhanced Enforcement, and Streamlined Review of Development Projects(Part 2 of 2)

September 2012    Mark McIntyre, Alison McCabe, and Daniel Cole, The 2012 Reform of New York City’s E-Designation Program: Uniform Controls, Enhanced Enforcement, and Streamlined Review of Development Projects(Part 1 of 2)

August 2012         Ross Gould, The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Heads To Pit Row After Three Successful Laps (Part 2 of 2)(Viewpoint)

July 2012              Ross Gould,The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Heads To Pit Row After Three Successful Laps (Part 1 of 2)(Viewpoint)

June 2012              Abigail M. Jones, No Preemption: Two Trial Courts Uphold New York Towns’ Authority to Completely Ban Fracking Within Their Jurisdictions

May 2012             George A. Rodenhausen, Preserving Open Space in Land Use Approvals (Part 2 of 2)

April 2012            George A. Rodenhausen, Preserving Open Space in Land Use Approvals (Part 1 of 2)

March 2012          Wesley O’Brien,CEQR Greenhouse Gas Analysis: Demonstrating Consistency with the City’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goal

February 2012      Cullen Howe, Financing Energy Efficiency Improvements in Residential Buildings: Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) and “On-Bill” Financing (Part 2 of 2)

January 2012        Cullen Howe, Financing Energy Efficiency Improvements in Residential Buildings: Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) and “On-Bill” Financing (Part 1 of 2)


December 2011     Cullen Howe, Paul Lee, and Jessica Zalin, Taking Action in New York on Climate Change: 2011 Update to the 2009 New York State Bar Association Task Force on Global Warming Report (Part 2 of 2)

November 2011    Cullen Howe, Paul Lee, and Jessica Zalin, Taking Action in New York on Climate Change: 2011 Update to the 2009 New York State Bar Association Task Force on Global Warming Report (Part 1 of 2)

October 2011        Danielle Sugarman, Model Ordinance Project Designed to Facilitate Renewable Energy Projects and Green Buildings

September 2011    Michael N. Romita, One of These Things Is Not Like the Other: Can a Low Carbon Fuel Standard for New York Coexist with the Federal Fuel Standard? (Part 2 of 2)(Viewpoint) 

August 2011         Michael N. Romita, One of These Things Is Not Like the Other: Can a Low Carbon Fuel Standard for New York Coexist with the Federal Fuel Standard? (Part 1 of 2)(Viewpoint)

July 2011              Grace Pickering, Bengis and the “Victim” of an Environmental Crime

June 2011              Lisa Kersavage, The Green Opportunity in New York City’s Historic Buildings

May 2011             Jeff Jones, Brownfields Policy in Transition: New Opportunities for New York’s Urban Downtown and Underserved Neighborhoods

April 2011            Dominic Cordisco, Shifting from Protection to Enhancement: The New Paradigm in Endangered Species Regulation in New York(Viewpoint)

March 2011          Charlotte A. Biblow, Mandatory Electronic Equipment Recycling Comes to New York

February 2011      Amy Mudge, Randy Shaheen, and Danielle Garten, Federal Trade Commission Releases Proposed Revisions to “Green Guides”

January 2011        Katie Kendall,2010 Revisions to the City Environmental Quality Review  Technical Manual Improve and Enhance New York City’s Environmental Review Process (Part 2 of 2)


December 2010     Katie Kendall, 2010 Revisions to the City Environmental Quality Review  Technical Manual Improve and Enhance New York City’s Environmental Review Process (Part 1 of 2)

November 2010    Ross Gould and Jackson Morris, How Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Strengthens New York Businesses (Part 2)

October 2010        Ross Gould and Jackson Morris, How Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Strengthens New York Businesses (Part 1)

September 2010    James P. Rigano,Environmental Provisions in a Contract of Sale

August 2010         Roland Lewis and Cortney Warrall, Waterfront Permitting in the New York and New Jersey Harbor

July 2010              Dave Gahl and Alison Jenkins, Public Authority Bonds: A Better Way to Pay for Environmental Protection in New York

June 2010              Marcus A. Asner and Grace Pickering, The Lacey Act and the World of Illegal Plant Products

May 2010             James M. Van Nostrand and Elizabeth McCormick, Using Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Bonds to Meet New York’s Clean Energy Goals

April 2010            Michael R. Edelstein, SEQR and You Will Find’r: The Integration of Sustainability Planning and Impact Assessment (Part 2 of 2)

April 2010            Michael R. Edelstein, SEQR and You Will Find’r: The Integration of Sustainability Planning and Impact Assessment (Part 1 of 2)

February 2010      Howard M. Fish,The Adirondack  Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory: An Energy and Climate Action Plan for 20 Percent of New York State (Part 2 of 2)

January 2010        Howard M. Fish,The Adirondack  Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory: An Energy and Climate Action Plan for 20 Percent of New York State (Part 1 of 2)


December 2009     Paul Selver, Elizabeth Larsen, and Adam Taubman, RLUIPA and Land Use: An Overview and a Closer Look at the “Equal Terms” Provision and the Southern District’s Third ChurchDecision (Part 2 of 2)

November 2009    Paul Selver, Elizabeth Larsen, and Adam Taubman, RLUIPA and Land Use: An Overview and a Closer Look at the “Equal Terms” Provision and the Southern District’s Third ChurchDecision (Part 1 of 2)

October 2009        Christopher A. Amato, DEC’s Indian Nation Policy: Opening a New Era of State/Tribal Cooperation (Part 2 of 2)

September 2009    Christopher A. Amato, DEC’s Indian Nation Policy: Opening a New Era of State/Tribal Cooperation (Part 1 of 2)

August 2009         Dwight E. Kanyuck and Robert S. Berger, Great Lakes Offshore Wind Power: A New York Strategy for Energy and Economic Development

July 2009              Jody Kass, Mathy Stanislaus, Alan Epstein, Oliver Chase, and Russell Kivler, Analysis on the Use of Brownfield Tax Credits by Not-for-Profit Organizations (Part 2 of 2)

June 2009              Jody Kass, Mathy Stanislaus, Alan Epstein, Oliver Chase, and Russell Kivler, Analysis on the Use of Brownfield Tax Credits by Not-for-Profit Organizations (Part 1 of 2)

May 2009             Stephen G. Swisdak, Researching Past Uses of New York Industrial Sites

April 2009            Delight Balducci, Stephanie Haas, Cullen Howe, Kara Murphy, Giselle Vigneron, and Jason Weiner, Green Jobs in New York: Where the (Green) Economy Meets the (Green) Environment (Part 2 of 2)

March 2009         Delight Balducci, Stephanie Haas, Cullen Howe, Kara Murphy, Giselle Vigneron, and Jason Weiner, Green Jobs in New York: Where the (Green) Economy Meets the (Green) Environment (Part 1 of 2)

February 2009      Patricia E. Salkin, Wind Blows in New Code of Ethics for Companies Doing Business in New York State

January 2009        John D. Echeverria and Michael E. Kenneally, Jr., Noghrey v. Town of Brookhaven: How Far is “Too Far” in a Regulatory Takings Case


December 2008     Eric Schaaf, Environmental Protection Agency Region 2 Enforcement Update

November 2008    Cullen Howe, Preparing for the Inevitable: What New York City Should Do to Adapt to the Impending Effects of Climate Change (Part 2 of 2)

October 2008        David J. Freeman and Laura Karvosky, Case Law Develops for Site Eligibility Under New York State’s Brownfield Cleanup Program

September 2008    Cullen Howe, Preparing for the Inevitable: What New York City Should Do to Adapt to the Impending Effects of Climate Change (Part 1 of 2)

August 2008         Walter Mugdan,Promoting Green Construction: EPA’s Use of Voluntary Programs to Encourage More Sustainable Development

July 2008              Frederick R. Fucci, Making Buildings More Energy Efficient Through Energy Performance Contracting (Part 2 of 2)  

June 2008              Frederick R. Fucci, Making Buildings More Energy Efficient Through Energy Performance Contracting (Part 1 of 2)  

May 2008             Michael G. Murphy, Environmental Review of Energy Projects in New York (Part 2 of 2)

