Establish building emissions limits for 2035-2039
- Date Due
- Responsible Entity
- Action
- Summary
- Status
- Statute
- 01/01/2023
- Establish building emissions limits for 2035-2039
- DOB must establish by rule annual building emissions limits and building emissions intensity limits applicable for 2035-2039 that are set to achieve an average building emissions intensity for all covered buildings of no more than 0.0014 tCO2e/sf/yr by 2050.
- Executed: DOB's final rule is available here.
- LL97 § 5 adds new Administrative Code Tit. 28. Ch. 3 § 28-320.3.4
Date Due | Responsible Entity | Action | Summary | Status | Statute | |
01/01/2023 | DOB | Establish building emissions limits for 2035-2039 | DOB must establish by rule annual building emissions limits and building emissions intensity limits applicable for 2035-2039 that are set to achieve an average building emissions intensity for all covered buildings of no more than 0.0014 tCO2e/sf/yr by 2050. | Executed: DOB's final rule is available here. | LL97 § 5 adds new Administrative Code Tit. 28. Ch. 3 § 28-320.3.4 |
Statutory Language:
LL97 § 5: "§ 28-320.3.4 Building emissions limits for calendar years 2035 through 2050. No later than
January 1, 2023, the commissioner shall establish by rule annual building emissions limits and
building emissions intensity limits applicable for calendar years 2035 through 2039 and building
emissions limits and building emissions intensity limits applicable for calendar years 2040
through 2049. Such limits shall be set to achieve an average building emissions intensity for all
covered buildings of no more than 0.0014 tCO2e/sf/yr by 2050."