EPA and NHTSA Open Public Comment Period for Reconsideration of Light Duty Emission Standards MY 2022-2025, Expand Review to Include MY 2021

Date: August 10th, 2017

Explanation: Regulatory action

Agencies: DOT, EPA, NHTSA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that they are opening public comment period on the reconsideration of the January 2017 Final Determination for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards for cars and light trucks for model years (MY) 2022-2025. EPA and NHTSA first announced their intent to revisit the standards on March 15, 2017.

EPA is also taking comment on whether the MY 2021 standards are appropriate.

Public comments will be accepted for 45 days after this announcement is published in the Federal Register.

Related action: On July 26, 2017, NHTSA issued a Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Model Year 2022–2025 Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards in which it stated that it may evaluate the model year 2021 standards it finalized in 2012. In today’s notice, EPA also requested comment on whether the corresponding light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas standards established for model year 2021 are appropriate.