Develop a zero-emissions vehicle market development strategy
- Date Due:
- Responsible Entity:
- Action:
- Summary:
- Status:
- Statute:
- 01/31/2023
- Develop a zero-emissions vehicle market development strategy.
- The New York state energy research and development authority, in consultation with the department, the department of economic development, the public service commission, the department of transportation, the department of motor vehicles, and other state agencies, local agencies and other interested parties, must develop a a zero-emissions vehicle market development strategy by January 31, 2023, and update the strategy every three years.
- Overdue
- Ch. 423 of 2021 adds Section 19-0306-b to the Environmental Conservation Law
Statutory Language:
3. The New York state energy research and development authority, in
consultation with the department, the department of economic
development, the public service commission, the department of
transportation, the department of motor vehicles, and other state
agencies, local agencies and other interested parties, shall develop a
zero-emissions vehicle market development strategy by January
thirty-first, two thousand twenty-three, and an update every three years
thereafter, that:
a. Ensures coordinated and expeditious implementation of the system of
policies, programs and regulations necessary to achieve the goals and
orders established by this section.
b. Outlines state agencies' actions to support new and used
zero-emissions vehicle markets for broad accessibility for all residents
of this state.