Expand and extend the Electric Generation Facility Cessation Mitigation Program

Enact legislation extending the Electric Generation Facility Cessation Mitigation Program beyond 2025, increasing funding for the program, and transferring administration of the program to a new Office of Just Transition. The legislation should set aside a funding for community grants for energy transition and economic development planning.

Page 85: "New York should enact legislation to expand and extend the Electric Generation Facility Cessation Mitigation Program and transfer administration of the program to this proposed Office of Just Transition. . . .The program should be extended beyond 2025 and increased with new funding in order to help meet future needs beyond currently available budgets. A portion of new funding should also be available to provide energy transition and economic development planning grants for communities, building on and aligning with existing resources available – and ensuring that the office can help with continued support for communities already navigating the energy transition, including localities previously hosting coal power plants."