U.S. Sub-National Actions
This page organizes the citations it lists into the following categories:
- Federalism and preemption issues
- Individual and voluntary actions
- Local actions
- State actions
- Regional actions
Federalism and preemption issues
Abate, Randall, Kyoto or Not, Here We Come: The Promise and Perils of the Piecemeal Approach to Climate Change Regulation in the United States, 15 Cornell J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 369 (2006)
Adelman, David E., Climate change, federalism, and promoting technological change, in Beyond Environmental Law (Alyson C. Flournoy & David M. Driesen eds., Cambridge University Press 2010).
Adler, Robert, Climate Change and the Hegemony of State Water Law, 29 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 1 (2010)
Albert-Knopp, Eben, The California Gas Charge and Beyond: Taxes and Fees in a Changing Climate, 32Vt. L. Rev. 217 (2007)
Breedon, Kimberly, Garamendi’s Unspoken Assumptions: Assessing Executive Foreign Affairs Preemption Challenges to State Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 37 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10897 (2007)
Brown, Daniel, Executive Constraint, Judicial Uncertainty, and Legislative Complacency: Washington Responds With A Progressive Approach to Climate Change, 31 Seattle U. L. Rev. 707 (2008)
Carlarne, Cinnamon, Notes From a Climate Change Pressure-Cooker: Subfederal Attempts at Transformation Meet National Resistance in the USA, 40 Conn. L. Rev. 1351 (2008)
Carlson, Ann, Federalism, Preemption, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 37 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 281 (2003)
Carlson, Ann, Iterative Federalism and Climate Change, 103 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1097 (2009)
Chang, Hannah, Foreign Affairs Federalism: The Legality of California’s Link With the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, 37 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10771 (2007)
Dalmazzone, Silvana & Alessandra La Notte, Environmental Accounting at Different Levels of Government, in Governing the Environment (Albert Breton et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2009).
DeShazo, J.R. & Freeman, Jody, Timing and Form of Federal Regulation: The Case of Climate Change, 155U. Pa. L. Rev. 1499 (2007)
Engel, Kirsten, State and Local Climate Change Initiatives: What is Motivating State and Local Governments to Address a Global Problem and What Does This Say About Federalism and Environmental Law?, 38(4)Urb. Law. 1015 (2006)
Farber, Daniel A., Climate Change, Federalism, and the Constitution, 50 Ariz. L. Rev. 879 (2008)
Fessler, Mark, California v. General Motors Corp: California’s Attempt to Regain Control of its Climate, 15Se. Envtl. L. J. 537 (2007)
Gerrard, Michael B. & Gregory E. Wannier, United States of America, in Climate Change Liability, 556-603 (Richard Lord et al. eds., Cambridge University Press 2011).
Glicksman, Robert & Levy, R., A Collective Action Perspective on Ceiling Preemption by Federal Environmental Regulation: The Case of Global Climate Change, 102 Nw. U. L. Rev. 579 (2008)
Glicksman, Robert, Nothing is Real: Protecting the Regulatory Void Through Federal Preemption by Inaction, 26 Va. Envtl. L. J. 5 (2008)
Harper, Benjamin, Climate Change Litigation: The Federal Common Law of Interstate Nuisance and Federalism Concerns, 40 Ga. L. Rev. 661 (2006)
Heinzerling, Lisa, Climate, Preemption, and the Executive Branches, 50 Ariz. L. Rev. 925 (2008)
Hogg, P. W., Constitutional Authority over Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 46 Alberta L. Rev. 507 (2009)
Kaswan, Alice, A Cooperative Federalism Proposal for Climate Change Legislation: The Value of State Autonomy in a Federal System, 85 Denv. U. L. Rev. 791 (2008)
Kaswan, Alice, The Domestic Response to Global Climate Change: What Role for Federal, State, and Litigation Initiatives?, 42 U.S.F.L. Rev. 39 (2007)
Lawrence, Jeremy, Where Federalism and Globalization Intersect: the Western Climate Initiative as a Model for Cross-Border Collaboration Among States and Provinces, 38 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10796 (2008)
MacDonald, Joseph, Why Climate Change Must Be Federal: The Clash Between Commerce Clause Jurisprudence and State Greenhouse Gas Trading Systems, 40 Conn. L. Rev. 1431 (2008)
McKinstry ,Robert & Peterson, Tomas, The Implications of the New “Old” Federalism in Climate-Change Legislation: How to Function in a Global Marketplace When States Take the Lead, 20 Pac. McGeorge Global Bus. & Dev. L. J. 61 (2007)
Mendelson, Nina N., The California Greenhouse Gas Waiver Decision and Agency Interpretation: A Response to Professors Galle and Seidenfeld, 57 Duke L. J. 2157 (2008)
Olinger, Sarah, Filling the Void in an Otherwise Occupied Field: Using Federal Common Law to Regulate Carbon Dioxide in the Absence of a Preemptive Statute, 24 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 237 (2007)
Rabe, Barry, North American Federalism and Climate Change Policy: American State and Canadian Provincial Policy Development, 14 Widener L.J. 121 (2004)
Rose, Carol, Federalism and Climate Change: The Role of the States in a Future Federal Regime – An In Introduction, 50 Ariz. L. Rev. 673 (2008)
Shogren, Jason F. & Klaas T. van ’t Veld, Environmental Federalism with Regards to Accidental Pollution, in Governing the Environment (Albert Breton et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2009).