April 2008            Michael G. Murphy, Environmental Review of Energy Projects in New York (Part 1 of 2)

March 2008          Department of Environmental Conservation Executive Staff

February 2008      Philip E. Karmel and L. Margaret Barry, Mitigation of Environmental Impacts Under SEQRA

January 2008        Mark P. McIntyre, How PlaNYC Will Facilitate Brownfield Redevelopment


December 2007     Michael G. Mahoney, The Pfizer Climate Change and Energy Program: Understanding Climate Change Risks and Opportunities

November 2007    James J. Periconi,Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings: A Survey of Federal and State Regulations (Part 2 of 2)

October 2007        James J. Periconi, Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings: A Survey of Federal and State Regulations (Part 1 of 2)

September 2007    Richard M. Walka and Ellen R. DeOrsay, The U.S. EPA Region 2 Facility Audit Agreement: Opportunity or Albatross? (Part 2 of 2)

August 2007         Richard M. Walka and Ellen R. DeOrsay, The U.S. EPA Region 2 Facility Audit Agreement: Opportunity or Albatross? (Part 1 of 2)

July 2007              Charles M. Pratt, Electric Regulation in the State of New York (Part 2 of 2)

June 2007              Charles M. Pratt, Electric Regulation in the State of New York (Part 1 of 2)

May 2007             James R. May,Environmental Citizen Suit Update

April 2007            Walter Mugdan, Back to the Future: Coal Gasification Comes of Age … Again

March 2007          Christopher A. Amato, Standing Downwind: Vermont’s SEQRA Challenge to International Paper’s Tire Test Burn

February 2007      Joel H. Sachs, RLUIPA and Land Use Regulation in New York State

January 2007        Mark A. Chertok, The Scope of the Obligation to Consider Alternatives Under Little NEPAs (Part 2 of 2)


December 2006     Mark A. Chertok, The Scope of the Obligation to Consider Alternatives Under Little NEPAs (Part 1 of 2)

October 2006        Eric A. Goldstein and Robin Marx, Protecting New York City’s Water Supply Through Filtration Avoidance in 2007 (Part 2 of 2)

September 2006    Eric A. Goldstein and Robin Marx, Protecting New York City’s Water Supply Through Filtration Avoidance in 2007 (Part 1 of 2)

August 2006         Samuel L. Brown, Conservation Easements & Land Trusts: Overview, Examples and Their Role in the Development Process (Part 2 of 2)

July 2006              Samuel L. Brown, Conservation Easements & Land Trusts: Overview, Examples and Their Role in the Development Process (Part 1 of 2)

June 2006              Michael D. Zarin, Border Wars and SEQRA (Part 2 of 2)

May 2006             Michael D. Zarin, Border Wars and SEQRA (Part 1 of 2)

April 2006            David Schiff,The Expanding Scope of Environmental Analyses Under SEQRA

March 2006          Jonathan Martel, NYPIRG v. Johnson: Disputing Enforcement in New York’s Title V Permit Proceedings

February 2006      Jody Kass, Mathy Stanislaus, Alan Epstein and Russell Kivler, A Baseline Analysis on the Use of Brownfield Tax Credits by Not-for-Profit Organizations

January 2006        Philip E. Karmel and Laurence Horvath, Cleaning Up New York Brownfields and Other Contaminated Sites After Cooper Industries v. Aviall


December 2005     Andrew W. Schwartz, San Remo Hotel v. City and County of San Francisco: Victory for Local Control of Land Use

November 2005    Darryl Cabbagestalk and Larry Schnapf, Remediating Contaminated Sites in New York City Under the E-Designation Program

October 2005        Jay Wickersham,Mitigation Measures: Definitions, Enforcement, Monitoring, and Effectiveness in California, Massachusetts and New York

September 2005    Larry Schnapf, Using the Oil Spill Fund to Facilitate Brownfield Development

August 2005         Lawrence Norden and Jeremy Creelan, Lost in the Shadows: The Fight for a Senate Vote on Wetlands Protection Legislation

July 2005              James P. Rigano and Barry S. Cohen, Soil Vapor Intrusion, the New Issue

