Reduce NYCHA building greenhouse gas emissions in compliance with the goals outlined in LL 97 § 4
- Date Due
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- Statute
- 01/01/2030
- Reduce NYCHA building greenhouse gas emissions in compliance with the goals outlined in LL 97 § 4
- NYCHA is charged with reducing greenhouse gas emissions for the portfolio of buildings that it owns and manages to 40% below 2005 levels by 2030.
- Pending: On November 5, 2020, NYCHA released a roadmap for complying with LL97. NYCHA installed 72 heat pump units in 24 apartments in July and November 2023 as part of a pilot phase. After the one-year pilot program, NYCHA will install 30,000 heat pumps.
- LL97 § 4 adds new NYC Administrative Code § 24-803(b)(3)
The City's emissions reductions must be achieved through the applicable policies, programs and actions included in PlaNYC, energy efficiency retrofits, and any additional policies, programs and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming, including methods to ensure equitable investment in environmental justice communities that preserve a minimum level of benefits for all communities.
Statutory Language:
LL97 § 4: "Subdivision b of section 24-803 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by local law number 22 for the year 2008, is amended to read as follows:
b. (1) Reduction of emissions from city government operations. There shall be, at minimum, a [thirty] 40 percent reduction in city government emissions by [calendar] fiscal year [2017] 2025, and a 50 percent reduction in city government emissions by calendar year 2030, relative to such emissions for the base year for city government emissions.
(2) The emissions reduction required by paragraph [one] 1 of this subdivision shall be achieved through the applicable policies, programs and actions included in PlaNYC, energy efficiency retrofits, and any additional policies, programs and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming, including methods to ensure equitable investment in environmental justice communities that preserve a minimum level of benefits for all communities and do not result in any localized increases in pollution. If the office determines that such emissions reduction is not feasible despite the best efforts of city government operations, such office shall report such findings and make recommendations with respect to policies, programs and actions that may be undertaken to achieve such reductions.
(3) Reduction of emissions by the New York city housing authority. The New York city housing authority shall make efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by the year 2030 and 80 percent by the year 2050, relative to such emissions for calendar year 2005, for the portfolio of buildings owned or operated by the New York city housing authority. If the office determines that such emissions reduction is not feasible despite the best efforts of city government operations, such office shall report such findings and make recommendations with respect to policies, programs and actions that may be undertaken to achieve such reductions."