Prepare annual report on intervener funds
- Date Due:
- Responsible Entity:
- Action:
- Summary:
- Status:
- Statute:
- 3/21/20
- Prepare annual report on intervener funds.
- NYSERDA must prepare an annual report every March 31 summarizing account balances and activities of the intervener fund it collects through permit fees.
- ONGOING: NYSERDA's annual report for 2022 is available here.
- AREGCBA § 4 adds new executive law § 94-c(7)(a)
Statutory Language:
Executive law § 94-c(7): “Fees; local agency account. (a) Each application for a siting permit shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount equal to one thousand 45 dollars for each thousand kilowatts of capacity of the proposed major renewable energy facility, to be deposited in an account to be known as the local agency account established for the benefit of local agencies and community intervenors by the New York state energy research and development authority and maintained in a segregated account in the custody of the commissioner of taxation and finance. The office may update the fee periodically solely to account for inflation. The proceeds of such account shall be disbursed by the office, in accordance with eligibility and procedures established by the rules and regulations promulgated by the office pursuant to this section, for the participation of local agencies and community intervenors in public comment periods or hearing procedures established by this section, including the rules and regulations promulgated hereto; provided that fees must be disbursed for municipalities, political subdivisions or an agency there of, to determine whether a proposed facility is designed to be sited, constructed and operated in compliance with the applicable local lawsand regulations. (b) All funds so held by the New York state energy research and development authority shall be subject to an annual independent audit as part of such authority's audited financial statements, and such authority shall prepare an annual report summarizing account balances and activities for each fiscal year ending March thirty-first and provide such report to the office no later than ninety days after commencement of such fiscal year and post on the authority's website."