Snyder, Jared & Binder, Jonathan, The Changing Climate of Cooperative Federalism: The Dynamic Role of the States in a National Strategy to Combat Climate Change, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 231 (2009)
Sovacool, Benjamin, The Best of Both Worlds: Environmental Federalism and the Need for Federal Action on Renewable Energy and Climate Change, 27 Stan. Envtl. L. J. 397 (2008)
Stewart, Richard B., Federalism and Climate Change: The Role of the States in a Future Federal Regime:States and Cities as Actors in Global Climate Regulation: Unitary vs. Plural Architectures 50 Ariz. L. Rev.681 (2008)
Weisselberg, Patricia, Shaping the Energy Future in the American West: Can California Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Out-of-State, Coal-Fired Power Plants Without Violating the Dormant Commerce Clause?, 42 U.S.F.L. Rev. 185 (2007)
Individual and voluntary actions
Babcok, Hope, Assuming Personal Responsibility for Improving the Environment: Moving Toward a New Environmental Norm, 33 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 117 (2009)
Babie, Paul. “Choices That Matter: Three Propositions on the Individual, Private Property, and Anthropogenic Climate Change.” Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy 22 (2011): 323–356.
Carrico, Amanda R et al. “Energy and Climate Change: Key Lessons for Implementing the Behavioral Wedge.” George Washington Journal of Energy and Environmental Law 2 (2011): 61–67.
Cole, Daniel, Climate Change and Collective Action, 61 Current Legal Probs. 229 (2008)
Dernbach, John C., et al., The Ethical Responsibility to Reduce Energy Consumption, 37 Hofstra L. Rev.985 (2009)
Dernbach, John C., Harnessing Individual Behavior To Address Climate Change: Options For Congress, 26Va. Envtl. L.J. 107 (2008)
Ela, Jed, Law and Norms in Collective Action: Maximizing Social Influence to Minimize Carbon Emissions, 27 U.C.L.A. J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 93 (2008)
Goodall, Chris, How to Live a Low-Carbon Life (2d ed. Earthscan 2010)
Green, Andrew, Self Control, Individual Choice, and Climate Change, 26 M Va. Envtl. L.J. 77 (2008)
Guarino, Katherine A. “The Power of One: Citizen Suits in the Fight Against Global Warming.” Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 38 (2011): 125–158.
Hamilton, Clive, Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth About Climate Change (Earthscan 2010)
Harris, Paul G., Climate Change and the Importance of International Environmental Law: Seeking a Cosmopolitan Cure, 16 Penn St. Envtl. L. Rev. 323 (2008)
Harris, Paul G., Collective Action on Climate Change: The Logic of Regime Failure, 47 Nat. Resources J. 195 (2007)
Junker, Kirk W. “Climate Change Action ’Got ‘Tween the Lawful Sheets’.” Carbon & Climate Law Review 5.3 (2011): 329–341.
Kerr, Tom, Voluntary Climate Change Efforts in Global Climate Change and U.S. Law Chapter 17 (Michael B. Gerrard ed., 2007)
Kuh, Katrina Fischer. “Capturing Individual Harms.” Harvard Environmental Law Review 35.1 (2011): 157–206.
