Hold four public hearings on standards and conditions.

ORES must issue uniform standards and conditions for new renewable energy projects, and must hold four public hearings on proposed standards and conditions before finalizing them.

Statutory Language: 

ARECGA § 4 adds new executive law § 94-c(3)(b): "Office  of renewable energy siting; responsibilities.

(b) The office shall within one year of the effective date  of this section  establish a set of uniform standards and conditions for the siting, design, construction and operation of each type of major renewable energy facility relevant to issues that are  common  for  particular classes  and categories of major renewable energy facilities, in consultation with the New York state energy research and development  authority,  the  department  of  environmental  conservation, the department of public service, the department of agriculture  and  markets,  and  other relevant  state  agencies and authorities with subject matter expertise. Prior to adoption of uniform standards and conditions, the office  shall hold  four  public hearings in different regions of the state to solicit comment from municipal, or political subdivisions,  and  the  public  on proposed uniform standards and conditions to avoid, minimize or mitigate potential   adverse  environmental  impacts  from  the  siting,  design, construction and operation of a major renewable energy facility."