Dave Markell (2015 David Sive Visiting Scholar), Associate Dean for Research and Steven M. Goldstein Professor, Florida State University, College of Law
Gabriel Wedy (2015 – 2016 Visiting Scholar), Federal Judge. Professor of the Ph.D., LL.M. and Undergraduate Law Programs of Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – Unisinos (Brazil). Professor of Environmental Law at the Superior School of Federal Judges (Brazil). Visiting Professor (Gastwissenschaftler) at Universität Heidelberg/Institut für deutshes und europäisches (Germany). Director of the The Law for a Green Planet Institute. Former President of the Association of Federal Judges of Brazil (Ajufe). Author, among others, of the books Sustainable Development in the Age of Climate Change: A Fundamental Right; Climate Litigation: According to Brazilian, U.S. and German Law, and several articles in the area of environmental law published in Brazil and abroad.
Laura Schujers (2016 Visiting Scholar), PhD Candidate and part of the Masters teaching team for the Office for Environmental Programs at the University of Melbourne