Make initial power grid study report of findings and recommendations.

Statutory Language: 

AREGCBA § 7(2): "The department, in consultation with  the  New  York  state  energy research  and development authority, the power authority of the state of New York, the Long Island power authority, the state grid operator,  and the  utilities  shall undertake a comprehensive study for the purpose of identifying distribution upgrades, local transmission upgrades and  bulk transmission investments that are necessary or appropriate to facilitate the timely  achievement of the CLCPA targets (collectively, "power grid study").  The  power  grid  study shall identify  needed  distribution upgrades and local transmission upgrades for each utility service territory and separately address needed bulk transmission system investments. In performing  the  study,  the  department may consider such issues it determines to be appropriate including by way of  example  system  reli- ability;  safety;  cost-effectiveness  of upgrades  and  investments in promoting development of major renewable energy facilities and relieving or avoiding constraints; and factors considered by the office of renewable energy siting in  issuing  and  enforcing  renewable  energy  siting permits  pursuant  to section 94-c of the executive law. In carrying out the study, the department shall gather input from owners and developers of  competitive  transmission  projects,  the  state  grid operator, and providers of transmission technology and smart  grid solutions  and  to utilize  information  available  to  the department from other pertinent studies or research relating to modernization of the state's power grid. To enable the state to meet the CLCPA targets in an orderly and cost-effective manner, the department may issue findings and recommendations as part  of  the power grid study at reasonable intervals but shall make an initial report of findings and recommendations within 270  days  of  the effective date of this section."