Support development of thermal energy networks
- Date Due:
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- Action:
- Summary:
- Status:
- Statute:
- 10/05/2022
- Support development of thermal energy networks
- PSC shall initiate a proceeding to support the development of thermal energy networks for the purpose of meeting the CLCPA's greenhouse gas emissions and equity goals.
- PENDING: Information on the proceeding is available here. On September 14, 2023, the PSC provided guidance to the seven largest utilities and the Long Island Power Authority in New York State regarding the development of utility thermal energy network pilot projects proposals.
- Ch. 375 of 2022 adds Section 66-t to the Public Service Law
Statutory Language:
1. The public service commission shall initiate a proceeding within three months of the effective date of this section to support the development of thermal energy networks for the purpose of meeting the greenhouse gas emissions and equity goals of the climate leadership and community protection act. The matters the commission shall consider in such proceeding shall include, but shall not be limited to, the appropriate ownership, market, and rate structures for thermal energy networks and whether the provision of thermal energy services by gas and/or electric utilities is in the public interest. The commission shall promulgate rules and regulations within two years to: (a) create fair market access rules for utility-owned thermal energy networks to accept thermal energy that aligns with the climate justice and greenhouse gas emissions reductions requirements of the climate leadership and community protection act and that does not increase greenhouse gas emissions or co-pollutants; (b) exempt small-scale thermal energy networks not owned by utilities from commission regulation; (c) promote the training and transition of utility workers impacted by this act; and (d) encourage third party participation and competition where it will maximize benefits to customers.