June 2005              Paul D. Boehm, Steave Su, Walter Shields, and Brian Murphy, Environmental Forensics Approaches for Understanding Liabilities (Part 2 of 2)

May 2005             Paul D. Boehm, Steave Su, Walter Shields, and Brian Murphy, Environmental Forensics Approaches for Understanding Liabilities (Part 1 of 2)

April 2005            Kristina Alexander, Waiting to Inhale: Radon in New York

March 2005          Eleanor Stein,The New York Renewable Portfolio Standard: Case Study in Process and Substance

February 2005      John F. Rusnica,Protecting New York’s Farm Operations: Agriculture and Markets Law § 305-a Limitation on Local Laws

January 2005        Kathryn C. Plunkett, The Common Law of Nuisance in New York Environmental Litigation


December 2004     Craig A. Werle, All Appropriate Inquiry Standards Modify Environmental Due Diligence Procedures

November 2004    Kristina Alexander, Forewarned Is Forearmed: Regulating Invasive Species in New York

October 2004        Katherine McComas, What Do We Know About Public Meetings?: Practical Lessons from Field Research

September 2004    Robert M. Jacoby and Gerard P. Scharfenberger, Archaeology, Compliance and the Section 106 Process

August 2004         Kristina Alexander, Unleashing a Powerful Tool for Enforcing Zoning Violations

July 2004              Craig T. Donovan, Protecting Environmentally Critical Areas and Wilderness Values: New York State’s Use of the Master Plan for Comprehensive Regional Planning of the Catskill and Adirondack Forest Preserve

June 2004              Christopher Rizzo, Enhancing the Protection of Parkland in New York

May 2004             Bernard C. Melewski, Reforming the Adirondack Park Agency Act: A New Blue for the Blue Line (Part 2 of 2)

April 2004            Bernard C. Melewski, Reforming the Adirondack Park Agency Act: A New Blue for the Blue Line (Part 1 of 2)

March 2004          John Echeverria, Friedenburg v. DEC: A Troubling Regulatory Takings Ruling

February 2004      Michael D. Zarin and Daniel M. Richmond, The Use of Eminent Domain in Public-Private Development Partnerships

January 2004        Damian M. Hovancik, Michael G. Sterthous, and Philip H. Dixon, New York’s New Brownfields/Superfund Legislation (Part 2 of 2)


December 2003     Philip H. Dixon and Michael G. Sterthous, New York’s New Brownfields/Superfund Legislation (Part 1 of 2)

November 2003    Thomas M. Johnson,DEC’s Draft DER-10 Guidance for Site Investigation and Remediation

October 2003        Christopher Dow, Petroleum Storage Requirements in New York

September 2003    Jeffrey Turkel, Regulatory Takings in New York: A Survey

August 2003         Mark A. Chertok and Kate Sinding, Federal Regulation of Isolated Wetlands (Part 2 of 2)


December 2002     Albert K. Butzel,Recapturing New York City’s Waterfront Part I: The Demise of Westway and the Birth of the Hudson River Park

November 2002    Tiffany Eisberg and Jessica VanTine, The Beach Zone: Using Local Land Use Authority to Preserve Barrier Islands(Part II)

October 2002        Tiffany Eisberg and Jessica VanTine, The Beach Zone: Using Local Land Use Authority to Preserve Barrier Islands(Part I)

September 2002    Michael Burnetter, The 2002 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State, Executive Order 111, and the Green Building Tax Credit

August 2002         P. Nicholas Garlick, A New Approach to Citizen Enforcement of Environmental Laws: Administrative Citizen Suits

July 2002              Philip E. Karmel, PM2.5: Federal and New York Regulation of Fine Particulate Air Pollution

June 2002              Carl T. Ferrentino and Peter J. Zaborowsky, Emissions Trading in New York, Part II


December 2001     Ned Kaufman, Places of Historical, Cultural, and Social Value: Identification and Protection, Part II

November 2001    Ned Kaufman, Places of Historical, Cultural, and Social Value: Identification and Protection, Part I



