Sabin Center Staff Weigh in on Held v. Montana Case

June 27, 2023

On August 14, a judge ruled in favor of the Montana youth plaintiffs in the Held v. State of Montana case. The youth activists claimed that the state violated their right to a clean and healthful environment under Montana's constitution. The judge declared that a Montana law violated this right by stopping agencies from considering climate impacts when conducting environmental reviews. The trial for this case began on June 12. It is the first constitutional climate trial in the United States, confronting the state's responsibility for climate change. Read the case summary and documents in the Sabin Center's climate change litigation database here. Michael Burger, the Sabin Center's Executive Director wrote an opinion piece on the case and the issues at stake here

Below is the full list of Sabin Center experts weighing in on the Montana lawsuit, including through podcasts. This story may be updated as news articles are published.

Michael Gerrard, Faculty Director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law

Michael Burger, Executive Director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law 

Other Media Mentions


The plaintiffs are represented by attorneys with Our Children's Trust and Montana co-counsel at the Western Environmental Law Center and McGarvey Law.