International Framework

This page organizes the citations it lists into the following categories:

  • Additionality
  • Aviation
  • Bali Roadmap/ Bali Action Plan
  • Cancun Agreements
  • Compliance, monitoring verification and enforcement
  • Copenhagen conference/Copenhagen Accord
  • Deforestation and REDD
  • Durban
  • Flexibility Mechanisms:
    – Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
    – Emissions Trading
    – Joint Implementation
  • Greenhouse gas reduction targets
  • Human rights
  • International dispute resolution
  • International Environmental Law/International Law
  • International funding of adaptation, technology transfer
  • International trade/WTO issues
  • Kyoto Protocol
  • National responsibilities and obligations
  • Oceans
  • Shipping
  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change


Bennett, Karen. “Additionality: The Next Step for Ecosystem Service Markets.” Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 20 (2010): 417–438.

Ferrey, Steven. “When 1 + 1 No Longer Equals 2: The New Math Of Legal ‘Additionality’ Controlling World And U.S. Global Warming Regulation.” 10 Minn. J. L. Sci. & Tech. 591 (2009): 591-670.

Heller, Thomas, Additionality, Transactional Barriers and the Political Economy of Climate Change, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Working Paper No. 10.98 (1998)

McFarland, Joseph. “Carbon Reduction Projects and the Concept of Additionality.” Sustainable Development Law & Policy 11.2 (2011): 15–18.

Michaelowa, Axel, Determination of baselines and additionality for the CDM: A crucial element of credibility of the climate regime, inClimate Change and Carbon Markets, ch. 7 (Farhana Yamin ed., Routledge 2005).

Shrestha, Ram & Timilsina, Govinda, The additionality criterion for identifying clean development mechanism projects under the Kyoto Protocol, 30(1) Energy Pol’y 73 (2002)

The Offset Quality Initiative. “Assessing Offset Quality in the Clean Development Mechanism.” Sustainable Development Law and Policy 10.2 (2010): 25–36.

Trexler, Mark et al., Developing Project-Level Emissions Reductions Policy At The State Level, 14 Widener L.J. 269 (2004)


Abeyratne, Ruwantissa. “Air Transport and Politics and Sustainability.” 35(3) Environmental Policy and Law 114 (2005).

Appeals Guidance – Aviation: EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change, 2011.

Bows, Alice et al., Aviation and Climate Change: Lessons for European Policy (Routledge 2011).

GAO, Aviation and Climate Change, GAO-09-554 (2009).

Gossing, Stefan and Paul Upham. “Climate Change and Aviation: Issues, Challenges, Solutions.” Earthscan (2009).

Kaminskaite-Salters, Giedre, Expansion of the EU ETS: The Case of Emissions Trading for Aviation, in Climate Change and European Emissions Trading, ch. 12 (Michael Faure & Marjan Peeters eds., Edward Elgar 2009).

Lee, David S. et al. “Aviation and Global Climate Change in the 21st Century.” Atmospheric Environment 43.22–23 (2009): 3520–3537.

Lyall, Francis, Climate Change and Space Law, in International Law in the Era of Climate Change, ch. 7 (Rosemary Rayfuse & Shirley V. Scott eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Meltzer, Joshua. “Climate Change and Trade—The EU Aviation Directive and the WTO.” Journal of International Economic Law 15.1 (2012): 111–156.

Miller, H.L., Civil aircraft emissions and international treaty law, 63(4) J. Air L. & Comm. 697 (1998)

Petersen, Malte, The Legality of the EU’s Stand-Alone Approach to the Climate Impact of Aviation: The Express Role Given to the ICAO by the Kyoto Protocol, 17(2) Rev. Eur. Commun. & Int’l Envtl. L. 196 (2008)

Serrao, J.E., Global versus Unilateral Measures to Protect the World’s Environment: Implications for the Air Transport Industry, 27 Annals Air & Space L. 551 (2002)

The Aviation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2010. Department of Energy and Climate Change, 2010.

Truxal, Steven. “The ICAO Assembly Resolutions on International Aviation and Climate Change: An Historic Agreement, a Breakthrough Deal and the Cancun Effect.” Air & Space Law 36.3 (2011): 217–242.

Tsai, Allen & Petsonk, Annie Tracking the Skies: An Airline-Based System for Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Civil Aviation, 6 Envtl. Lawyer 763 (2000)

Bali Roadmap/Bali Action Plan

Christoff, Peter, The Bali Roadmap: Climate change, COP 13 and beyond, 17(3) Envtl. Pol. 466 (2008)

Clemencon, Raymond, The Bali Road Map: A First Step on the Difficult Journey to a Post-Kyoto Protocol Agreement, 17 J. Envt. & Dev. 70 (2008)

Mace, M.J., The Bali Road Map: Can it Deliver an Equitable Post-2012 Climate Agreement for Small Island States?, 17(2) Rev. Eur. Comm. & Int’l Envtl. L. 183 (2008)

Ott, Hermann et al., The Bali Roadmap: new horizons for global climate policy, 8 Climate Pol’y 91 (2008)

Spence, Chris et al. “Great Expectations: Understanding Bali and the Climate Change Negotiations Process.” Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 17.2 (2008): 142–153.

United Nations Development Program, The Bali Action Plan: Key Issues in the Climate Negotiations (2008).

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Part Two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its thirteenth session. United Nations, 2008.

Cancun Agreements

Liu, Jin. “The Cancun Agreements.” Environmental Law Review 13 (2011): 43–49.

Rajamani, Lavanya. “The Cancun Climate Agreements: Reading the Text, Subtext and Tea Leaves.” International & Comparative Law Quarterly 60.02 (2011): 499–519.

Rimmer, Matthew, The Copenhagen Accord and the Cancún Agreements: Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer, and Climate Change, in Intellectual Property and Climate Change (Edward Elgar 2011).

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Part Two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its sixteenth session. United Nations, 2011.

Compliance, monitoring verification and enforcement

Barkin, J.S. et al., States and Cooperation, in Handbook of Global Environmental Politics, 2nd ed. pt. 2 (Peter Dauvergne ed., Edward Elgar 2012).

Barrett, Scott, Climate Treaties and the Imperative of Enforcement, in The International Politics of Climate Change (Aynsley Kellow & Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen eds., Edward Elgar 2010) (2008).

Brunnée, Jutta, Climate Change and Compliance and Enforcement Processesin International Law in the Era of Climate Change, ch. 12 (Rosemary Rayfuse & Shirley V. Scott eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Boyd, William, Deforestation and Emerging Greenhouse Gas Compliance Regimes, in Deforestation and Climate Change, ch. 1 (Valentina Bosetti & Rubin Lubowski eds., Edward Elgar 2010).

Burkett, Maxine, Climate Reparations, 10 Melbourne J. Int’l Law 509 (2009)

Dekkers, Chris, et al., Viewpoints on Compliance and Cross-border Harmonization from around the World, 6(2) Sustainable Dev. L & Pol’y 25 (2006)

Dyck, Tyson. “Enforcing Environmental Integrity: Emissions Auditing and the Extended Arm of the Clean Development Mechanism.” Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 36.2 (2011): 259–358.

Epps, Tracey & Andrew Green, Unilateral Action to Force Other Countries to Take Climate Change Action, in Reconciling Trade and Climate (Edward Elgar 2011).

Gardner, Allison, Environmental Monitoring’s Undiscovered Country: Developing a Satellite Remote Monitoring System to Implement the Kyoto Protocol’s Global Emissions-Trading Program, 9 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 152 (2000)

Ghosh, Arunabha, Enforcing Climate Rules with Trade Measures: Five Recommendations for Trade Policy Monitoring in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 22 (NYU Press 2009)

Ghosh, Arubna & Woods, Ngaire, Developing Country Climate Finance Proposals: Priorities, Trust and the Creditor Donor Problem in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 16 (NYU Press 2009)

Goeteyn, Nils, and Frank Maes. “Compliance Mechanisms in Multilateral Environmental Agreements: An Effective Way to Improve Compliance.” Chinese Journal of International Law 10 (2011): 791–826.

Gunningham, N. “Enforcing Environmental Regulation.” Journal of Environmental Law 23.2 (2011): 169–201.

Graham, Kristy & Thorpe, Amelia, Community-based Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of REDD Projects: Innovative Potentials for Benefit Sharing, 3 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 303 (2009)

Haites, Erik, Conclusion: Mechanisms, linkages, and the direction of the future climate regimein Climate Change and the Carbon Markets, pt 4 (Farhana Yamin ed., Routledge 2005).

Hyvarien, J. The European Community’s monitoring mechanism for CO2 and other greenhouse gases: the Kyoto Protocol and other recent developments, 8(2) Rev. Eur. Commun. & Int’l Envtl. L. 191 (1999)

Konisky, David M., and Neal D. Woods. “Exporting Air Pollution? Regulatory Enforcement and Environmental Free Riding in the United States.” Political Research Quarterly 63.4 (2010): 771–782.

Kruger, Joe & Egenhofer, Christian, Confidence through Compliance in Emissions Trading Markets, 6(2)Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 2 (2006)

Lanchberry, John, Verifying Compliance with the Kyoto Protocol, 7(2) Rev. Eur. Commun. & Int’l Envtl. L.170 (1998)

Llobet, Gabriella, “Trust but verify”: Verification in the Joint Implementation Regime, 31(2) Geo. Wash. J. Int’l L. & Econ. 249 (2006)

McAllister, Lesley K. “The Enforcement Challenge of Cap-and-trade Regulation.” Environmental Law 40.4 (2010): 1195–1230.

McAllister, Lesley, Putting Persuasion Back in the Equation: Compliance in Cap and Trade Programs, 24Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 299 (2007)

Muller, Benito, Bali 2007: On the Road Again! Impressions from the Thirteenth UN Climate Change Conference, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, (2007), available at

Nigoff, M.G., The Clean Development Mechanism: Does the Current Structure Facilitate Kyoto Protocol Compliance?, 18(2) Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 249 (2006)

Nollkaemper, A., Joint responsibility between the EU and Member States for non-performance of obligations under multilateral environmental agreementsin The External Environmental Policy of the European Union (Elisa Morgera ed., Cambridge University Press 2012).

Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Summary of the Thirteenth Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change and the Third Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, 3-5 December, available at

Peeters, Marjan, The Enforcement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading in Europein Compliance and Enforcement in Environmental Law, ch. 16 (Louis Kotze et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

Rest, Alfred, Enhanced implementation and enforcement of international environmental laws by the judiciaryin The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development (Adrian J. Bradbrook et al., Cambridge University Press 2012).

Rohleder, J., The Role of Third-party Verification in Emissions Trading Systems: Developing Best Practices, 6(2) Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 26 (2006)

Spence, Samara1. “Three Structural Changes for a New System of International Climate Change Mitigation Agreements Based on the WTO Model.” Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 44.5 (2011): 1415–1455.

Stavins, Robert N. & Aldy, Joseph, Bali Climate Change Conference: Key Takeaways, Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements, December 18, 2007, available at

Tabau, Anne-Sophie, and Sandrine Maljean-Dubois. “Non-Compliance Mechanisms: Interaction Between the Kyoto Protocol System and the European Union.” European Journal of International Law 21.3 (2010): 749–763.

Victor, David G., Toward Effective International Cooperation on Climate Change: Numbers, Interests and Institutions, in The International Politics of Climate Change (Aynsley Kellow & Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen eds., Edward Elgar 2010) (2006).

Watanabe, Rie, et al., The Bali Roadmap for Global Climate Policy – New Horizons and Old Pitfalls, 5(2) J. Eur. Envtl. & Plan. L. 139 (2008)

Wang, Xueman, Towards a system of compliance: designing a mechanism for the Climate Change Convention, 7(2) Rev. Eur. Commun. & Int’l Envtl. L. 176 (1998)

Yoshida, Osamu. “Procedural Aspects of the International Legal Regime for Climate Change: Early Operation of the Kyoto Protocol’s Compliance System.” Journal of East Asia & International Law 4.1 (2011): 41–61.

Young, Oran R., The Politics of International Regime Formation: Managing Natural Resources and the Environment, in The International Politics of Climate Change (Aynsley Kellow & Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen eds., Edward Elgar 2010) (1989).

Copenhagen Conference/Copenhagen Accord

Bietta, Federica, From The Hague to Copenhagen: Why it Failed Then and Why it Could be Differentin Deforestation and Climate Change, ch. 2 (Valentina Bosetti & Rubin Lubowski eds., Edward Elgar 2010).

Cantley-Smith, Rowena1. “Climate Change and the Copenhagen Legacy: Where to from Here?” Monash University Law Review 36.1 (2010): 278–303.

Cavaliere, F.J., United Nations Climate Conference: Copenhagen, 55(6) Prac. Law. 13 (2009)

Doelle, Michael, The Legacy of Climate Talks in Copenhagen: Hopenhagen or Brokenhagen? 1 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 86 (2010)

Ekardt, Felix  et al., Climate Change, Justice, and Clean Development – A Review of the Copenhagen Negotiating Draft 3 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 261 (2009)

Eliasch, Johan, Climate Change: Financing Global Forests: The Eliasch Review (Earthscan 2008)

Feng, Lin, and Jason Buhi. “The Copenhagen Accord and the Silent Incorporation of the Polluter Pays Principle in International Climate Law: An Analysis of Sino-American Diplomacy at Copenhagen and Beyond.” Buffalo Environmental Law Journal 18 (2010): 1.

Hines, Robert, Looking To The UN Climate Change Convention In Copenhagen: Upcoming Developments In The Climate Change Policy Arena, 2009 WL 2974776 (ASPATORE) (2009).

Legall, Debbie, Life after Copenhagen: a change of climate, International Bar News, April 2010, at 41.

Pedersen, Ole, Benefits and Costs of the Environment: Copenhagen Consensus 2008, 35 J. Envtl. L. 465 (2008)

Rimmer, Matthew, The Copenhagen Accord and the Cancún Agreements: Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer, and Climate Change, in Intellectual Property and Climate Change (Edward Elgar 2011).

Saines, Richard, Changing Developments In Climate Change Law: Looking Ahead To Copenhagen And Beyond, 2009 WL 2974777 (ASPATORE) (2009)

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Part Two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth session. United Nations, 2010.

Deforestation and REDD

Abate, Randall S. “REDD, White, and Blue: Is Proposed U.S. Climate Legislation Adequate To Promote a Global Carbon Credits System for Avoided Deforestation in a Post-Kyoto Regime?” Tulane Journal of International & Comparative Law 19.1 (2010): 95–112.

Aoki, Kentaro, Towards a Sound REDD: Ensuring Globally Consistent Reference Scenarios and Safeguarding Sustainability Co-Benefits, , in Deforestation and Climate Change, ch. 87(Valentina Bosetti & Rubin Lubowski eds., Edward Elgar 2010).

Aquino, André et al., Preparing for REDD, in Deforestation and Climate Change, ch. 5 (Valentina Bosetti & Rubin Lubowski eds., Edward Elgar 2010).

van Asselt, Harro. “Integrating Biodiversity in the Climate Regime’s Forest Rules: Options and Tradeoffs in Greening REDD Design.” Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 20.2 (2011): 139–149.

Baez, Stephanie. “The Right REDD Framework: National Laws That Best Protect Indigenous Rights in a Global REDD Regime.” Fordham Law Review 80 (2011): 821–876.

Benndorf, R., et al., Including Land Use, Land-Use Change ,and Forestry in Future Climate Change Agreements: Thinking Outside the Box, 10 Envtl. Sci. & Pol’y 283 (2007).

