In a radio interview on January 9, 2018, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin questioned the scientific consensus on climate change. During the interview on Cincinnati radio station 55KRC, Governor Bevin acknowledged that “weather has been changing,” but suggested that such changes have always occurred, citing past ice ages and the frigid 1970s. Governor Bevin then asserted that human activities are not be the primary cause of climate change, stating:
“[T]his idea that we all need to be held hostage to a handful of people who . . . [want] to make us jump through various regulatory hoops, as if somehow, we, mankind is solely responsible and is solely going to be the solution, is ludicrous.”
He continued:
“The idea . . . that somehow we created this solely and need to fix it solely is an absolutely preposterous assumption of the authority and power of man as related to the planet.”