General Discussions
This page organizes the citations it lists into the following categories:
- Bibliographies
- Climate change law
- Climate change litigation
- International agreements
- Scientific disputes / Science and technology Issues
Center for Progressive Reform Climate Change Bibliography, available at
Eliasch, Johan, Bibliography, in Climate Change: Financing Global Forests 241-250 (Routledge 2008).
GlobaLex Climate Change Bibliography, available at
Lang, Isa, Wrestling With An Elephant: A Selected Bibliography and Resource Guide on Global Climate Change, 100 Law Lib. J. 675 (2008)
Mendonca, Miguel, Bibliography, in Feed-in Tariffs 134-142 (Routledge 2009).
Pace Environmental Notes, available at
Worldwatch Institute, Climate Change Reference Guide and Glossary, in State of the World 2009 (26th ed., Routledge 2009).
Climate change law
Boyd, William. “Climate Change, Fragmentation, and the Challenges of Global Environmental Law: Elements of a Post-Copenhagen Assemblage.” University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 32 (2010): 457–550.
Braasch, Gary, Earth Under Fire: How Global Warming is Changing the World (University of California Press 2007)
Brewster, Rachel. “Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block: Incrementalism and National Climate Change Legislation.” Yale Law and Policy Review 28 (2010): 245–539.
Bryner, Gary, The Rapid Evolution of Climate Change Law, 20(2) Utah Bar J. 22 (2007)
Burleson, Elizabeth. “Climate Change Consensus: Emerging International Law.” William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 34.2 (2010): 543–588.
Burns, Steven, Environmental Policy and Politics: Trends in Public Debate, 23 Nat. Resources & Envt. 8 (2008)
Calvin, William, Global Fever: How to Treat Climate Change (University of Chicago Press 2008)
Camacho, Alejandro E. “Assisted Migration: Redefining Nature and Natural Resource Law Under Climate Change.” Yale Journal on Regulation 27.2 (2010): 171–255.
Cantley-Smith, Rowena1. “Climate Change and the Copenhagen Legacy: Where to from Here?” Monash University Law Review 36.1 (2010): 278–303.
Carlane, Cinnamon Piñon, Climate Change Law & Policy: EU and US Perspectives (Oxford University Press 2010)
Carlin, Alan, Why a Different Approach Is Required if Global Climate Change Is to Be Controlled Efficiency or Even at All, 32 Wm. & Mary Envtl. L. & Pol’y Rev. 685 (2008)
Coglianese, C. & D’Ambrosio, J., Policymaking Under Pressure: The Perils of Incremental Responses to Climate Change, 40 Conn. L. Rev. 1411 (2008)
Craig, Robin Kundis. “Adapting to Climate Change: The Potential Role of State Common-Law Public Trust Doctrines.” Vermont Law Review 34.4 (2010): 781–853.
Current Developments in Carbon & Climate Law, 4 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 106 (2010)
Dava-Winterbottom, Trevor, Climate Change, Harmonisation, and Public Policy, 16(2) Envtl. Liability 43 (2008)
DiMento, Joseph (ed.), Climate Change: What it Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren(MIT Press 2007)
Doremus, Holly. “Adapting to Climate Change with Law That Bends Without Breaking.” San Diego Journal of Climate & Energy Law 2 (2010): 45–85.
Dow, Kristin & Downing, Tom, Atlas of Climate Change (Earthscan 2008)
Elliot, E. Donald, Portage Strategies for Adapting Environmental Law and Policy During a Logjam Era, 17N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 24 (2008)
Faure, Michael, and Marjan Peeters, eds. Climate Change Liability. Edward Elgar Pub, 2011.
FitzRoy, Felix & Papyrakis, Elissaios, An Introduction to Climate Change Economics and Policy(Earthscan 2009)
Gerrard, Michael B. “Introductory Comments: The Current State of Climate Change Law.” Sustainable Development Law and Policy10.2 (2010): 2–3.
Gerrard, Michael B. ed., Global Climate Change and U.S. Law (American Bar Association 2007)
Ginige, T.A., A. Thornton, and F. Ball. “The Severn Tidal Barrage Project: A Legal Paradox?” Journal of Water Law 21.2 (2011): 66–77.
Global Warming, 22(3) Nat. Resources & Envt. 3 (2008)
Godden, Lee et al., Climate Law: Meaning and context, in Australian Climate Law in Global Context (Cambridge University Press 2013).
Grossman, M.R. “Climate Change and the Law.” American Journal of Comparative Law 58 (2010): 223–255.
Grossman, Margaret Rosso. “Climate Change and the Law.” American Journal of Comparative Law 58 (2010): 223–255.
Guarino, Katherine. “The Power of One: Citizen Suits in the Fight Against Global Warming.” Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 38.1 (2011): 125–158.
Guesnerie, R. & Tulkens, Henry, The Design of Climate Change (MIT Press 2008)
Hammerschlag, Roel, Legislating the Highway Act of 1956: Lessons For Climate Change Regulation, 31Environs 59 (2007)
Haritz, Miriam. An Inconvenient Deliberation: The Precautionary Principle’s Contribution to the Uncertainties Surrounding Climate Change Liability. Kluwer Law International, 2011.
Hodas, David, Environmental Law in a Climate Change Age, 22 Nat. Resources & Envt. 46 (2007)
Keohane, Nathaniel O., Climate Legislation in the United States: Potential Framework and Prospects for International Carbon Finance in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 23 (NYU Press 2009)
Matthew, Richard, Global Environmental Change and Human Security (MIT Press 2010)
Nordhaus, William, A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies (Yale University Press 2008)
Pederson, William, Adapting Environmental Law to Global Warming Controls, 17 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 256 (2008)
Pettenger, Mary, The Social Construction of Climate Change: Power, Knowledge, Norms, Discourses(Ashgate 2007)
Poloncraz, Kevin et al. Working with Government Agencies in Climate Change Law: Leading Lawyers on Communicating with Government Officials, Understanding Legal Challenges, and Navigating Recent and Upcoming Regulations. Thomson West; Aspatore Books, 2009.
Posner, Eric & Weisbach, David, Climate Change Justice (Princeton University Press 2010)
Pritchard, Robert, Reflections on Climate Change, 6 Int’l Energy L. & Tax. Rev. 153 (2006)
Purdy, Jedediah, Climate Change and the Limits of the Possible, 18 Duke Envtl. L. & Pol’y F. 289 (2008)
Purdy, Jedediah, The Politics of Nature: Climate Change, Environmental Law, and Democracy, 119 Yale L.J. 1122 (2010)
Responses to Global Warming: The Law, Economics, and Science of Climate Change, 155 U. Penn. L. Rev. 1353 (2007)
Richardson, Benjamin J. et al., eds. Climate Law and Developing Countries: Legal and Policy Challenges for the World Economy. Edward Elgar Pub, 2010.
Robinson, J. Climate change law: emissions trading in the EU and the UK, Cameron (2007)
Robinson, Nicholas A. & Wang Xi, Dictionary of Environmental and Climate Change Law (Edward Elgar 2013).
Rohleder, Jennifer & Button, Jillian, The Legal Dimensions of Climate Change: Conference Report, 6(2)Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 57 (2006)
Schlager, Edella C., Kirsten H. Engel, and Sally Rider. Navigating Climate Change Policy: The Opportunities of Federalism. University of Arizona Press, 2011.
Schmidt, Lauren & Williamson, Geoffrey, Recent Developments in Climate Change Law, 37(11) Colo. Law. 63 (2008)
Schwarze, Reimund. Law and Economics of International Climate Change Policy. Dordrecht, Netherlands ; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. Environment & Policy v. 30.
