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Greening the Planet from Europe: Extraterritorial Effects of the EU

March 13, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Columbia Law School, 435 W. 116 St., New York, NY 10027 103

Greening the Planet from Europe: Extraterritorial Effects of the EU Green Deal - A Discussion with Andrew Bernstein

Register here.


Join CCSI and co-sponsors, Columbia Law School's Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and Corporate Responsibility Association (CRA), and Columbia Climate School for a discussion with Andrew Bernstein on "Greening the Planet from Europe: Extraterritorial Effects of the EU Green Deal."

Coffee and cookies will be provided!

The European Union is ahead of much of the rest of the world in taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint. Over the past few years, the EU Green Deal – a legislative package intended to achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement and more – has taken shape through laws and regulations that are now starting to take effect, sometimes meeting resistance as companies, farmers and others discover what compliance (and non-compliance) really means. Initially impacting mainly large companies in the European Union, the EU Green Deal will be rolled out in the next few years to cover a broad range of companies, including many from the US and other non-European countries that have substantial EU contacts. In the current geopolitical environment, there is a clear risk of significant clashes.

Andrew Bernstein, Senior Fellow, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Senior Counsel, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, is a US lawyer who has been practicing in France for almost thirty years. He was a member of a working group of the French High Financial Markets Law Committee that prepared a comprehensive report on the extraterritorial application of EU law, particularly in the context of directives and regulations that are part of the EU Green Deal. He will speak about the way in which the EU Green Deal is impacting and will impact non-EU companies. The discussion will be at a fairly basic level, with no prior knowledge or experience needed. The idea will be to familiarize participants with the issues and to have an open discussion about what they might mean.

Contact Information

Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment