Establish standards, tests, and certification procedures for certain products and appliances
- Date Due:
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- Summary:
- Status:
- Statute:
- 06/30/2006
- State
- Establish standards, tests, and certification procedures for certain products and appliances
- The Secretary of State, in consultation with the president of NYSERDA, must adopt regulations to establish energy efficiency performance standards, testing procedures, and procedures to certify manufacturing for certain products and appliances.
- AEEES 2005 adds new Energy Law § 16-106(2)(a)
The AEEES instructs the Secretary of State, in consultation with the president of NYSERDA, to establish energy efficiency performance standards for new manufacturing of the following kinds of products:
(a) automatic commercial ice cube machines
(b) ceiling fan light kits
(c) commercial pre-rinse spray valves
(d) commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers
(e) consumer audio and video products
(f) illuminated exit signs
(h) very large commercial packaged air-conditioning and heating equipment
(i) metal halide lamp fixtures
(j) pedestrian traffic signal modules
(k) power supplies
(l) torchiere lighting fixtures
(m) unit heaters
(n) vehicular traffic signal modules
However, currently, (e) consumer audio and video products are the only listed product not preempted by federal law, and thus, the only product for which the Secretary can establish efficiency standards. All other products are currently preempted by federal law. Read this status report for more information.
Statutory Language:
Energy Law § 16-106(2)(a): “(a) On or before June thirtieth, two thousand six, the secretary, in consultation with the president, shall adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions of this article establishing: (i) energy efficiency performance standards for new products of the types set forth in paragraphs (a) through (n) of subdivision one of section 16-104 of this article, with the exception of such paragraph (g) (incandescent reflector lamps); (ii) procedures for testing the energy efficiency of the products covered by paragraphs (a) through (n) of subdivision one of section 16-104 of this article; (iii) procedures for manufacturers to certify that products covered under this article meet the energy efficiency standards to be promulgated under this article; and (iv) such further matters as are necessary to insure the proper implementation and enforcement of the provisions of this article. With respect to incandescent reflector lamps, included in paragraph (g) of subdivision one of section 16-104 of this article, the secretary, in consultation with the president, shall conduct a study to determine whether an energy efficiency performance standard for such product should be established, taking into account factors including the potential impact on electricity usage, product availability and consumer and environmental benefits. If it is determined based on this study that such a standard would reduce energy use and would not be preempted by the federal law, the secretary, in consultation with the president, shall adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions of this article establishing energy performance standards for such product on or before January first, two thousand eight."