Legal Issues in Other Countries

This page organizes the citations it lists into the following categories:

  • Arctic and Antarctic regions
  • Australia and New Zealand
  • Canada
  • China
  • Developing and Least Developed Countries
  • Europe
  • Former Soviet states
  • India
  • Japan
  • Latin America
  • Middle East
  • Other Asian states
  • Pacific islands
  • Sub-Saharan Africa

Arctic and Antarctic regions

Abate, Randall, Climate Change, the United States, and the Impacts of Arctic Melting: A Case Study in the Need for Enforceable International Environmental Human Rights, 26A Stan. Envtl. L. J. 3 (2007)

De Armas, Marcel & Vanko, Maria, Mitigating Black Carbon As A Mechanism To Protect The Arctic And Prevent Abrupt Climate Change, 8 Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 41 (2008)

French, Duncan & Scott, Karen, International Legal Implications of Climate Change for the Polar Regions: Too Much, Too Little, Too Late? 10 Melbourne J. Int’l L. 631 (2009)

Haward, Marcus, Climate Change: Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, Science, Law and Policyin Climate Change and the Oceans, ch. 5 (Robin Warner & Clive Schofield eds., Routledge 2012).

Kaur, Mini, Global Warming Litigation Under the Alien Tort Claims Act: What Sosa v. Alvarez Mountain and Its Progeny Mean for Indigenous Arctic Communities, 13 Wash. & Lee J. Civ. Rts. & Soc. Just. 155(2006)

Larkin, John, UNCLOS and the Balance of Environmental and Economic Resources in the Arctic, 22 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 307 (2010)

Nagtzaam, Gerald, Frozen in Time: Minerals and the Campaign to Preserve Antarcticain The Making of International Environmental Treaties, ch. 4 (Routledge 2010).

Niehuss, Juliette, Inuit Circumpolar Conference v. Bush Administration: Why the Arctic Peoples Claim the United States’ Role in Climate Change has Violated Their Fundamental Human Rights and Threatens Their Very Existence, 5(2)  Sustainable Development L. & Pol’y 66 (2005)

Snape, William, Overview: Radical Environmental Change in the Polar Regions is the Globe’s Wake-up Call, 8(3) Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 2 (2008)

Tsosie, Rebecca, Indigenous People and Environmental Justice: The Impact of Climate Change, 78 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1625 (2007)

Van Wagner, Andrew, It’s Getting Hot in Here, so Take Away All the Arctic’s Resources: A Look at a Melting Arctic and the Hot Competition for Its Resources, 21 Villanova Envtl. L.J. 23 (2010)

Australia and New Zealand

Abbs, Ross et al., Australia, in CLIMATE CHANGE LIABILITY, 57-111 (Richard Lord et al. eds., Cambridge University Press 2011).

Bach, Tracy, et al., Recent Development in Australian Climate Change Litigation: Forward Momentum from Down Under, 8(2) Sustainable Dev. L & Pol’y 39 (2008)

Black, Celeste M., Linking Land Sector Activities to Emissions Trading: Australia’s Carbon Farming Initiativein Carbon Pricing, Growth, and the Environment, ch. 12 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Bonyhady, Tim &  Christoff, Peter, Climate Law in Australia, Federation Press, 2007

Bradbook, Adrian & Rosemary Lyster, Energy Law and the Environment (Cambridge University Press 2006).

Brohe, Arnaud et al., Emissions Trading in Australiain Carbon Markets: An International Business Guide, ch. 6 (Routledge 2009).

Bubna-Litic, Karen, Climate Change Impacts on the Poor: a Case-study of Australia’s Indigenous Population and the Impact of Australia’s Response on the Populationin Poverty Alleviation and Environmental Law, ch. 4 (Yves Le Bouthillier et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Butcher, Bill, Australia’s Proposals to Tax Coal Super Profitsin Environmental Taxation in China and Asia-Pacific, ch. 14 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

Christoff, Peter, Aiming High: On Australia’s Emissions Reduction Targets, 14(2) U. New South Wales L.J. 19 (2008)

Garnaut Climate Change Review: Interim Report To The Commonwealth, State And Territory Governments Of Australia (2008)

Godden, Lee et al., Development of climate law in Australiain Australian Climate Law in Global Context (Cambridge University Press 2013).

