Policy Issues and Approaches
This page contains:
- Adaptation to climate change
- Agriculture and issues relating to animals
- Biodiversity
- Biological sequestration
- Geologic sequestration
- Black carbon
- Border tax adjustments (BTAs)
- Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
- Carbon pricing: cap-and-trade
- Carbon pricing: carbon tax and other tax-based approaches
- Climate justice
- Energy efficiency
- Geoengineering
- Governance
- Green marketing
- Green building
- Green technologies
- Mitigation strategies
- Payments for ecosystem services (PES)
- Other approaches
- Renewables
- Renewable energy facilities
- Subsidies, incentives and financing mechanisms
- Transport and motor vehicles
Adaptation to climate change
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Agriculture and issues relating to animals
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Biologic sequestration
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Geologic sequestration
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Black carbon
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Border tax adjustments (BTA)
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Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
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