Segall, Scott, Be Cool! Staying Open Minded about Climate Policy Development, 18 Duke Envtl. L. & Pol’y F. 307 (2008)
Sindico, Francesco, Ex-Post and Ex-Ante [Legal] Approaches to Climate Change Threats to the International Community, 9 N.Z. J. Envtl. L. 209 (2005)
Soltau, Friedrich, Fairness in International Climate Change Law and Policy (Cambridge University Press 2009)
Vanderheiden, Steve, Political Theory and Global Climate Change (MIT Press 2008)
Verheyen, Roda, Climate change damage and international law: prevention, duties and state responsibility, (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2005)
Wallace, Perry, An Overview of This Issue: Climate Change in 2009, 9(2) Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 2 (2009)
Watchman, Paul Q. (ed.), Climate Change: A Guide to Carbon Law and Practice (Globe Business Publishing Ltd 2008)
Wiener, Jonathan, Radiative Forcing: Climate Policy to Break to Logjam in Environmental Law, 17 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 210 (2008)
Williams, Angela. “Climate Change Law: Creating and Sustaining Social and Economic Insecurity.” Social and legal studies 20.4 (2011): 499–513.
Wood, Mary Christina, Law and Climate Change: Government’s Atmospheric Trust Responsibility, 38 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10652 (2008)
Working with Government Agencies in Climate Change Law: Leading Lawyers on Communicating with Government Officials, Understanding Legal Challenges, and Navigating Recent and Upcoming Regulations (Thomson West 2009)
Worldwatch Institute: State of the World 2009 (Earthscan 2009)
Zinn, Matthew, Adapting to Climate Change: Environmental Law in a Warmer World, 34 Ecology L.Q. 61 (2007)
Climate change litigation
Ackerman, Sybil. “What Are Lobbyists Saying on Capitol Hill? Climate Change Legislation as A Case Study for Reform.” Environmental Law 37.1 (2007): 137–150.
Adam, David. “Climate Change in Court.” Nature Climate Change 1.3 (2011): 127–130.
Adler, Matthew, Corrective Justice and Liability for Global Warming, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1859 (2007)
Aminzadeh, Sara C., A Moral Imperative: The Human Rights Implications of Climate Change, 30 Hastings Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 231 (2007)
Averill, Marilyn, Climate Litigation: Ethical Implications and Societal Impacts, 85 Denv. U. L. Rev. 899 (2007-2008)
Bertsch, Derek. “When Good Intentions Collide: Seeking a Solution to Disputes Between Alternative Energy Development and the Endangered Species Act.” Sustainable Development Law Journal 14 (2011): 74–97.
Burns, William & Osofsky, Hari (ed.), Adjudicating Climate Change: State, National, and International Approaches (Cambridge University Press 2009)
Case, Lauren. “Climate Change: A New Realm of Tort Litigation, and How to Recover When the Litigation Heats Up.” Santa Clara Law Review 51 (2011): 265–298.
Chang, Howard, Reasonable Emissions of Greenhouse Gases: Efficient Abatement For a Stock Pollutant, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1869 (2007)
Cheever, Federico, Everyone Complains about the Weather, but No One Ever Does Anything about It: Interjurisdictional Failure to Designate Responsible Parties for the Climate Crisis, 85 Denv. U. L. Rev. 765 (2007-2008)
Cofre, Jose A et al., Climate change litigation in Watchman, Paul Q. (ed.), Climate Change: A Guide to Carbon Law and Practice (Globe Business Publishing Ltd 2008)
Cosman, Bradley, Green Derivatives: Extorting Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Via Shareholder Derivative Suits, 40 Ariz. St. L. J. 743 (2008)
Engel, Kirsten, Harmonizing Regulatory and Litigation Approaches to Climate Change Mitigation: Incorporating Tradable Emissions Offsets Into Common Law Remedies, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1563 (2007)
Farber, Daniel, Basic Compensation For Victims of Climate Change, 38 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis10521 (2008) or 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1605 (2007)
Fischer, D. E., The Response of the United States Supreme Court to Global Warming: Injury in Fact or Conjecture, 24(4) Envtl. & Plan. L.J. 241 (2007)
The Future of Coal Under Climate Legislation Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, First Session, March 10, 2009. Washington: U.S. G.P.O, 2011.