Godden, Lee, Legal Frameworks for Local Adaptation in Australiain Local Climate Change Law, ch. 12 (Benjamin J. Richardson ed., Edward Elgar 2012).

Gumley, Wayne & Natalie Stoianoff, Behavior Modifying Taxes, Emissions Trading and Tax Expenditure Reform: Market-based Responses to Climate Change in Australia, in Green Taxation in East Asia (Richard Cullen et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

Gumley, Wayne & Daya-Winterbottom, Trevor, Climate change law: comparative, contractual & regulatory considerations, Thomson Reuters (2008)

Gumley, Wayne, and Natalie Stoianoff. “Carbon Pricing Options for A Post-Kyoto Response to Climate Change in Australia.” Federal Law Review 39.1 (2011): 131–159.

Headon, Sam, Legal Issues in the Implementation of an Australian State-Based Emissions Trading Scheme, 24(2) J. Energy & Nat. Resources L. 149 (2006)

Kellow, Aynsley, Australia in the Greenhouse: Science, Norms and Interests in the Kyoto Protocolin The International Politics of Climate Change (Aynsley Kellow & Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen eds., Edward Elgar 2010) (1999).

Leary, David, From Ball to Ponzan: An assessment of Australia’s response to climate change in 2008, 26(3)Envtl. & Plan. L.J. 190 (2009)

de Lemos Pinto Aydos, Elena, Australia’s Carbon Pricing Mechanismin Carbon Pricing, Growth, and the Environment, ch. 17 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

McClaren, James & Fahey, James, Australia: Emission Management, 2 Int’l Energy L. & Tax. Rev. N7 (2005)

McGee, Jeffrey & Taplin, Ros, The Asia-Pacific Partnership And The United States’ International Climate Change Policy, 19 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 179 (2008)

Milner-White, Greg, The Legal Implications of Climate Change in New Zealand for the Forestry Industry, 11N.Z. J. Envtl. L. 141 (2007)

Mortimore, Anna, Mandating Emission Targets Can Significantly Reduce Road Transport Emissions in Australia, in Environmental Taxation in China and Asia-Pacific, ch. 9 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

Moyes, Toni, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading in New Zealand: Trailblazing Comprehensive Cap and Trade, 35 Ecology L.Q. 911 (2008)

Nguyen, Ken & Jackson, Kate, Australia-Environment/Renewables: Greenhouse gas emissions, 4 Int’l Energy L. & Tax. Rev. 28 (2006)

Peel, Jacqueline, The Role of Climate Change Litigation in Australia’s Response to Global Warming, 24(2)Envtl. & Plan. L.J. 90 (2007)

Rose, Anna, Gray v. Minister for Planning: The Rising Tide of Climate Change Litigation in Australia, 29Sydney L. Rev. 725 (2007)

Tal, Alon, Tried and True: Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in New Zealand Through Conventional Environmental Legislative Modalities, 12 Otago L. Rev. 149 (2009)

Wawryk, Alexandria & Bradbrook, Adrian, Australian Initiatives Promoting Renewable Energy Resources in Electricity Generation, 23(2) J. Energy & Nat. Resources L. 188 (2005)

Wilder, Martijn, et al., Carbon Markets and Policy in Australia: Recent Developments, 14(2) New South Wales L.J. 5 (2008)

Zeller, Bruno, and Michael Longo. “Carbon Reduction Legislation in Australia – What Next.” Macquarie Journal of Business Law 8 (2011): 182–201.


