Establish state distribution and local transmission upgrade programs within 60 days of the initial power grid study findings.
- Date Due:
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- Action:
- Summary:
- Status:
- Statute:
- 03/22/2021
- Establish state distribution and local transmission upgrade programs within 60 days of the initial power grid study findings.
- The PSC must commence proceedings to establish a distribution and local transmission capital plan for each utility in whose service territory the power grid study identified upgrades and local transmission upgrades that the department determines are necessary to achieve CLCPA targets.
- EXECUTED: The PSC commenced proceedings to establish distribution and local transmission capital plans in Case No. 20-E-0197.
- AREGCBA § 7(3)
Section 7(2) of the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act requires DPS, in consultation with NYSERDA, the power authority of NYS, LIPA, the grid operator, and the utilities, to conduct a power grid study for the purpose of identifying distribution upgrades, local transmission upgrades, and bulk transmission investments that are necessary to facilitate the achievement of the CLCPA targets. Section 7(3) mandates that the PSC open a proceeding to establish any capital plan required pursuant to that study.
Statutory Language:
AREGCBA § 7(3): "The commission shall, within 60 days of the initial findings and recommendations required by subdivision two of this section, or at such earlier time as the commission determines to be appropriate, commence a proceeding to establish a distribution and local transmission capital plan for each utility in whose service territory the power grid study identified distribution upgrades and local transmission upgrades that the department determines are necessary or appropriate to achieve the CLCPA targets (the "state distribution and local transmission upgrade programs"). The state distribution and local transmission upgrade programs shall establish a prioritized schedule upon which each such upgrade shall be accomplished. Concurrently, the Long Island power authority shall establish a capital program to address identified distribution and local transmission upgrades in its service territory."