Gerrard, M.B. “What Litigation of a Climate Nuisance Suit Might Look Like.” Yale LJ Online 121 (2011): 135–177.
Gerrard, Michael, What the Law and Lawyers Can and Cannot Do About Global Warming, 16 Se. Envtl. L. J. 33 (2007)
Gottlieb, Ira, et al., Natural Resource Damages for Climate Change – An Idea Whose Time Is Not Yet Come, Part I: NRD Claims Are Not Currently Viable under CERCLA, 20(4) Envtl. Claims J. 273 (2008)
Grossman, David, Warming Up to a Not-So-Radical Idea: Tort-Based Climate Change Litigation, 28 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 1 (2003)
Gupta, Joyeeta, Legal Steps Outside the Climate Convention: Litigation as a Tool to Address Climate Change, 76 Rev. Euro. Commun. & Int’l Envtl. L. 76 (2007)
Gutherz, Ilan W. “Cap and Trade Meets the Interstate Commerce Clause: Are Greenhouse Gas Regulations Constitutional After Lopez and Morrison.” Pace Environmental Law Review 29 (2011): 289–320.
Haroff, Kevin & Hartis, Jacqueline, Climate Change and the Courts: Litigating the Causes and Consequences of Global Warming, 22(3) Nat. Resources & Envt. 50 (2008)
Heinzerling, Lisa, Climate Change in the Supreme Court, 38 Envtl. L. 1 (2008)
Hersch, Joni & Viscusi, W. Kip , Allocating Responsibility For the Failure of Global Warming Policies, 155U. Pa. L. Rev. 1657 (2007)
Hsu, Shi-Ling. “A Realistic Evaluation of Climate Change Litigation Through the Lens of a Hypothetical Lawsuit.” University of Colorado Law Review 79.3 (2008): 701–766.
Hunter, David & Salzman, James, Negligence in the Air: The Duty of Care in Climate Change Litigation, 155U. Pa. L. Rev. 1741 (2007)
Jacobs, Rebecca, Treading Deep Waters: Substantive Law Issues in Tuvalu’s Threat to Sue the United States in International Court of Justice, 14 Pac. Rim. L. & Pol’y J. 103 (2005)
Kaswan, Alice, The Domestic Response to Global Climate Change: What Role for Federal, State, and Litigation Initiatives?, 42 U.S.F.L. Rev. 39 (2007)
Maag, Kirk, Climate Change Litigation: Drawing Lines to Avoid Strict, Joint, and Several Liability, 98 Geo. L.J. 185 (2009)
Markell, David, and J. B. Ruhl. “An Empirical Assessment of Climate Change in the Courts: A New Jurisprudence or Business as Usual?” Florida Law Review 64.1 (2012): 15–86.
May, James R., Climate Change, Constitutional Consignment, and the Political Question Doctrine, 85 Denv. U. L. Rev. 919 (2007-2008)
McGee, Henry W. Jr., Litigating Global Warming: Substantive Law in Search of a Forum 16 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 371 (2004-2005)
Merrill, Thomas, Global Warming as a Public Nuisance, 30 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 293 (2005)
Millner, Felicity, and Kirsty Ruddock. “Climate Litigation.” Alternative Law Journal 36 (2011): 27–32.
