Conduct Climate Affordability Study
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- 2024-01-01
- Conduct Climate Affordability Study
- DEC and NYSERDA, in consultation with the Division of the Budget, the Department of Public Service, and the Department of Taxation and Finance, will conduct a study and issue a report with recommendations on how to best deliver funds allocated to the Consumer Climate Action Account (CCAA) as part of the New York Cap and Invest (NYCI) Program. The report will be guided by the final scoping plan prepared pursuant to section 75-0103 of the Environmental Conservation Law.
- EXECUTED: The final report was published on December 20, 2023.
- Public Authorities CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 9, § 1854
Statutory Language: Public Authorities CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 9, § 1854
26. Climate affordability study. The authority and the department of environmental conservation, in consultation with the division of the budget, the department of public service, and the department of taxation and finance, shall conduct a study and issue a report with recommendations for the use of moneys transferred to the consumer climate action account established pursuant to section ninety-nine-qq of the state finance law. Such report shall be guided by the final scoping plan prepared pursuant to section 75-0103 of the environmental conservation law and shall consider, among other things: (a) structure and distribution of benefits in an equitable manner, accounting for potential disproportionate impacts to low-income households and disadvantaged communities; (b) implementation of a variety of mechanisms to meet the varied needs of the people of the state, which may include direct payments, tax credits, transit vouchers, utility assistance, or other financial benefits that are reasonable and practicable; (c) financial benefits that ensure that individuals receiving means-tested government assistance receive benefits that will not constitute income for purposes of any such means-tested government assistance programs; and (d) benefit programs that limit the administrative effort required of recipients. Such study shall be completed by the first of January, two thousand twenty-four, and shall be delivered to the governor and the legislature.