Adaptation Plans

Alaska, USA

Note: In Alaska, Local Hazards Mitigation Plans (LHMPs) often include climate change adaptation measures.


“Alaska’s Climate Change Strategy: Addressing Impacts in Alaska.” Final Report Submitted by the Adaptation Advisory Group to the Alaska Climate Change Sub-Cabinet. 2010.


City of Koyukuk Local Hazards Mitigation Plan (2008)

City of Bethel Local Hazards Mitigation Plan (2008)

City of Emmonak Local Hazards Mitigation Plan (2008)

City of Homer Climate Action Plan (2007)

City of Kivalina Local Hazards Mitigation Plan (2007)

City of Kotzebue Local Hazards Mitigation Plan (2008)

City of Kaktovik Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (date unknown)

City of Newtok Local Hazards Mitigation Plan (2008)

Community of Nunam Iqua Local Hazards Mitigation Plan (2008)

City of Unalakleet Local Hazards Mitigation Plan (2008)


Provincial Plans:

“Climate Change Adaptation Planning: A Nunavut Toolkit.” Canadian Institute of Planners, 2011.

Climate Change and Transportation in the Northwest Territories.” Northwest Territories Department of Transportation, 2007.

“Northwest Territories Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Report.” Northwest Territories Environment and Natural Resources. 2008.

“Pan-Territorial Adaptation Strategy: Moving Forward on Climate Change Adaptation in Canada’s North.” Governments of Nunavut, Yukon and the Northwest Territories. 2010.


Community of Paulatuk, Northwest Territories: Climate Change Adaptation Plan (2011)

Community of Kugluktuk, Nunavut: Climate Change Adaptation Plan (2010)

Hamlet of Arviat, Nunavut: Climate Change Adaptation Plan (2010)

Hamlet of Clyde River, Nunavut: Climate Change Adaptation Plan (date unknown)

Community of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut: Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (2010)