First Advisory Board Convening
The Advisory Board must meet to provide advice and recommendations to the DOB commissioner and to the Mayor’s Office of Long Term Planning and Sustainability relating to effectively reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings.
- Date Due
- Responsible Entity
- Action
- Summary
- Status
- Statute
- 11/14/2019
- Advisory Board
- First Advisory Board Convening
- The Advisory Board must meet to provide advice and recommendations to the commissioner and to the Mayor’s Office of Long Term Planning and Sustainability relating to effectively reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings.
- Executed: in December 2019, the climate advisory board was created. The board has been staffed and has met at least once.
- LL97 § 5 adds new Administrative Code Tit. 28. Ch. 3 § 28-320.2
Statutory Language:
LL97 § 5: "§ 28-320.2 Advisory board. There shall be an advisory board convened, by the office of building energy and emissions performance upon the effective date of this article, in January of 2029 and in January of 2039, to provide advice and recommendations to the commissioner and to the mayor’s office of long term planning and sustainability relating to effectively reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. Such recommendations shall include, but not be limited to:
1. A report to be delivered to the mayor and 1. A report and recommendations to be delivered to the mayor and the speaker of the city council no later than January 1, 2023 for additional or improved approaches to assessing building energy performance. Such report shall include, but not be limited to:
1.1. An approach for buildings to submit energy use or greenhouse gas emissions and other information for the purpose of assessing energy performance of covered buildings;
1.2. A methodology that includes the metric of measure, adjustments to the metric, the approach to comparing the output to a benchmark, alternative compliance paths, credit for beneficial electrification and distributed energy resources, and an approach for a trading mechanism as described in section 28-320.11;
1.3. Recommendations for addressing tenant-controlled energy usage;
1.4. Recommendations for amendments to the audit required under section 28-308.2 of the administrative code, including consideration of whether such audit should be replaced by a capital plan;
1.5 Recommendations for reducing building emissions from rent regulated accommodations;1.6 Recommendations for allowing additional time to comply with the emissions limits for buildings converting to a new occupancy group or use with lower emissions limits or some other change in status that would affect applicability of the provisions of this article;
1.7 An evaluation of the extent to which the mayor’s 80x50 energy infrastructure pathways study is incorporated and addressed within the recommendations made pursuant to items 1.1 through 1.6 of this section; and
1.8 A reference guide to delineate the responsibilities of the building designer and owners to comply with emissions limits.
2. A report to be delivered to the mayor and the speaker of the city council no later than January 1, 2023, providing an analysis of, and any recommendations for improving, energy and emissions performance requirements for covered buildings. Such recommendations shall be targeted to achieve at least a 40 percent reduction in aggregate greenhouse gas emissions from covered buildings by calendar year 2030 relative to such emissions for the calendar year 2005. Such report shall include, but not be limited to assessments of:
2.1. Incentives for reduction of peak energy demand;
2.2. Methods to allow for staggered reporting cycles for compliance with energy and emissions performance improvements;
2.3. Methods for calculating penalties for non-compliance;
2.4. Estimated emissions reductions associated with any recommended energy performance requirements;
2.5. The economic impact, including benefits, of achieving the energy and emissions performance requirements;
2.6. Methods for achieving earlier or larger reductions from city-owned buildings;
2.7 Separate improvement targets for base building energy systems and tenant-controlled energy systems;
2.8 Methods for achieving emissions reductions from manufacturing and industrial processes; and
2.9 Methods for achieving emissions reductions from hospitals while maintaining critical care for human health and safety."