Kuh, Katrina, Using Local Knowledge to Shrink the Individual Carbon Footprint, 37 Hofstra L. Rev. 975 (2009)
Lawrence, Jeremy, Where Federalism and Globalization Intersect: the Western Climate Initiative as a Model for Cross-Border Collaboration Among States and Provinces, 38 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10796 (2008)
McCright, Aaron M., The Social Bases of Climate Change Knowledge, Concern, and Policy Support in the U.S. General Public, 37 Hofstra L. Rev. 1017 (2009)
Metcalf, Gilbert E. “Paying for Greenhouse Gas Reductions: What Role for Fairness.” Lewis & Clark Law Review 15 (2011): 393–416.
Mukhopadhyay, Partha, Cities and GHG Emissions Reductions: An Opportunity We Cannot Afford to Miss inStewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 26 (NYU Press 2009)
Newman, Peter. “Sustainable Cities of the Future: The Behavior Change Driver.” Sustainable Development Law & Policy 11 (2010): 7–10.
Nolon, Sean F. “Negotiating the Wind: A Framework to Engage Citizens in Siting Wind Turbines.” Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 12 (2010): 327–372.
Rhode, Deborah & Ross, Lee, Environmental Values and Behaviors: Strategies to Encourage Public Support for Initiatives to Combat Global Warming, 26 Va. Envtl. L.J. 161 (2008)
Stack, Kevin M., and Michael P. Vanderbergh. “The One Percent Problem.” Columbia Law Review 111.7 (2011): 1385–1443.
Stern, Stephanie M. “Smart-Grid: Technology and the Psychology of Environmental Behavior Change.” Chicago-Kent Law Review 86 (2011): 139–160.
Sullivan, Mary Anne, Voluntary Plans Will Not Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Electricity Sector, 6(2)Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 47 (2006)
Vandenbergh, Michael et al., Individual Carbon Emissions: The Low-Hanging Fruit, 55 UCLA L. Rev. 1701 (2008)
Vandenbergh, Michael P. & Ackerly, Brooke A., Climate Change: The Equity Problem, 26 Va. Envtl. L.J. 55 (2008)
Vandenbergh, Michael P. & Stein, Anne C., The Carbon-Neutral Individual,” 82 NYU L. Rev. 1673
Vaze, Prashant, The Economical Environmentalist (Earthscan 2010)
Whitmarsh, Lorraine, et al. (eds.), Engaging the Public with Climate Change: Behavior Change and Communication (Earthscan 2010)
Local actions
Abate, Randall, Kyoto or Not, Here We Come: The Promise and Perils of the Piecemeal Approach to Climate Change Regulation in the United States, 15 Cornell J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 369 (2006)
Bell, Ryan, & Linstroth, Tommy, Local Action: the New Paradigm in Climate Change Policy, University Press of New England (2007)
Betsill, Michele, & Bulkeley, Harriet, Cities and the Multilevel Governance of Global Climate Change, 12(2)Global Governance 141 (2006)
Brewer, Judi & Vespa, Matthew, Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: The Role of Local Government in Minimizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New Development, 44 Idaho L. Rev. 589 (2008)
Carlarne, Cinnamon, Notes from a Climate Change Pressure-Cooker: Sub-Federal Attempts at Transformation Meet National Resistance in the USA, 40 Conn. L. Rev. 1351 (2008)
Carlson, Ann, Implementing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Caps: A Case Study of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, 55 U.C.L.A. L. Rev. 1479 (2008)
Flatt, Victor, Act Locally, Affect Globally: How Changing Social Norms to Influence the Private Sector Shows a Path to Using Local Government to Control Environmental Harms, 35(3) B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 455 (2008)
Fox, Sarah, A Climate of Change: Shifting Environmental Concerns and Property Law Norms through the Lens of LEED Building Standards, 28 Va. Envtl. L.J. 299 (2010)
Gremellion, Thomas M. “Setting the Foundation: Climate Change Adaptation at the Local Level.” Environmental Law 41.3 (2011): 1221–1254.
Healy, J. Kevin, Local Initiatives, in Global Climate Change and U.S. Law Chapter 12 (Michael B. Gerrard, ed., 2007)
Hoffman, Nicholas R. “A Don Quixote Tale of Modern Renewable Energy: Counties and Municipalities Fight to Ban Commercial Wind Power Across the United States.” UMKC Law Review 79 (2010): 717–740.