Bettelheim, Eric C., Forest and Land Use Programs Must Be Given Financial Credit in Any Climate Change Agreement in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 9 (NYU Press 2009)

Brown, Michael, Limiting Corrupt Incentives in a Global REDD Regime, 37 Ecology L.Q. 237 (2010)

Carlson, M., et al.,  The Carbon the World Forgot: Conserving the Capacity of Canada’s Boreal Forest  Region to Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change. Boreal Songbird Initiative and Canadian Boreal Initiative, Seattle, WA, and Ottawa (2009)

Collett, Max, In the REDD: A Conservative Approach to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, 3 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 324 (2009)

Cullet, Philippe & Kameri-Mbote, Annie Patricia,  Activities Implemented Jointly in the Forestry Sector: Conceptual and Operational Fallacies 10 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 97

Dixon, et al. Forest sector carbon offset projects: near-term opportunities to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 70: 561-577 (1993)

Dooley, Kate, and Saskia Ozinga. “Building on Forest Governance Reforms Through FLEGT: The Best Way of Controlling Forests’ Contribution to Climate Change?” Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 20.2 (2011): 163–170.

Ebeling, Johannes & Yasue´, Maı¨ Generating Carbon Finance Through Avoided Deforestation And Its Potential To Create Climatic, Conservation and Human Development Benefits Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 1917

Eliasch, Johan, Climate Change: Financing Global Forests (Routledge 2008).

Farris, Melissa. “The Sound of Falling Trees: Integrating Environmental Justice Principles into the Climate Change Framework for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD).” Fordham Environmental Law Review 20.2/3 (2010): 515–550.

Fry, Ian, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation: Opportunities and Pitfalls in Developing a New Legal Regime, 17 Rev. Euro. Commun. & Int’l Envtl. L. 166 (2008)

Gillespie, Alexander, Sinks and the Climate Change Regime: The State of Play, 13 Duke Envtl. L. & Pol’y F. 279 (2003)

Godden, Lee et al. “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries: Implementation Issues.” Monash University Law Review 36.1 (2010): 139–172.

Godden, Lee et al., The emerging scheme for the protection of Forests in developing countries (REDD)in Australian Climate Law in Global Context (Cambridge University Press 2013).

Graham, Kristy & Thorpe, Amelia, Community-based Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of REDD Projects: Innovative Potentials for Benefit Sharing, 3 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 303 (2009)

Greenleaf, Maron. “Using Carbon Rights to Curb Deforestation and Empower Forest Communities.” New York University Environmental Law Journal 18 (2010): 507–599.

Griffiths, Tom, Seeing ‘RED’? ‘Avoided deforestation’ and the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, Forest People’s Program (2007)

Hall, Anthony, Forests and Climate Change: The Social Dimensions of Redd in Latin America, (Edward Elgar 2012).

Hare, William et al., Designing a REDD Mechanism: The TDERM Triptychin Climate Law and Developing Countries, ch. 7 (Yves Le Bouthillier et al., Edward Elgar 2010).

Hare, Bill  & Macey, Kirsten, Tropical Deforestation Emissions Reduction Mechanism, Greenpeace (2007).

Joint Liaison Group of the Rio Conventions, Forests: Climate Change, Biodiversity and Land Degradation, available at

Kapos, Valerie, et al., Reducing Emissions From Deforestation: A Key Opportunity for Attaining Multiple Benefits, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, U.K. (2007)

Klabin, Israel, Stock-and-Flow Mechanisms to Reduce Land-Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry Emissions: A Proposal from Brazil in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 10 (NYU Press 2009)

Lanly, Jean-Paul, Forestation and Forest Degradation Factors, original and unedited version of paper submitted before the XII World Forestry Congress 2003, available at

Levin, Kelly, et al., The Climate Change Regime as Global Forest Governance: Can Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Initiatives Pass a ‘Dual Effectiveness’ Test?, 10(3) Int’l Forestry Rev. 538 (2008)

Long, Andrew, Taking Adaptation Value Seriously: Designing REDD to Protect Biodiversity, 3 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 314 (2009)

Lopes, Paulo A. “Is REDD Accounting Myopic – Why Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Programs Should Recognize and Include Other Ecosystems and Services Beyond CO2 Sequestration.” Sustainable Development Law & Policy11 (2010): 25–31.

Lyster, Rosemary. “REDD+, Transparency, Participation and Resource Rights: The Role of Law.” Environmental Science & Policy 14.2 (2011): 118–126.