Mumford, Daniel, Curbing Carbon Dioxide Emissions Through the Rebirth of Public Nuisance Laws – Environmental Legislation by the Courts, 30 Wm. & Mary Envtl. L. & Pol’y Rev. 195 (2005)
Ohshita, Stephanie, The Domestic Response to Global Climate Change, 42 U.S.F. L. Rev. 1 (2007)
Osofsky, Hari, Climate Change Litigation and Pluralist Legal Dialogue?, 26A Stan. Envtl. L. J. 181 (2007)
Osofsky, Hari, Is Climate Change “International”? Litigation’s Diagonal Regulatory Role, 49 Va. J. Int’l L. 585 (2009)
Osofsky, Hari, Local Approaches to Transnational Corporate Responsibility: Mapping the Role of Subnational Climate Change Litigation, 20 Pac. McGeorge Global Bus. & Dev. L. J. 143 (2007)
Osofsky, Hari, The Geography of Climate Change Litigation: Implications for Transnational Regulatory Governance, 83 Wash. U. L.Q. 1789 (2005)
Pawa, Matthew F., Global Warming Litigation Heats Up, 44(4) Trial 18 (2008)
Pawa, Matthew F.; Krass, Benjamin A., Global Warming as a Public Nuisance: Connecticut v. American Electric Power; 16 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 407 (2004-2005)
Posner, Eric, Climate Change and International Human Rights Litigation: A Critical Appraisal, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1925 (2007)
Powers, Jessica, Reduce, Reuse, Resort to Litigation: Global Warming Lawsuits and What They Mean for Texas, 40 Tex. Tech. L. Rev. 123 (2007)
Preston, Brian J. “Climate Change in the Courts.” Monash University Law Review 36.1 (2010): 15–53.
Shi-Ling Hsu, A Realistic Evaluation of Climate Change Litigation Through the Lens of a Hypothetical Lawsuit, 79 U. Colo. L. Rev. 701 (2008)
Sigman, Hilary, Legal Liability as Climate Change Policy, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1953 (2007)
Smith, Jeffrey, Climate Change in the U.S. Courts, 14(6) Envtl. Liability 211 (2006)
Smith, Joseph & Shearman, David, Climate change litigation: analysing the law, scientific evidence & impacts on the environment, health & property, (Presidian Legal Publications 2006)
Snyder, Jared, Global Warming Litigation: State and Citizens v. Federal Government and Industry, 17(2)Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 255 (2006)
Spain, Anna. “Beyond Adjudication: Resolving International Resource Disputes in an Era of Climate Change.” Stanford Environmental Law Journal 30.2 (2011): 343–390.
Suthers, John W., The State Attorney General’s Role in Global Climate Change, 85 Denv. U. L. Rev. 757 (2007-2008)
Taylor, Rodney. “Supreme Court to Hear Landmark Case on Climate Change Emissions: Judgment Day Comes in Global Warming Litigation.” Environmental Claims Journal 23.2 (2011): 105–117.
Unterberger, Glenn et al., Litigation Challenging Coal Plants, One Permit At a Time, 22 Nat. Res. & Env.30 (Spring 2008)
Weisselberg, Patricia, Shaping the Energy Future in the American West: Can California Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Out-of-State, Coal-Fired Power Plants Without Violating the Dormant Commerce Clause?, 42 U.S.F.L. Rev. 185 (2007)
Wyman, Jr., Robert, and Romey Michael. Greenhouse Gas Tort Litigation. LexisNexis Global Climate Change Special Pamphlet Series, 2010.
Zamudio, H. M. “Predicting the Future and Acting Now: Climate Change, the Clean Water Act, and the Lake Champlain Phosphorus Tmdl.” Vermont Law Review 35.4 (2011): 975–1002.
