Consolidate energy storage permitting rules

Consolidate permitting rules for energy storage to ensure that it does not face double rules and unfair charges

Page 252: "The PSC and DPS should ensure that energy storage does not face double rules and unfair charges. The State should consolidate its permitting rules for energy storage so they can be evaluated in one process. Utility commissions should reexamine their tariffs on energy storage resources and ensure they are applied fairly. In March 2022, the PSC issued an order adopting new Standby Service and Buyback Service rates that included the adoption of a limited exemption from Buyback rates for standalone energy storage systems. This order will help to further develop and grow the energy storage market in New York that will be necessary to enable the State’s clean energy goals. The PSC also issued an order directing the utilities to file revised Buyback and Standby Service Tariffs, and those tariffs have been filed by the utilities."