DOE Describes Regulatory Agenda in “Unleashing the Golden Era of American Energy Dominance” Order

On February 5, 2025, the Department of Energy issued a Secretarial Order outlining nine “initial actions” that describe the Department’s policy agenda. The Order argues, among other topics, that “[n]et-zero policies raise energy costs for American families and businesses, threaten the reliability of our energy system, and undermine our energy and national security,” and adds that “the Department’s goal will be to unleash the great abundance of American energy required to power modern life.” The Order further adds that the Department’s research and development efforts will prioritize fossil fuels, advanced nuclear, geothermal, and hydropower; that DOE will undertake a review its Appliance Standards Program; and that the Department will work to “identify and exercise its legal authorities to expedite the approval and construction of reliable energy infrastructure.”