International agreements
Ackerly, Brooke & Vandenbergh, Michael, Climate Change Justice: The Challenge for Global Governance, 20 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 553 (2008)
Aldy, Joseph E. & Stavins, Robert N., Post-Kyoto International Climate Policy: Summary for Policymakers, Research from the Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements (Cambridge University Press 2009)
Aldy, Joseph E. & Stavins, Robert N. (eds.), Architecture for Agreement: Addressing Global Climate Change in the Post-Kyoto World (Cambridge Unviersity Press 2007)
Bessendorf, Ari, Games in the Hothouse: Theoretical Dimensions in Climate Change, 28 Suffolk Transnat’l L. Rev. 325 (2005)
Bodansky, Daniel, Beyond Kyoto: Dilemmas of Climate Regulation and Equity, 102 Am. Soc’y Int’l L. Proceedings 23 (2008)
Bodansky, Daniel, The Future of Climate Governance: Creating a More Flexible Architecture in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 4 (NYU Press 2009)
Burns, William, Belt & Suspenders? The World Heritage Convention’s Role in Confronting Climate Change, 17 S.E. Envtl. L.J. 481 (2009)
Carraro, Carlo (ed.), International Environmental Agreements on Climate Change (Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999)
Dernbach, John, Achieving Early and Substantial Greenhouse Gas Reductions Under a Post-Kyoto Agreement, 20 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 573 (2008)
Docherty, Bonnie & Giannini, Tyler, Confronting a Rising Tide: A Proposal for a Convention on Climate Change Refugees, 33 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 349 (2009)
Dodds, Felix, et al. (eds.), Climate Change and Energy Insecurity: The Challenge for Peace, Security and Devleopment (Earthscan 2009)
El-Ashry, Mohamed, An Overview of This Issue: Framework for a Post-Kyoto Climate Change Agreement, 8(2) Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 2 (2008)
Gainza-Carmenates, Ronal, et al., Stakeholder-based Scenarios for Post-2012 Climate Policy: A Participatory Approach, 3 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 248 (2009)
Goldemberg, Jose & Oswaldo Lucon, Energy, Environment and Development (2nd ed. Routledge 2009).
Green, Bryan, Lessons From The Montreal Protocol: Guidance For The Next International Climate Change Agreement, 39 Envtl. L. 253 (2009)
Halvorssen, Anita M., UNFCCC, The Kyoto Protocol, and The WTO — Brewing Conflicts Or Are They Mutually Supportive? 36 Denv. J. Int’l L. & Pol’y 369 (2008)
Heller, Thomas, Afterword: Reflections on a Path to Effective Climate Change Mitigation in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development (NYU Press 2009)
Hill, R., The International Climate Change Agreement: An Evolution, 24 U. New South Wales L.J. 543 (2001)
Höhne, Niklaset al, Climate Change Legislation And Initiatives At International Level And Design Options For Future International Climate Policy, Policy Department Economic and Scientific Policy (2007)
Jamieson, Dale, The Post-Kyoto Climate: A Gloomy Forecast, 20 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 537 (2008)
Kaniaru, Donald, et al., Landmark Agreement to Strengthen Montreal Protocol Provides Powerful Climate Mitigation, 8(2) Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 46 (2008)
Long, Andrew, International Consensus and U.S. Climate Change Litigation, 33 Wm. & Mary Envtl. L. & Pol’y Rev. 177 (2008)
Malone, Elizabeth, Debating Climate Change: Pathways through Argument to Agreement (Earthscan 2009)
McNeely, Jeffrey, Applying the Diversity of International Conventions to Address the Challenges of Climate Change, 17 Mich. St. J. Int’l L. 123 (2008)
Morgenstern, Lutz, One, Two or One and a Half Protocols? An Assessment of Suggested Options for the Legal Form of the Post-2012 Climate Regime 3 Carbon & Climate L. Rev. 235 (2009)
Mumma, Albert & Hodas, David, Designing a Global Post-Kyoto Climate Change Protocol that Advances Human Development, 20 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 619 (2008)
Petsonk, Annie, ‘Docking Stations:’ Designing a More Welcoming Architecture for a Post 2012 Framework to Combat Climate Change, 19 DUKE J. COMP. & INT’L L. 433 (2009)
Rajamani, Lavanya, Addressing the ‘Post-Kyoto’ Stress Disorder: Reflections on the Emerging Legal Architecture of the Climate Regime, 58 Int’l & Comp. L.Q. 803 (2009)