Irvin, T. Rick, et. al. Kyoto Comes to Georgia: How International Environmental Initiatives Foster Sustainable Commerce in Small Town America, 36 Ga. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 559 (2008)
Mahoney, Mekaela, State and Local Governments Take the Reins in Combating Global Warming, 38 Urb. Law. 585 (2006)
Osofsky, Hari & Levit, Janet, The Scale of Networks?: Local Climate Change Coalitions, 8 Chi. J. Int’l L.409 (2008)
Powers, Melissa, US Municipal Climate Plans, in Local Climate Change Law, ch. 5 (Benjamin J. Richardson ed., Edward Elgar 2012).
Resnik, Judith et al., Ratifying Kyoto at the Local Level: Sovereigntism, Federalism, and Translocal Organizations of Government Actors (TOGAs), 50 Ariz. L. Rev. 709 (2008)
Russell, Irma & Dennis, Jeffery, State and Local Governments Address the Twin Challenges of Climate Change and Energy Alternatives, 23 Nat. Resources & Envt. 9 (2008)
Salkin, Patricia, Sustainability and Land Use Planning: Greening State and Local Land Use Plans and Regulations to Address Climate Change Challenges and Preserve Resources for Future Generations, 34 Wm. & Mary Envtl. L. & Pol’y Review 121 (2009)
Stewart, Richard B., Federalism and Climate Change: The Role of the States in a Future Federal Regime:States and Cities as Actors in Global Climate Regulation: Unitary vs. Plural Architectures 50 Ariz. L. Rev.681 (2008)
Stull, Elise, Xiaopu Sun, and Durwood Zaelke. “Enhancing Urban Albedo to Fight Climate Change and Save Energy.” Sustainable Development Law & Policy 11 (2010): 5–6.
Sussman, Edna, Reshaping Municipal and County Laws to Foster Green Building, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy, 16 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 1 (2008)
Trisolini, Katherine, All Hands on Deck: Local Governments and the Potential for Bidirectional Climate Change Regulation, 62 STAN. L. Rev. 669 (2010)
Trisolini, Katherine, What Local Climate Change Plans Can Teach Us About City Power, 36 Fordham Urb. L.J. 863 (2009)
Worth, Dan, Accelerating towards Climate Neutrality with the U.S. Government Stuck in Neutral: The Emerging Role of U.S. Businesses, Cities, States and Universities in Aggressively Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 5(2) Sustainable Development L. & Pol’y 4 (2005)
State actions
Abate, Randall, Kyoto or Not, Here We Come: The Promise and Perils of the Piecemeal Approach to Climate Change Regulation in the United States, 15 Cornell J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 369 (2006)
Adelman, David E. & Engel, Kirsten H., Reorienting State Climate Change Policies to Induce Technological Change, 50 Ariz. L. Rev. 835 (2008)
Albert-Knopp, Eben, The California Gas Charge and Beyond: Taxes and Fees in a Changing Climate, 32Vt. L. Rev. 217 (2007)
Aung, Christopher, The Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by New York State from a Legal Perspective: Is a Tax or Market-Based System Optimal? 29 Pace L. Rev. 739 (2009)
Behles, Deborah. “Why California Failed to Meet Its RPS Target.” Hastings West-Northwest Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 17.2 (2011): 163–190.
Bogoshian, Matt & Alex, Ken, The Essential Role of State Enforcement in the Brave New World of Greenhouse Gas Emission Limits, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 337 (2009)
Braverman, Stephen C. “State Renewable Portfolio Standards and the Commerce Clause.” Natural Resources & Environment 25.4 (2010): 15–18.
Brawer, Judi & Vespa, Matthew, Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: The Role of Local Government in Minimizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New Development, 44 Idaho L. Rev. 589 (2008)
Brodeen, Elizabeth, Sequestration, Science, and the Law: An Analysis of the Sequestration Component of the California and Northeastern States’ Plans to Curb Global Warming, 37 Envtl. L. 1217 (2007)
Bryk, Dale, et al., Panel I: State Initiatives to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 17(2) Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 111 (2006)
Cardosi, Matthew. “Getting Warmer: California and Massachusetts Spark a Global Warming Revolution.” Tulane Environmental Law Journal 24 (2010): 401–422.
