Indigenous Statements
Indigenous Statements and Organizations
“Amundsen Statement: The ICC 2012 Climate Change Roadmap.” Inuit Circumpolar Council. 2012.
“ICC Executive Council Resolution 2003-01: RE Climate Change and Inuit Human Rights.” Inuit Circumpolar Council. 2003.
“Unikkaaqatigiit: Perspectives From Inuit In Canada.” Inuit Tampiriit Tanakami. 2005. This publication surveys the impacts of climate change on Canadian Inuit , drawing on consultations, workshops and research in 17 Inuit communities. Inuit Tampiriit Tanakami is the national, inter-tribal Inuit organization of Canada.
“Climate Change Planning Tools for First Nations.” Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources. 2006. A series of 6 guidebooks published by a Canadian tribal environmental nonprofit.
Many Strong Voices is an organization composed of indigenous groups in the Arctic and in Small Island Developing States. It advocates for climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.
“Tribes and Climate Change: Alaska & Arctic Adaptation Resources.” Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals. Northern Arizona University.
Scholarly Articles
“Climate change policy responses for Canada’s Inuit population: The importance of
and opportunities for adaptation.” Ford, James et al. 2010. Global Environmental Change 20: 177-191.
“Advance Guard: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Indigenous Peoples.” McLean, Kirsty. 2010. United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies: Traditional Knowledge Initiative. This study presents an overview of more than 400 projects, case studies and research activities related to climate change and Indigenous Peoples.