Mackey, Brendan et al., Green Carbon: The Role of Natural Forests in Carbon Storage, Australian National University (2008).

McKim, Sarah. “Sustainable Solutions: An Integrated Approach to REDD Project Planning.” George Washington Journal of Energy and Environmental Law 2 (2011): 87–102.

Miles, L., Reducing Emissions from Deforestation: global mechanisms, conservation and livelihoods. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, U.K. (2007)

Papke, Melissa, Michigan Forests and Farms: Tapping and Marketing Our Land Resources for Carbon Sequestration, 36 Mich. Real Prop. Rev. 61

Parker, Charlie et al., The Little REDD+ Book 13 (Global Canopy Programme Second Edition 2009) (2008)

Pedroni, Lucio, et al., Creating Incentives for Avoiding Further Deforestation: The Nested Approach, 8(2) Climate Pol’y 207 (2009)

Piris-Cabezas, Pedro, The European Union’s Position on REDD Financing, in Deforestation and Climate Change, ch. 3 (Valentina Bosetti & Rubin Lubowski eds., Edward Elgar 2010).

Rae, Jessica, Mahala Gunther, and Lee Godden. “Governing Tropical Forests: Redd, Certification and Local Forest Outcomes in Malaysia.” Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 7 (2011): 40–68.

Sampaio, Rômulo Silveira da Rocha, Seeing The Forest For The Treaties: The Evolving Debates On Forest And Forestry Activities Under The Clean Development Mechanism Ten Years After The Kyoto Protocol, 31 Fordham Int’l L.J. 634 (2008)

Schneider et al., Banking on the Environment: Profiting From Investment in REDD, 24 SUM Nat. Resources & Env’t 14 (2009)

Smith, Rebecca, Our National Forests as Carbon Sinks: A Timely and Appropriate Change in Management Emphasis, 29 Pub. Land & Resources L. Rev. 183 (2008)

Srivastava, Nidhi. “Changing Dynamics of Forest Regulation: Coming Full Circle?” Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 20.2 (2011): 113–122.

Takacs, David, Carbon Into Gold: Forest Carbon Offsets, Climate Change Adaptation, And International Law, 15 Hastings W.-N.W. J. Envtl. L & Pol’y 39, 43 (2009).

Trumper, K., Bertzky, M., Dickson, B., van der Heijden, G., Jenkins, M., Manning, P. The Natural Fix? The role of ecosystems in climate mitigation. A UNEP rapid response assessment. United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK (2009).

UNEP-WCMC, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation: A Key

Willey, Zach & Chameides, Bill (eds.), Harnessing Farms and Forests in the Low Carbon Economy, Duke University Press (2007)


Hill, Tony. “UN Climate Change Conference Durban: Outcomes and Future of the Kyoto Protocol.” Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 7 (2011): 92–98.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Conference of the Parties: Seventeenth Session: Durban. United Nations, 2011.

Flexibility mechanisms

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Behn, Daniel, Linking Climate Change Mitigation and Poverty Reduction: Using Kyoto’s Clean Development Mechanism to Promote Energy Development on the African Continent, in Poverty Alleviation and Environmental Law, ch. 13 (Yves Le Bouthillier et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2012).

Blévin, Marie. “The Clean Development Mechanism and the Poverty Issue.” Environmental Law 41.3 (2011): 777–803.

Bluemel, Eric, Unraveling the Global Warming Regime Complex: Competitive Entropy in the Regulation of the Global Public Good, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1981 (2007)

Boyd, et al., The Clean Development Mechanism: An assessment of current practice and future approaches for policy, Tyndall Working Paper No. 114, October 2007, (2007)

Boyle, Grant et al., Transitioning from the CDM to a Clean Development Fund 1 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 16 (2009)

Burkett, Maxine, Just Solutions to Climate Change: A Climate Justice Proposal for a Domestic Clean Development Mechanism, 56  Buffalo L. Rev. 169 (2008)

Capoor, Karan  & Ambrosi, Philippe, State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2008, World Bank (2008).