Carlarne, Cinnamon, Notes from a Climate Change Pressure-Cooker: Sub-Federal Attempts at Transformation Meet National Resistance in the USA, 40 Conn. L. Rev. 1351 (2008)
Chang, Hannah, Foreign Affairs Federalism: The Legality of California’s Link With the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, 37 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10771 (2007)
Chemerinsky, Erwin, California, Climate Change and the Constitution, 37 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10653 (2007)
Chester, Steven, Michigan Climate Change Initiatives, 17 Mich. St. J. Int’l L. 155 (2008)
Choate, James F. III. “Sea Level Rise Planning for Florida’s Nuclear Energy Infrastructure: A Wait and Sea Approach.” Sea Grant Law & Policy Journal 4.1 (2011): 28–60.
Crockett, Alexander G. “Addressing the Significance of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under CEQA: California’s Search for Regulatory Certainty in an Uncertain World.” Golden Gate University Environmental Law Journal 4 (2010): 203–250.
Dammel, Joseph A. “Notes from Underground: Hydraulic Fracturing in the Marcellus Shale.” Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 12.2 (2011): 773–810.
DeShazo, J.R. and Freeman, Jody, Timing and Form of Federal Regulation: The Case of Climate Change, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1499 (2007)
Doran, Kevin, U.S. Sub-Federal Climate Change Initiatives: An Irrational Means to a Rational End?, 26 Va. Envtl. L. J. 189 (2008)
Doyle, Jim, Challenges and Opportunities for Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the State, Regional and Local Level, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 213 (2009)
Engel, Kirsten, Harmonizing Regulatory and Litigation Approaches to Climate Change Mitigation: Incorporating Tradable Emissions Offsets Into Common Law Remedies, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1563 (2007)
Farrell, Paul E., Climate Change Action in Connecticut: Linking Energy, the Environment and the Economy, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 281 (2009)
Ferrey, Steven, When 1 + 1 No Longer Equals 2: The New Math Of Legal “Additionality” Controlling World And U.S. Global Warming Regulation 10 Minn. J. L. Sci. & Tech. 591(2009)
Fershee, Joshua, Levels of Green: State and Regional Efforts, in Wyoming and Beyond, to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 7 Wyoming L. Rev. 269 (2007)
Fessler, Mark, California v. General Motors Corp: California’s Attempt to Regain Control of its Climate, 15Se. Envtl. L. J. 537 (2007)
Foreign Affairs Preemption and State Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 119 Harv. L. Rev. 1877 (2006)
Garciano, Jerome L. “Green Energy Tax Policies: State and Federal Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.” Natural Resources & Environment 25.4 (2010): 12–14.
Giovinazzo, Christopher, California’s Global Warming Bill: Will Fuel Economy Preemption Curb California’s Air Pollution Leadership?, 30(4) Ecology L.Q. 893 (2003)
Gold, Ivan, and Nidhi Thakar. “A Survey of State Renewable Portfolio Standards: Square Pegs for Round Climate Change Holes.” William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 35.1 (2010): 183–268.
Gracer, Jeffrey & Macdonald, Margaret, State and Regional Carbon Reduction Markets in the United States: Key Developments and Links with Global Carbon Reduction Markets, 19(4) Envtl. Claims J. 286 (2007)
Greenway, Greg, Getting the Green Light for Senate Bill 375: Public Engagement for Climate-Friendly Land Use in California, 10 Pepp. Disp. Resol. L.J. 433 (2010)
Hettinger, Kira. “New Frontier in Urban Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulation: Overview of California’s Senate Bill 375.” Sustainable Development Law & Policy 11.1 (2010): 58–74.
Hodas, David, State Initiatives, in Global Climate Change and U.S. Law Chapter 10 (Michael B. Gerrard ed., 2007)
Hodas, David, State Law Responses to Global Warming: Is It Constitutional to Think Globally and Act Locally?, 21 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 53 (2003)
Johnsen, Christopher, Fueling the Heated Debate Over Global Warming: Why Florida Should Follow California’s Lead in Enacting a Mandatory Cap-and-Trade Program for Greenhouse Gases, 38 Stetson L. Rev. 163 (2008)
Kaswan, Alice, A Cooperative Federalism Proposal for Climate Change Legislation: The Value of State Autonomy in a Federal System, 85 Denv. U. L. Rev. 791 (2008)
Kaswan, Alice, The Domestic Response to Global Climate Change: What Role for Federal, State, and Litigation Initiatives?, 42 U.S.F.L. Rev. 39 (2007)
Kimmell, Ken & Burt, Laurie, Massachusetts Takes On Climate Change, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 295 (2009)
Kirk, Justin, Creating An Emissions Trading System for Greenhouse Gases: Recommendations to the California Air Resources Board, 26 Va. Envtl. L. J. 547 (2008)
Klass, Alexandra B. “Property Rights on the New Frontier: Climate Change, Natural Resource Development, and Renewable Energy.” Ecology Law Quarterly 38.1 (2011): 63–120.
