DHS’s FY18 Budget Cut by Trump Administration

On May 23, 2017, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued President Trump’s proposal for the Budget of the U.S. Government for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018. The budget proposes significant cuts in funding for climate and other environmental research at various federal agencies. For example, funding for programs supporting climate and environmental research at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would be cut by eleven percent, compared to FY2017. Notably however, according to a 2018 report:

“[d]espite the overall negative outlook for DHS [research programs], the FY 2017 budget requests $11 million for four environmental research efforts, an increase of $4.4 million (66 percent) over FY 2017 enacted levels. These efforts include: (1) the Apex Flood program focused on flood disaster resilience and flood prediction; (2) the National Hurricane Technology program that develops decision support tools to increase responders’ understanding of forecasting uncertainties and potential impacts of storm surge, winds, and inland flooding; [and] (3) the Regional Resilience Assessment Technology Modernization effort to identify, develop, test and transition to operational use new tools to increase resiliency.”