Research Grants Suspended by EPA

On January 19, 2017, Florida State Representative Kimberley Daniels introduced House Bill 303 with the purported goal of protecting “religious expression in public schools.” A companion bill (Senate Bill 436) was introduced in the Senate on January 23, 2017, by Florida State Senator Dennis Baxley.

If enacted, House Bill 303 and Senate Bill 436 would, among other things, allow school students to express their religious beliefs in oral and written assignments. Critics say this could undermine science education, particularly in the area of evolution. The Florida Citizens for Science group, for example, has expressed concern that the bills are likely to encourage discussion of creationism and/or other religious beliefs in connection with the teaching of evolution. The group noted that a backer of the bills suggested they could be used in conjunction with House Bill 989, which gives residents greater scope to challenge teaching materials, to undermine the teaching of evolution.


Senate Bill 436 was passed by the Florida on March 23, 2017 and the Florida House of Representatives on May 5, 2017. Florida Governor Rick Scott signed the bill into law on June 9, 2017