Carr, Christopher & Rosembuj, Flavia, Flexible Mechanisms for Climate Change Compliance: Emission Offset Purchases Under the Clean Development Mechanism, 16 N.Y.U. Envtl. L. J. 44 (2008).

de Cendra de Larragán, Javier, The CDM and the Built Environment, in Environmental Taxation and Climate Change (Larry Kreiser et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2011).

Cicale, Nicholas J. “The Clean Development Mechanism: Renewable Energy Infrastructure for China and an Empty Promise for Africa.” Connecticut Journal of International Law 26 (2010): 253–280.

Cozijnsen, Jos et al, CDM and the Post 2012 Framework, Environmental Defense (2007).

Dutra, Carolina et al., The Clean Development Mechanism and Mitigation Strategies, in Climate Law and Developing Countries, pt. 3 (Yves Le Bouthillier et al., Edward Elgar 2010).

Dyck, Tyson. “Enforcing Environmental Integrity: Emissions Auditing and the Extended Arm of the Clean Development Mechanism.” Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 36.2 (2011): 259–358.

Ellis, Jane et al, Taking Stock Of Progress Under The  Clean Development Mechanism (Cdm),OECD Environment Directorate International Energy Agency (2004)

Gechlik, Mei, Making Transfer of Clean Technology Work: Lessons of the Clean Development Mechanism, 11(1) San Diego Int’l L.J. 227 (2009)

Gillenwater, Michael, and Stephen Seres. The Clean Development Mechanism: A Review of the First International Offset Program. Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, 2011.

Godden, Lee et al., The regulatory network of the clean development mechanismin Australian Climate Law in Global Context (Cambridge University Press 2013).

Green, Bryan Lessons From The Montreal Protocol: Guidance For The Next International Climate Change Agreement, 39 Envtl. L. 253 (2009)

Green, J.F., Delegation and Accountability in the Clean Development Mechanism: The New Authority of Non-State Actors, 4(2) Jo. Int’l L. & Int’l Rel. 21 (2008)

Halvorssen, Anita, The Kyoto Protocol and Developing Countries- the Clean Development Mechanism, 16 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 353 (2005)

Hart, Craig, et al., East Asia Clean Development Mechanism: Engaging East Asian Countries in Sustainable Development and Climate Regulation Through the CDM, 20 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 645 (2008)

Headon, Sam, Whose Sustainable Development? Sustainable Development Under The Kyoto Protocol, The “Coldplay Effect,” And The CDM Gold Standard, 20 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 127 (2009)

Hirsch, D.D., Trading in Ecosystem Services: Carbon Sinks and the Clean Development Mechanism, 22 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. 623 (2007)

Howse, Robert & Eliason, Antonia, Carbon Trading and the CDM in WTO Law, in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 29 (NYU Press 2009)

Jacur, Francesca, Paving the Road to Legitimacy for CDM Institutions and Procedures:  Learning from Other Experiences in International Environmental Governance, 1 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 69 (2009)

Kenher, Mark, The Clean Development Mechanismin Climate Change and Carbon Markets, ch. 6 (Farhana Yamin ed., Routledge 2005).

Legal Issues Guidebook to the Clean Development Mechanism, UNEP (2004)

Levin, K. et al., Can Non-State Certification Systems bolster State-Centered Efforts to promote Sustainable Development through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)?, 44 Wake Forest L. Rev. 777 (2009)

Lof, Rudi M., Addressing Market Failures in the CDM: A Funding-based Approach 1 Carbon &Climate L. Rev. 25 (2009)

Meijer, E., The International Institutions of the Clean Development Mechanism Brought Before National Courts: Limiting Jurisdictional Immunity to Achieve Access to Justice, 39(4) N.Y.U. J. Int’l L. & Pol. 873 (2007)

Meijer, E., et al., CDM – Concepts, Requirements and Project Cycle, 15(2) Envtl. Liab. 81 (2007)

Michaelowa, Axel, Creating the foundations for host country participation in the CDMin Climate Change and Carbon Markets, ch. 8 (Farhana Yamin ed., Routledge 2005).

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