Coward, Harold G., Hard choices: climate change in Canada, (Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press 2004)

De Wit, Elisa & Webb, Rachael, Planning for coastal climate change in Victoria, 27 Envtl. & Planning L.J. 23 (2010)

Doelle, Meinhard et al., Canada, in CLIMATE CHANGE LIABILITY, 525-55 (Richard Lord et al. eds., Cambridge University Press 2011).

Doelle, Meinhard et al., Local Climate Action in North America, in Local Climate Change Law, pt. 2 (Benjamin J. Richardson ed., Edward Elgar 2012).

Elliot, Robin, et al., Regulating Greenhouse Gases in Canada: Constitutional and Policy Dimensions, 54McGill L.J. 463 (2009)

Ford, James, Supporting Adaptation: A Priority for Action on Climate Change for Canadian Inuit, 8(3)Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 25 (2008)

Goetz, John, et al., Development of Carbon Emissions Trading in Canada, 46 Alberta L. Rev. 377 (2009)

Hendrickson, Barbara, et al., Setting Boundaries: Climate Change in Canada, 7 Int’l Energy L. & Tax. Rev. 182 (2006)

Jaccard, Mark, The Political Acceptability of Carbon Taxes: Lessons from British Columbiain Handbook of Research on Environmental Taxation, ch. 10 (Janet E. Milne & Mikael Skou Anderson eds., Edward Elgar 2013).

Koutouki, K. & Lyons, Natasha, Canadian Inuit Speak to Climate Change: Inuit Perceptions on the Adaptability of Land Claims Agreements to Accommodate Environmental Change, 27 Wis. Int’l L.J. 516 (2009)

Kruger, Toby, The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and Global Climate Change: Rethinking Significance, 47 Alberta L. Rev. 161 (2009)

Lemmen, D.S., Warren, F.J., Lacroix, J., and Bush, E., (eds.) From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007; Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON, (2008)

Lucas, Alastair, Implementing the Kyoto Protocol in North America: Canada’s Policy and Instrument Choices, 2 Int’l Energy L. & Tax. Rev. 48 (2006)

Meadows, Teresa & Crossman, Tony, A Tale of Two Provinces: Imposing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Controls Through Law and Policy in Alberta and British Columbia, 47 Alberta L. Rev. 421 (2010)

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, Canada, True North: Adapting Infrastructure to Climate Change in Northern Canada. Ottawa: NRTEE (2009)

Rabe, Barry, North American Federalism and Climate Change Policy: American State and Canadian Provincial Policy Development, 14 Widener L.J. 121 (2004)

Rivers, Nic, and Mark Jaccard. “Intensity-Based Climate Change Policies in Canada.” Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques36.4 (2010): 409–428.


Bo, Miao, Emissions Trading: A Fantasy for China to Combat Global Warmingin Biodiversity Conservation, Law and Livelihoods (Jeremy Firestone et al. eds., Cambridge University Press 2012).

Burleson, Elizabeth. “China in Content: Energy, Water, and Climate Cooperation.” 2010.


Dadi, Zhou, 2020 energy demand of China and energy conservationin The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development (Adrian J. Bradbrook et al., Cambridge University Press 2012).

Dong, Maggie et al., Strategy, policy, and law promoting renewable energy resources in Chinain The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development (Adrian J. Bradbrook et al., Cambridge University Press 2012).

EPA – China Environmental Law Initiative

Gang, Fan, et al. (eds.), The Economics of Climate Change in China: Towards a Low Carbon Economy(Earthscan 2010)

Ge, Chazhong et al., Taxation Reform for Promoting Low Carbon Green Growth in China, in Carbon Pricing, Growth, and the Environment, ch. 4 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Haifeng, Deng et al., Chinain CLIMATE CHANGE LIABILITY, 112-138 (Richard Lord et al. eds., Cambridge University Press 2011).

Haifeng, Deng. “Legal Interactive Mechanism on Climate Change: A Comparative Study of China and U.S. Experiences.” US-China Law Review 8 (2011): 431–444.

