Develop standards for coastal hazards
- Date Due:
- Responsible Entity:
- Fire Prevention and Building Code Council
- Action:
- Develop standards for coastal hazards
- Summary:
- The Fire Prevention and Building Code Council must develop building maintenance and construction standards to address sea level rise, flooding, and other coastal hazards.
- Status:
- Statute:
- Ch. 831 of 2022
Statutory Language:
2–a. a. Standards for the construction of all buildings and for the condition, occupancy, maintenance, conservation, rehabilitation and renewal of certain existing buildings, structures and premises located on or near coastlines for the purposes of safeguarding life and property therein and thereabout from the hazards of sea level rise, flooding, saltwater corrosion, coastal or riparian erosion, storms, and other degradation that may arise out of characteristics of the coastal environment or structures located wholly or partially in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) designated (i) Special Flood Hazard Area according to FEMA's current flood insurance rate maps, or (ii) a Moderate Risk Flood Hazard Area according to FEMA's current flood insurance rate maps.
b. The standards in paragraph a of this subdivision shall (i) be developed to address future physical climate risk due to sea level rise, and/or storm surges and/or flooding, based on available data predicting the likelihood of extreme weather events, including hazard risk analysis data if applicable, and after consultation with the department of environmental conservation, and (ii) if appropriate, provide for regular inspection, and repair, as necessary, of the interior structural elements of buildings.