Lamarre, Colleen E. “Owning the Center of the Earth: Hydraulic Fracturing and Subsurface Trespass in the Marcellus Shale Region.” Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 21.2 (2011): 457–488.
Lightfoot, Thaddeus R., Climate Change and Environmental Review: Addressing the Impact of Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act, 36 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1068 (2010)
Mahoney, Mekaela, State and Local Governments Take the Reins in Combating Global Warming, 38 Urb. Law. 585 (2006)
Martin, Jim & Brannon, Ginny, A Colorado Perspective: The New Energy Economy, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 269 (2009)
McKinstry, Robert & Peterson, Tomas, The Implications of the New “Old” Federalism in Climate-Change Legislation: How to Function in a Global Marketplace When States Take the Lead, 20 Pac. McGeorge Global Bus. & Dev. L. J. 61 (2007)
Mendelson, Nina N., The California Greenhouse Gas Waiver Decision and Agency Interpretation: A Response to Professors Galle and Seidenfeld, 57 Duke L. J. 2157 (2008)
Mendonca, Miguel, Policies in the US, in Feed-in Tariffs 60-70 (Routledge 2009).
Morrow, Nicholas G. “Federal Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions a Practical Certainty: How Will the Texas Energy Industry Survive – Maybe Thrive.” Texas Wesleyan Law Review 17 (2010): 237–264.
Nichols, Mary D., California’s Climate Change Program: Lessons for the Nation, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 185 (2009)
O’Mara, Collin, Philip Cherry, and David Hodas. “Clean Energy Policy in Delaware: A Small Wonder.” Natural Resources & Environment 25.2 (2010): 3–6.
Ohshita, Stephanie, The Domestic Response to Global Climate Change, 42 U.S.F. L. Rev. 1 (2007)
Osofsky, Hari M., Suburban Climate Change Efforts in Minnesota: Implications for Multi-level Mitigation Strategies, in Local Climate Change Law, ch. 4 (Benjamin J. Richardson ed., Edward Elgar 2012).
Owen, Dave, Climate Change and Environmental Assessment Law, 33 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 57 (2008)
Owens, Steve, Climate Change Action in Arizona, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 317 (2009)
Pace Law School Center for Environmental Legal Studies, The State Responses to Climate Change: 50-State Survey in Global Climate Change and U.S. Law Chapter 11 (Michael B. Gerrard ed., 2007)
Parenteau, Patrick, Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way: The States Tackle Climate Change With Little Help From Washington, 40 Conn. L. Rev. 1453 (2008)
Peterson, Thomas, The Evolution of State Climate Change Policy in the United States: Lessons Learned and New Directions, 14 Widener L.J. 81 (2004)
Rabe, Barry, et al, State Competition as a Source Driving Climate Change Mitigation, 14 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J.1 (2005)
Reck, Belynda, California’s Global-Warming Battle, 27(7) Cal. Law. 35 (2007)
Robinson, Jason, Shaping Oregon Climate Policy in Light of the Kyoto Protocol, 21 J. Envtl. L. & Litig. 207 (2006)
Robinson, Sam. “So Much up in the Air: The Carbon Dioxide Debate and Coal Plant Permitting in Virginia.” William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 35.1 (2010): 269–302.
Russell, Irma & Dennis, Jeffery, State and Local Governments Address the Twin Challenges of Climate Change and Energy Alternatives, 23 Nat. Resources & Envt. 9 (2008)
Sajadi, Keeana, The Terminator or a Trendsetter? How California’s Global Warming Solutions Act Will Impact California, the United States, and the World, 21 J. Nat. Resources & Envtl. L. 143 (2006-07)
Salkin, Patricia, Linking Land Use with Climate Change and Sustainability Topped State Legislative Land Use Reform Agenda in 2008, 37 Real Estate L.J. 336 (2009)
Salkin, Patricia, Sustainability and Land Use Planning: Greening State and Local Land Use Plans and Regulations to Address Climate Change Challenges and Preserve Resources for Future Generations, 34 Wm. & Mary Envtl. L. & Pol’y Review 121 (2009)
Scott, Douglas, The Role of Illinois and the Midwest in Responding to the Challenges of Climate Change, 27UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 261 (2009)
Seligman, Jake. “Electric Vehicles and Time-of-Use Rates: The Impending Role of the New York State Public Service Commission in Regulating Our Transportation Future.” Pace Environmental Law Review 28 (2010): 568–590.
