Determine GHG emissions per energy source
- Date Due
- Responsible Entity
- Action
- Summary
- Status
- Statute
- 01/01/2023
- Determine GHG emissions per energy source
- DOB must consult with the Advisory Board to promulgate rules with the amount of GHGs attributed to particular energy sources.
- Executed: DOB's final rule is available here.
- LL97 § 5 adds new Administrative Code Tit. 28. Ch. 3 § 28-320.3.1.1.
Statutory Language:
LL97 § 5: "§ 28-320.3.1.1 Greenhouse gas coefficient of energy consumption for calendar years 2024 through 2029. The annual building emissions of a covered building in accordance with this section, greenhouse gas emissions shall be calculated as follows for calendar years 2024 through 2029:
1. Utility electricity consumed on the premises of a covered building that is delivered to the building via the electric grid shall be calculated as generating 0.000288962 tCO2e per kilowatt hour, provided, however, that the department, in consultation with the office of long term planning and sustainability, shall promulgate rules governing the calculation of
greenhouse gas emissions for campus-style electric systems that share on-site generation but make use of the utility distribution system and for buildings that are not connected to the utility distribution system.
2. Natural gas combusted on the premises of a covered building shall be calculated as generating 0.00005311 tCO2e per kbtu.
3. #2 fuel oil combusted on the premises of a covered building shall be calculated as generating 0.00007421 tCO2e per kbtu.
4. #4 fuel oil combusted on the premises of a covered building shall be calculated as generating 0.00007529 tCO2e per kbtu.
5. District steam consumed on the premises of a covered building shall be calculated as generating 0.00004493tCO2e per kbtu.6. The amount of greenhouse gas emissions attributable to other energy sources, including but not limited to distributed energy resources, shall be determined by the commissioner and promulgated into rules of the department."
6. The amount of greenhouse gas emissions attributable to other energy sources, including but not limited to distributed energy resources, shall be determined by the commissioner and promulgated into rules of the department."