Howard, Paul, ‘Harmony’ in China’s Climate Change Policy, in Climate Change and Growth in Asia, ch. 8 (Moazzem Hossain & Eliyathamby Selvanathan eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

Jiang, Niao & Chua, Eu Jin, Clean Development Mechanism in China, 21 J. Int’l Bank. L. & Reg. 569 (2006)

Jiang, Xiaoyi, and Fahui Hao. “Legal Issues for Implementing the Clean Development Mechanism in China.” Journal of East Asia and International Law 4 (2011): 7–40.

Jian-guo, Zhu, Agricultural renewable energy and its management in Chinain The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development (Adrian J. Bradbrook et al., Cambridge University Press 2012).

Jie Yu, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation Measures in China, in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global DevelopmentChapter 25 (NYU Press 2009)

Khoday, Kishan, Mobilizing Market Forces to Combat Global Environmental Change: Lessons from UN-Private Sector Partnerships in China, 16(2) Rev. Euro. Comm. & Int’l Envtl. L. 173 (2007)

Kim, Margret & Jones, Robert, China: Climate Change Superpower and the Clean Technology Revolution, 22(3) Nat. Resources & Envt. 9 (2008)

Kim, Margret & Jones, Robert, China’s Energy Security and the Climate Change Conundrum, 19(3) Nat. Resources & Envt. 3 (2005)

Lee, Ho-Ching, China and Climate Change Agreementsin Confronting Environmental Change in East and Southeast Asia, ch. 9 (Paul G. Harris ed., Routledge 2005).

Li, Rusong, UNDP: China’s energy portfolioin The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development (Adrian J. Bradbrook et al., Cambridge University Press 2012).

Lin, Jolene, Climate Governance in China, in Local Climate Change Law, ch. 11 (Benjamin J. Richardson ed., Edward Elgar 2012).

Lu, Yuzhu, Enhancing Green Tax Measures Concerning Energy Use in Hong Kongin Environmental Taxation in China and Asia-Pacific, ch. 10 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

McGee, Jeffrey &Taplin, Ros, The Asia-Pacific Partnership And The United States’ International Climate Change Policy, 19 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 179 (2008)

Steve Wolfson, Gathering Momentum for U.S.-China Cooperation on Climate Change, Tsinghua University Law Journal (July 2009).

Sunstein, Cass, The World vs. the United States and China? The Complex Climate Change Incentives of the Leading Greenhouse Gas Emitters, 55 UCLA L. Rev. 1675 (2008)

Vandenbergh, Michael, Climate Change: The China Problem, 81 S. Cal. L. Rev. 905 (2008)

Wang, Walter, Greening the Dragon: Energy Tax Policy in China, in Environmental Taxation in China and Asia-Pacific, ch. 1 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

WienerJonathan B., Engaging China on Climate Change, RFF Resources magazine (Resources for the Future, Winter/Spring 2009), 29-33, available at

Wiener, Jonathan, Climate Change Policy And Policy Change In China, 55 UCLA L. Rev. 1805 (2008)

Xu, Y. “China’s ‘Stir Fry’ of Environmentally Related Taxes and Charges: Too Many Cooks at Work.” Journal of Environmental Law 23.2 (2011): 255–283.

Xu, Yan, Environmental Taxation in China: The Case of Transport Fuel Taxation, in Green Taxation in East Asia (Richard Cullen et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011)

Zang, Dongsheng, From Environment to Energy: China’s Reconceptualization of Climate Change, 27 Wis. Int’l L.J. 483 (2009)

Zang, Dongsheng, Green from Above: Climate Change, New Developmental Strategy, and Regulatory Choice in China, 45 Tex. Int’l L.J. 201 (2009)

Developing and least developed countries (LDCs)

Aguilar, Soledad. “Climate Law and Developing Countries: Legal and Policy Challenges for the World Economy.” Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 19.3 (2010): 370–372.

Bristow, Dan, The Developing Worldin Feed-in Tariffs 76-85 (Miguel Mendoca ed., Routledge 2009).