Rajamani, Lavanya, From Berlin to Bali and Beyond: Killing Kyoto Softly? 57 Int’l & Comp. L.Q. 909 (2008)
Rehak, Susan, Climate Change and the Copenhagen Consensus 2004: A Critical Review of Economic Prioritization, 2005 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 41
Roberts, Mark, The Montreal Protocol Must Act to Prevent Global Climate Change While Restoring the Ozone Layer, 9(3) Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 33 (2009)
Roberts, Mark & Grabiel, Peter, A Window of Opportunity: Combating Climate Change by Amending the Montreal Protocol to Regulate the Production and Consumption of HFCs and ODS Banks, 22 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 99 (2009)
Schatz, Andrew, Foreword: Beyond Kyoto – The Developing World and Climate Change, 20 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 531 (2008)
Schwarze, Reimun, Law and Economics of International Climate Change Policy (Dordrecht 2001)
Smyth, Sophie, The Prototype Carbon Fund: A New Departure in International Trusts and Securities Law, 5(2) Sustainable Development L. & Pol’y 28 (2005)
Sussman, Edna, The Energy Charter Treaty’s Investor Protection Provisions: Potential to Foster Solutions to Global Warming and Promote Sustainable Development, 14 ILSA J. Int’l & Comp. L. 391 (2008)
Winter, Gerd, Multilevel Governance of Global Environmental Change: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Cambridge University Press 2006)
Zedillo Ponce de Leon, Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto (Brookings Institution Press 2008)
Scientific disputes/Science and technology issues
Agnolucci, Paolo et al., Innovation, Markets, and Sustainable Energy: The Challenge of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (Paolo Migliavacca et al. eds., Edward Elgar 2009).
Allen, Myles et al., Scientific Challenges in the Attribution of Harm to Human Influence on Climate, 155 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1353 (2007)
Burton, Ian & Lisa F. Schipper, The Earthscan Reader on Adaption to Climate Change (Routledge 2008).
Caudill, David, Images of Expertise: Converging Discourses on the Use and Abuse of Science in Massachusetts v. EPA, 18 Villanova L.J. 185 (2007)
Dessler, Andrew & Parson, Edward, The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: A Guide to the Debate (Cambridge University Press 2006)
Farber, Daniel, Modeling Climate Change and Its Impacts: Law, Policy, and Science, 86 Tex. L. Rev. 1655 (2008)
Gan, Hong et al., The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water, in Water Accounting, ch. 2 (Jayne M. Godrey & Keryn Chalmers eds., Edward Elgar 2012).
Gardner, Allison, Environmental Monitoring’s Undiscovered Country: Developing a Satellite Remote Monitoring System to Implement the Kyoto Protocol’s Global Emissions-Trading Program, 9 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 152 (2000)
Graziano, Dominick, Global Warming: An Introduction to the State of Science and a Survey of Some Legal Responses, 79(9) Fla. Bar. J. 34 (2005)
Heinzerling, Lisa, Thrower Keynote Address: The Role of Science in Massachusetts v. EPA, 58 Emory L.J. 411 (2008)
Lohan, Dagmar, Assessing The Mechanisms For The Input Of Scientific Information Into The UNFCCC, 17 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 249 (2006)
Mathez, Edmond, Climate Change: the science of global warming and our energy future (Columbia University Press 2009)
Nordhaus, William D., Rolling the “DICE”: An Optimal Transition Path for Controlling Greenhouse Gases, in Green National Accounting and Sustainability, ch. 21 (Edward Elgar 2011) (1993).
Oppenheimer, Michael, Understanding the Causes and Implications of Climate Change, in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 2 (NYU Press 2009)
Pittock, A. Barrie, Climate Change: The Science, Impacts and Solutions (2d ed. Earthscan 2009)
Robins, Nick & Fulton, Mark, Investment Opportunities and Catalysts: Analysis and Proposals from the Climate Finance Industry on Funding Climate Mitigation in Stewart, Richard B. et al. (eds.), Climate Finance: Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development Chapter 15 (NYU Press 2009)
Tran, Sarah, Updated Hurricane Models: A New Opportunity to Insure Against Climate Change, 14 B.U. J. Sci. & Tech. L. 73 (2008)
Vinuales, Jorge, Legal Techniques for Dealing with Scientific Uncertainty in Environmental Law, 43Vanderbilt J. Transnat’l L. 437 (2010)