
Op-ed Articles

The antitrust theories are weak, but the effects can be chilling on corporate collaboration for climate action, op-ed by Cynthia Hanawalt and Denise Hearn, ImpactAlpha, December 4, 2023

Montana Court’s Groundbreaking Climate Change Ruling, State Court Report, op-ed by Michael Burger, September 13, 2023

A deep red state just delivered a huge win for climate justice, op-ed by Michael Gerrard, MSNBC, August 16, 2023

Of pots and kettles: Big Oil and the anti-ESG movement are accusing banks of running 'climate cartels', op-ed by Cynthia Hanawalt and Denise Hearn, Fortune, August 2, 2023

Commentary: New York homebuyers have the right to know a house's flood risk, op-ed by Michael B. Gerrard and Joel Scata, Times Union, June 7, 2023

Montana Lawsuit Confronts States' Responsibility for Climate Change, op-ed by Michael Burger, Brennan Center for Justice, May 22, 2023

Congress should step in to advance ocean climate solutions, op-ed by Korey Silverman-Roati and Romany Webb, The Hill, March 27, 2023

Using the Oceans to Store C02 Could Help Avoid Climate Catastrophe, article by Romany Webb and Michael B. Gerrard, Bloomberg Law, December 30, 2021

Next-generation regulation: Powering our country without turning up the heat, op-ed by Jennifer Danis, The Hill, December 16, 2021 

Taking Climate Change to the World Court, article by Michael B. Gerrard, Bloomberg Law, October 25, 2021 

Killer Heat Waves Warrant FEMA Action Under New Authority, op-ed by Michael B. Gerrard, Bloomberg Law, July 23, 2021 

Without planning, climate change will bring more Texas-style blackouts, op-ed by Romany Webb and Michael Panfil, The Hill, February 23, 2021