Brinkman, Marcel, Incentivizing Private Investment in Climate Change Mitigation in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 14 (NYU Press 2009)

Danish, K.W., et al., Drafting Contracts for Greenhouse Gas Offset Projects in Developing Countries, 15(3)Nat. Resources & Envt. 168 (2001)

Davis, Kevin E. & Dadush Sarah, Getting Climate-Related Conditionality Right in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 21(NYU Press 2009)

Dubash, Navroz K., Climate Change and Development: A Bottom-Up Approach to Mitigation for Developing Countries? In Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 18 (NYU Press 2009)

Gerber, Will, Defining “Developing Country” in the Second Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol, 31 B.C. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 327 (2008)

Ghaleigh, Navraj Singh. “Climate Law and Developing Countries: Legal and Policy Challenges for the World Economy.” Journal of Environmental Law 22.3 (2010): 516–519.

Ghosh, Arubna & Woods, Ngaire, Developing Country Climate Finance Proposals: Priorities, Trust and the Creditor Donor Problem in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 16 (NYU Press 2009)

Ghosh, Arunabha, Enforcing Climate Rules with Trade Measures: Five Recommendations for Trade Policy Monitoring in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 22 (NYU Press 2009)

Gomez-Echeverri, Luis, Developing Countries and a Proposal for Architecture and Governance of a Reformed UNFCCC Financial Mechanism in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 17 (NYU Press 2009)

Gordon, Ruth, Climate Change and the Poorest Nations: Further Reflections on Global Inequality, 78 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1559 (2007)

Gupta, Joyeeta, North-South Aspects of the Climate Change Issue: Towards a Constructive Negotiating Package for Developing Countries, 8(2) Rev. Euro. Com. & Int’l Envtl. l. 198 (1999)

Harris, Paul G., Climate Change and the Importance of International Environmental Law: Seeking a Cosmopolitan Cure, 16 Penn St. Envtl. L. Rev. 323 (2008)

Hart, Lee, International Emissions Trading Between Developing Countries: The Solution to the Other Half of the Climate Change Problem, 20 Fla. J. Int’l L. 103 (2008)

Kacker, Ujjwal, Technology Transfer and Financing: Issues for Long Term Climate Policy in Developing Countries, 3 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 292 (2009)

Le Bouthillier, Yves et al., Introduction: Climate Law and Developing Countries, in Climate Law and Developing Countries, ch. 1 (Edward Elgar 2010).

Leary, Neil, et al. (eds.), Climate Change and Vulnerability (Earthscan 2008)

Lin, Jolene, Supporting Adaptation in Developing Countries at the National and Global Levelsin Climate Law and Developing Countries, ch. 6 (Yves Le Bouthillier et al., Edward Elgar 2010).

Mandell, Bekah, Racial Reification and Global Warming: A Truly Inconvenient Truth, 28 B.C. Third World L.J. 289 (2008)

McKenzie, Michael, Climate Change and the Generalized System of Preferences, 11 J. Int’l Econ. L. 679 (2008)

Metz, Bert, The Climate Financing Problem: Funds Needed for Global Climate Change Mitigation Vastly Exceed Funds Currently Available in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 3 (NYU Press 2009)

Neuhoff, Karsten, International Support for Domestic Climate Policies in Developing Countries(Earthscan 2009)

Onzivu, William, Tackling the Public Health Impact of Climate Change: The Role of DomesticEnvironmental Health Governance in Developing Countries, 43 Int’l Law. 1311 (2009)

Petsonk, Annie with Dudek, Dan et al., Engaging Developing Countries by Incentivizing Early Action inStewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 12 (NYU Press 2009)

Posner, Eric & Sunstein, Cass, Climate Change Justice, 96 GEO. L. J. 1565 (2008)

Ramakrishna, Kilaparti, Interest Articulation and Lawmaking in Global Warming Negotiations: Perspectives from Developing Countries, 153 Transnat’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 153 (1992)

Richardson, Benjamin J. et al., Climate Law and Developing Countries, (Edward Elgar Publishing 2009)