Shean, Daniel, Global Climate Change: Individual, Private Sector, and State Responses, 26 Va. Envtl. L. J.1 (2008)
Snyder, Jared & Binder, Jonathan, The Changing Climate of Cooperative Federalism: The Dynamic Role of the States in a National Strategy to Combat Climate Change, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 231 (2009)
State Roles in U.S. Environmental Law and Policy, 14 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 1 (2005)
Stewart, Richard B., Federalism and Climate Change: The Role of the States in a Future Federal Regime:States and Cities as Actors in Global Climate Regulation: Unitary vs. Plural Architectures 50 Ariz. L. Rev.681 (2008)
Stewart, Richard B., States and Cities as Actors in Global Climate Regulation: Unitary vs. Plural Architectures, 50(3) Ariz. L. Rev. 681 (2008)
Sussman, Edna, New York Addresses Climate Change with the First Mandatory U.S. Greenhouse Gas Program, 78(4) N.Y. St. Bar. Ass’n. 43 (2006)
Thirteenth Annual Symposium Reducing Greenhouse Gases: State Initiatives and Market-Based Solutions, 17Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 101 (2006)
Trumble, Paul, Washington State’s Initiative 937 and the Environment: the Emerging Impact of Grassroots Movements on National Policy, 70 Albany L. Rev. 1089 (2007)
Van Nostrand, James M, and Anne Marie Hirschberger. “New York’s Roadmap for Reducing Greenhouse Gases in the Transportation Sector.” University of Illinois Law Review 2011.2 (2011): 475–502.
Visick, Matthew, If Not Now, When? The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: California’s Final Steps Toward Comprehensive Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Regulation, 13 Hastings W.-Nw. J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 249 (2007)
Weisselberg, Patricia, Shaping the Energy Future in the American West: Can California Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Out-of-State, Coal-Fired Power Plants Without Violating the Dormant Commerce Clause?, 42 U.S.F.L. Rev. 185 (2007)
Wiener, Jonathan, Think Globally, Act Globally: The Limits of Local Climate Policies, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev.1961 (2007)
Worth, Dan, Accelerating towards Climate Neutrality with the U.S. Government Stuck in Neutral: The Emerging Role of U.S. Businesses, Cities, States and Universities in Aggressively Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 5(2) Sustainable Development L. & Pol’y 4 (2005)
Regional actions
Abate, Randall, Kyoto or Not, Here We Come: The Promise and Perils of the Piecemeal Approach to Climate Change Regulation in the United States, 15 Cornell J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 369 (2006)
Camacho, Alejandro, Climate Change and Regulatory Fragmentation in the Great Lakes Basin, 17 Mich. St. J. Int’l L. 139 (2008)
Carlarne, Cinnamon, Notes From a Climate Change Pressure-Cooker: Subfederal Attempts at Transformation Meet National Resistance in the USA, 40 Conn. L. Rev. 1351 (2008)
Carothers, Claire, United We Stand: the Interstate Compact as a Tool for Effecting Climate Change, 41 Ga. L. Rev. 229 (2006)
The Compact Clause and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, 120 Harv. L. Rev. 1958 (2007)
Conrad, Steve A., Decision-Support for the Water–Energy Nexus: Examining Decision-making in the American West, in The Water-Energy Nexus in the American West (Douglas S. Kenney & Robert Wilkinson eds., Edward Elgar 2012).
Engel, Kirsten, Mitigation Global Climate Change in the United States: a Regional Approach, 14 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 54 (2005)
Fershee, Joshua, Levels of Green: State and Regional Efforts, in Wyoming and Beyond, to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 7 Wyoming L. Rev. 269 (2007)
Funk, William, Constitutional Implications of Regional CO2 Cap-and-Trade Programs: The Northeast Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative as a Case in Point, 27 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 353 (2009)
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