December 2000          Lisa J. Morelli and William W. Funderburk, Jr, Retrospective Application of the Recycling Equity Act: A Brave New World for the Recycling Industry

November 2000          Christine Bohrer Van Aken, Financing Hazardous Waste Remediation in New York: The State Superfund at a Turning Point

September 2000         Deborah A. Goldberger, Zoning Enforcement Law in New York State, Part I

August 2000                Jeffrey P. LeJava, Funding Local Government Acquisition of Open Lands in New York State, Part II

July 2000                     Jeffrey P. LeJava, Funding Local Government Acquisition of Open Lands in New York State, Part I

June 2000                    Linda R. Shaw, The Art of Environmental Consensus Building: A Personal Perspective on the Evolution of Brownfields Legislation in New York

May 2000                     Robert S. Davis and Judith M. Gallent, New York's High Court Creates Another Obstacle for Property Owners Asserting Regulatory Takings Claims

April 2000                     Angela M. Demerle, Sales of Environmentally Contaminated Properties: Is "As Is" Ever Enough?

March 2000                  Peter M. Lehne and Christopher A. Amato, The Role of the Attorney General in Environmental Enforcement

February 2000              Douglas M. Hill, Role of Municipal and State Governments in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading 

January 2000                Matthew A. Sokol, Enacting SEQRA: The Legislative Debates and a 25-Year Look Back


December 1999,       Douglas Hill, The Baked Apple Scenario

November 1999,       Michael B. Gerrard and Elizabeth A. Stringer, Judicial Review of Solid Waste Facility Siting and Permitting in New York, Part II

October 1999,           Michael B. Gerrard and Elizabeth A. Stringer, Judicial Review of Solid Waste Facility Siting and Permitting in New York, Part I

September 1999,      Albert F. Appleton, Implications of Potential Y2K Problems for the Operation of Environmental Infrastructure Systems

August 1999,            August, Barnett Lawrence, TMDLs and Water Quality Regulation in New York

July 1999,                 G. S. Peter BergenElectric Generating Facility Siting and Licensing in New York State's Restructured Electric Utility Industry

June 1999,                Scott A. Thornton and Michael R. Edelstein, Citizen Enforcers or Bothersome Meddlers? A Plaintiff's Perspective on the Orange County Landfill Case

May 1999,                 Walter E. Mugdan, Federal Environmental Enforcement in EPA Region 2, Part II

April 1999,                 Walter E. MugdanFederal Environmental Enforcement in EPA Region 2, Part I

March 1999,              Barnett Lawrence, Underground Storage Tanks in New York After the 1998 Upgrade Deadline

February 1999,          J. Kevin Healy, Economic Development and Climate Change: Developing an Action Plan for New York

January 1999,            Paul J. D'Amato, New York State's Implementation of the Federal Storm Water Discharge Regulations


December 1998,        Susan Neuman, The New Environmental Insurance Products: When Does it Make Sense to Buy Them?, Part II

November 1998,         Susan Neuman, The New Environmental Insurance Products: When Does it Make Sense to Buy Them?, Part I

October 1998,            Arline L. Bronzaft, Noise Sources, Health Impacts and Legal Remedies: A Psychologist's Perspective

September 1998,       Dennis C. Vacco, Attorney General of the State of New York and J. Jared Snyder, Assistant Attorney General, New York State's Legal Battle Against Upwind Pollution and Acid Rain: The Attorney General's Perspective

August 1998,             Craig A. Slater, CERCLA Roundup

July 1998,                  William D. Siegel and Saul R. Fenchel, Reducing Real Property Tax Assessments in New York State Based on Contamination

June 1998,                 Heather Marie Andrade, The Effect of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection Watershed Regulations On Land Use

May 1998,                  Matthew A. Sokol, Coastal Zone Management in New York

April 1998,                 Michael J. Brown, Light Pollution

March 1998,              Christopher J. Dagger, Brownfields: An Entrepreneur's Perspective

February 1998,          Michael Murphy, Closing the Bookends on Vested Rights

January 1998,            Maureen F. Leary, Assessing Environmental Liability of Lenders and Fiduciaries Under the Asset Conservation Act