Roberts, J. Timmons & Parks, Bradley, A Climate of Injustice: Global Inequality, North-South Politics, and Climate Policy (MIT Press 2007)

Saunders, Robert, Is It Economically Viable for Developing Countries to Cut Down Carbon Dioxide Emissions? 9 Az. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 205 (1992)

Schatz, Andrew, Foreword: Beyond Kyoto – The Developing World and Climate Change, 20 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 531 (2008)

Scuro, Alexandra, Are GMOs Good or Bad Seeds in the Developing World? A Discussion of the Growing Role of Developing Countries in the Debate Over Climate Change and the Loss of Biodiversity, 18 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 369 (2007)

Woods, Ngaire, Making Climate Financing Work: What Might Climate Change Experts Learn from the Experience of Development Assistance? in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 22 (NYU Press 2009)


Anton, Alvaro, Promotion of Biofuels and EU State Aid Rules: The Case of Spain, in Green Taxation and Environmental Sustainability, ch. 3 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Averill, Marilyn. “Getting into Court: Standing, Political Questions and Climate Tort Claims.” Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 19.1 (2010): 122–126.

Bahn-Walkowiak, Bettina et al., EU Structural and Cohesion Policy and Sustainable Development, in Carbon Pricing, Growth, and the Environment, ch. 2 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Bazelmans, Janneke et al., Alternatives and New Developments, in Climate Change and European Emissions Trading, pt. 3 (Michael Faure & Marjan Peeters eds., Edward Elgar 2009).

Bergsma, Emmy et al., The Dutch Focus: A Delta Act for Climate Adaptation, in Climate Law in EU Member States, ch. 15 (Javier de Cendra de Larragán et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Bluemel, Eric, Unraveling the Global Warming Regime Complex: Competitive Entropy in the Regulation of the Global Public Good, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1981 (2007)

Boehmer-Christiansen, Sonja et al., Ecological Restructuring or Environment Friendly Deindustrialization: The Fate of the East German Energy Sector and Society Since 1990, in The International Politics of Climate Change (Aynsley Kellow & Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen eds., Edward Elgar 2010) (1993).

Boeters, S. et al., Post-2012 Climate Policy Scenarios, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2007)

Bourbon-Seclet, C., Legal Aspects of Climate Change in Europe: Is the European Union Emission Trading Scheme Greater than the Sum of the Parts? 23(5) J. Int’l Banking L. & Reg. 252 (2008)

Brady, John et al., European Union Environmental Policy and Legislationin Environmental Management in Organizations: The IEMA Handbook, ch. 2.2 (2nd ed., Routledge 2010).

Brady, John et al.,The UK Legislative Contextin Environmental Management in Organizations: The IEMA Handbook, ch. 2.1 (2nd ed., Routledge 2010).

Brohe, Arnaud et al., The EU Emissions Trading Schemein Carbon Markets: An International Business Guide, ch. 4 (Routledge 2009).

Bugge, Hans Christian, Meeting the Kyoto Challenge: The Case of Norway, 5 Int’l Energy L. & Tax. Rev. 140 (2006)

Butti, Luciano. “The Tortuous Road to Liability: A Critical Survey on Climate Change Litigation in Europe and North America.” Sustainable Development Law & Policy 11 (2010): 32.

Carlane, Cinnamon, Climate Change Law & Policy: EU and US Perspectives (Oxford University Press 2010)

Cass, Loren, The Failures of American and European Climate Policy: International Norms, Domestic Policies, and Unachievable Commitments (State University of New York Press 2006)

