Establish a community air monitoring program.
- Date Due:
- Responsible Entity:
- Action:
- Summary:
- Status:
- Statute:
- 10/01/2022
- Establish a community air monitoring program.
- DEC must prepare, in consultation with the CJWG, a program demonstrating community air monitoring systems comprised of advanced sensing monitoring equipment that measures and records air pollutant concentrations in the ambient air at or near sensitive receptor locations in disadvantaged communities.
- ONGOING: Information on the progress of the community air monitoring program is available here.
- CLCPA § 2 adds new ECL § 75-0115(1)-(2).
The CLCPA requires the DEC, in consultation with the CJWG, to prepare a program demonstrating community air monitoring systems by October 1, 2022, and publish the air quality data produced by the community air monitoring systems deployed.
Statutory Language:
CLCPA § 75-0115 (1)-(2): "For purposes of this section, the following definitions and related provisions shall apply:
a. "Community air monitoring system" means advanced sensing monitoring equipment that measures and records air pollutant concentrations in the ambient air at or near sensitive receptor locations in disadvantaged communities.
b. "Disadvantaged community" means a community identified as disadvantaged pursuant to the criteria set forth in section 75-0111 of this article.
c. "Sensitive receptors" includes hospitals, schools and day care centers, and such other locations as the department may determine.
2. a. On or before October first, two thousand twenty-two, the department shall prepare, in consultation with the climate justice working group, a program demonstrating community air monitoring systems.
b. The program shall identify the highest priority locations in disadvantaged communities around the state to deploy community air monitoring systems, which shall be communities with potentially high exposure burdens for toxic air contaminants and criteria air pollutants. The program shall be undertaken in no less than four communities statewide with regional consideration.
c. The department shall publish the air quality data produced by the community air monitoring systems deployed pursuant to this section on its website as it becomes available.