Energy Facility Litigation Database

Energy Facility Litigation Database

The Sabin Center created an energy facility litigation database that contains a list of energy facility litigation spanning the years 2005 through 2011. It is organized according to energy facility type (e.g., coal, nuclear, natural gas, etc.). Within each energy facility type worksheet, the citation, jurisdiction, court, date, and facility location are identified for each listed case. Cases may be sorted on the basis of any of these criteria. The database permits a variety of search permutations.

Navigating the Database

The “filter” function has been turned on in each sheet of the database to enable searching for energy facility cases by jurisdiction, court, date, and facility location. If the filters do not appear in the database as downloaded from the website, it is possible to turn them on by opening the document in Excel. Simply save the file as an Excel sheet onto your desktop and open it. The filter option can be found in the “Data” tab of Microsoft Word 2007. To turn it on, highlight the row containing the category names (this will usually be row 1; press on the number to highlight the entire row) and click on the “Filter” icon. You will see down-arrows appear at the top of every column in the cell containing the category label. Clicking on the down-arrow will produce a drop-down menu from which the relevant search criteria can be selected.