Page 157: "The New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) should direct utilities, as appropriate, to implement programs that offer lower rates for or otherwise encourage off-peak charging and/or controlled, managed charging. The PSC should further examine the effectiveness of its per-plug incentive program to determine if it offers sufficient opportunities to reduce operating costs that support the near-term buildout of public and fleet charging infrastructure. It is important to make this type of charging more cost-effective when utilization is low, and the PSC should determine whether a change is necessary in the structure of demand chargers that is cost-based and nondiscriminatory. The PSC and NYSERDA should also consider how to maximize the value of ZEVs as grid-interactive assets and storage devices, which could potentially lower electric grid upgrade costs and generate revenue for ZEV owners. They should also consider whether any policy changes are required to enable these use cases. These changes will be relevant to both LDVs and MHD vehicles."