Cela, Enian & Shinji Kaneko, Effectiveness of the Danish Packaging Tax, in Environmental Taxation and Climate Change (Larry Kreiser et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

de Cendra de Larragán, Javier et al., European Perspective, in Climate Change Liability, pt. 3 (Michael Faure & Marjan Peeters eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

de Cendra de Larragan, Javier, Is EU Climate Change Policy Legally Robust?in Environmental Law and Sustainability after Rio, ch. 17 (Jamie Benidickson et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

de Cendra de Larragán, Javier et al., The Meaning of EU Law for National Climate Legislation, in Climate Law in EU Member States, pt. 2 (Javier de Cendra de Larragán et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Chapman, James, The EU ETS: Experience to Date and Lessons for the Future in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 24 (NYU Press 2009)

Coskun, Aydin A., O.Y. Türker, and N. Velioglu. “Air Pollution Regulations in Turkey and Harmonization with the EU Legislation.” iForest – Biogeosciences & Forestry 4.4 (2011): 181–185.

Del Guayo, Inigo, The Implementation of the Flexible Mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol in Spain, 4 Int’l Energy L. & Tax. Rev. 114 (2006)

Derlén, Mattias & Johan Lindholm, Not Enough Room for Optimal Choices? The European Legal Framework for Green Taxes, in Green Taxation in East Asia (Richard Cullen et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

Derwent, Henry, Carbon Market Design: Beyond the EU Emissions Trading Scheme in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 13 (NYU Press 2009)

Douma, W.Th., et al (eds.), The Kyoto Protocol and Beyond: Legal and Policy Challenges of Climate Change (T.M.C. Asser Press 2007)

Dowden, Malcolm, Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Law, Policy & Practice (EG Books 2008)

Droege, Susanne, Climate Policy and Economic Bust: The European Challenges to Create Green Stimulus 2Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 135 (2009)

Ekardt, Felix, Bettina Hennig, and Hartwig von Bredow. “Land Use, Climate Change and Emissions Trading: European and International Legal Aspects of the Post-Kyoto Process.” Carbon & Climate Law Review 5.3 (2011): 371–383.

Escapa, Marta et al., Environmental Fiscal Reform and Unemployment in Spainin Carbon Pricing, Growth, and the Environment, ch. 1 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Faure, Michael G. & Jason Scott Johnston, Fashioning Entitlements: A Comparative Law and Economic Analysis of the Judicial Role in Environmental Centralization in the United States and Europe, in Governing the Environment (Albert Breton et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2009).

Ferjentsik, Viola & Ash, Michael, An EU Sky Trust: Can a Lower-Income Country Afford Climate Policy?16(5) Envtl. Liability 183 (2008)

Fiorenza, Carraro et al., Land Management and Local Taxation in Italy, in Environmental Taxation and Climate Change (Larry Kreiser et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

Fuenmayor, Amadeo, Automobile Taxation in Spain, in Green Taxation and Environmental Sustainability, ch. 9 (Hope Ashiabor et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Glienke, Nele,  External Reporting of the Risks Linked to the EU ETS – an Exploratory Study of German HDAX Non-Financial Corporations 2 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 143 (2009)

Goldberg, Silke & Richard Lord, Englandin Climate Change Liability, 445-88 (Richard Lord et al. eds., Cambridge University Press 2011).

Grobbel, Merle, Implementing Climate CHange Measures in the EU: Key Success Factors (Wiesbaden 2009)

Gutbrod, Max et al., Russiain Climate Change Liability, 489-522 (Richard Lord et al. eds., Cambridge University Press 2011).

Harris, Paul, The European Union and Environmental Change, Sharing the Burdens of Global Warming, 17Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 309 (2006)

Hatch, Michael T., The Politics of Global Warming in Germanyin The International Politics of Climate Change (Aynsley Kellow & Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen eds., Edward Elgar 2010) (1995).

Hedemann-Robinson, Martin, Climate Change Policy: EU and International Developments, 14 Envtl. Liab. CS1 (2006)

Hervé Fournerau, Nathalie, France: Le Grenelle de l’environnement and Climate Change: The French Paradox?in Climate Law in EU Member States, ch. 8 (Javier de Cendra de Larragán et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Hilson, Chris, Going Local? EU Law, Localism and Climate Change, 33(2) Euro. L. Rev. 194 (2008)

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