Develop appropriate regulations and permit fees for geothermal wells

Develop regulations tailored to the unique environmental qualities and risks of geothermal wells greater than 500 feet, including financial security requirements and permit fee schedules

Page 204: "DEC should develop regulations for geothermal and stratigraphic wells to relieve some of the economic and time burden while still protecting the environment and public health from the risks associated with these well types. Remove the dollar amounts from ECL §§ 23-0305(8)(k) (FS for oil and gas) and 23- 0305(14)(f) (FS for geothermal wells) and allow DEC to establish financial security requirements in regulation as it does for mines. Remove the fixed dollar amount in ECL § 23-1903, which sets permit fees for regulated wells on a variable depth, per-well basis, and allow DEC to develop an appropriate permit fee schedule in regulation"